Operations - Methods of Production Flashcards
List and describe the 3 Methods of Production
- JOB - product is made from start to finish before another one is made (labour intensive)
- BATCH - group of identical products are made at one time and move on to the next stage at the same time. (labour and capital intensive)
- FLOW - parts are added to a product as it moves along a production line until it is complete (capital intensive)
Give 3 advantages and disadvantages of Job production
* Customisation - increased customer satisfaction
* High prices can be charged
* Workers more motivated - variety of work and skills
* Slower production rate - orders can take a while
* Expensive - hiring highly skilled staff or tools
* Risk of human error - causes waste
Give 3 advantages and disadvantages of Batch production
* All products in the batch are identical - no quality differences
* Skilled staff not required for repetitive stages - saves costs
* Customisation avaliable to meet customer requirements - increased customer satisfaction
* Repetitive - demotivating for staff
* Mistake in one means mistake in all - wastage produced
* Workers and machines are idle if demand falls
Give 2 advantages and disadvantages of Flow production
* Huge quantity can be produced → cheaper for customers
* Machines can work 24/7 without breaks → faster production
* Reduces human error → less wastage
* Expensive - machinery must be maintained, costly to buy
* No customisation → premium price cannot be charged
* Machines breaking down means production is halted → unhappy customers
Describe 4 factors to consider when choosing a method of production
- Demand for product
- Actual product being made - can it be made by hand
- Cost of techology/machinery
- Avaliability of skills and labour
Define Labour Intensive production and Capital Intensive production
Labour Intensive - products are mainly produced by human workers
Capital Intensive - products are mainly produced by machines and robots.
Give 2 advantages and disadvantages of Labour intensive production
* Customised products are easier to make
* Less expensive machinery costs
* Humans can use their own initiative
* Quality of products can vary due to expertise of the worker
* Skilled workers take time to train
* Skilled workers will be paid more than unskilled workers
Give 3 advantages and disadvantages of Capital intensive production
* Less employee wages and costs
* Quality can be standardised
* Machines can work 24/7
* Difficult to customise orders
* Breakdowns in production → expensive
* Expensive → Machinery set up costs