operational II Flashcards
what makes COA
a product of JOPES
what is a COA
scheme adopted to accomplish a joint mission
conceal yourself
in charge o small craft. often functions as helmsman
depression in the earth made by explosion
creeping barrage
fire of all units remain in the same relative position which advances in 1 step line at the same time
fire line moves forward in step
creeping barage
crisis mangment
ritical asset
so essentially and of extrordinary imprtance that is incapacitiation would have debilitating effect on nation to continue to function effectively
critical capacity
crucial enabler for COG to function
critical item
esential item which is in short supply or extected to be.
essential resource which isn in short supply
critical item
criticality assessment
identify key assets and infrastructure to support critical ops/action of DOD
*looks at cost of recovery/reconstitution (time, money, culpability, infrastructure)
major turning point/change in direction of an opeation
critical point
critical mass
minimum amount of fissionable material capable of supporting a chain reaction under precise conditions
minimum amount of fissionable material capable fo supporting a chain reaction under precise conditions
critical mass
to explode the main charge of a mine by the shock of a nearby mine or independent explosive charge
large scale offense taken undertaken by the defense to seize the intitivative by teh attacking ofrce
decrease WMD
counterpreparation fire
intensive prearranged fire deliverd when imminent of the enemy attck is discoverd
*designated to back up enemy force and destroy the ir C2
secret challenge and resopnse
senior in-country leader on behalf of US. leads diplomatic mission
country team
coup de main
offensive operation that capitalizes on suprises and simultaenous execution fo supporting operatiosn to achieve success in stift
messenger who is responsible for secret physical/delivery
intended direction of movement in the horizontal plane
coordinated fire line
line beyond which conventional/direct surface fire support mews may fire at any time within boundaries of established HQ w/o additional coordination
purpose of coordinated fire line
expedited surface to surface targets beyond the coordinated fire line w/o coordination w/the ground commander in whose area targets are located
corner reflector (radar0
ohject that, by means of multipl.e reflectors, a smooth surface, provides a radar return of greater magnitude might be experienced from teh physical sisze of hte objective
cost plus fixe fee contract
negotiated fee doesn’t vary but actual cost adjusted as a result of changes in scope of work/services
mission offense/defense and attain/maintain a desired design of air supremacy
fire intended to destory/neutralize enemy fire
examples of counterintelligence
espoinoage, sabotage
counterintel op task authorities
level Ci specific to milops
production of coutnerI
analyze all-source information concerning espionage r/t threats
mil science that, by the employme nt of devices and/or techniquest ahs its objecive top oeprationsending
sending marines onshore
amphib assault
swift incursion by the marines
amphibious defense zone
*area encompassing the amphib objective area the adjourning airspace required by accompanying naval forces for the purpose of air defense
amphib demonstration
deceive the enemy by a show ofr force w/the expectation of deluding the enemy into following an unfavorable COA
amphibous ope
* lnding force op within littorals
amphib squadron
amphib squadron
amphibious task force
antisub warfare
op w/intervention to deny enemy effective use of submarines
analysis & production (intel)
conversion of processed info into intel via integration, eval, analysis, and interpretaation of all service data and prepare intel production in support of known/anticipated user requirements
approach schedule (amphib ops)
schedule if time of departure for each wave
defined area on an airfield intended ot accommmodate aircraft for purpose of laodign/unloading passengers or cargo, refueling, parking, or maintence
area of inflence
geo area when commander is directly capable of influencing ops by maneuver or fire support systems normal under commander’s C2
4 areas of___
two countries agree to control weapons
arms control
visual reconnaissance of limited/defined area
area search
arming weapon changing from a safe condition to a condition of readiness for initiation
assault (amphib ops)
period of time between arrival of the major assault force (ATF) in teh area of objective
assault follow on echelon
amphib ops
vehicle/logistics/resources not needed initially for assault but are needed later to support
vehicles/logistics/resources not needed initially for assault but are needed later to support
AFOE = assault follow on echelon
“sure we need scientists in academia but….”
also ned the min industry, gov, journalism, law, policy…
call up spot reports of UA
- location of threat
- est. time on site
- flight characteristics (loiter, hover, direction)
asset validation (intel)
the process used to determine the asset authenticity, reliability, vitilityk, suitability, degree of control
aka audience
last position occupied by the assault echelon before crossing the line of departure
attakc position
attack heading
inteceptor heading udirng hte attack phase that will achieve the desired track-crosing
A&N ops
“attack the network” ops
actions/ops against networks condutted continuously and simultaneously
*all levels (strategic/op/tactical) that capitalize on or crate key vulnerabilities and disrupt activiteis to eliminate the enemy’s ability to fucntion in order to establish success of the
security emasures to protect a communication system agaisnt fraud and verified right to acess
autonomous op (air defense)
mode of op assumed by a unit when it loses all communication w/higher eschelon force the unit commander to ass full responsibility for control fo wapons/engage hostile targeets
available to lode date
*time phaed force and deployment data when that unti will be ready to load at the point of emarkation
axis of advance
line of advance assigned for the purpose of central (often roads) or a designated series of locaitons extending in the direction of hteenemy
using reservists to replace deployed AD
ballistic missles
any missle that doesn’t rely on aerodynamic surface to produce life and consequently fall s in ballistic trajectory when trust is terminated
battle damage assessment
basic encyclopedia
compoliton of identified installations and pysical area of potential significance as objects of attack
base cluster
collection of bases geographically group for mutual protection and ease of C2
designated area on hostile shore that, when seized and held, ensures the continuosu landign of trrops/materials and provides maneuvger space for subsequent projected
ship publication listing op/admin porcedures
how do blood agents work
prevents normal tissue use of oxygen
od chit
small sheep of paper of US flag and message in several languages that promises the assisting the bearing to safety will be rewarded
bona fides (personnel recovery)
communication to establish a person is who they say they are if both people are unknown
communication to establish a person who is unknown to each other
bona fides (personnel recovery)
bottom mine
mine w/negative buoyance that remains on seabed
brevity code
code word which provides no security that srves the sole purpose of shortening messages not conceealing intent
browken stowage
space lost on the hold of a vessel b/c of the contour of the ship, dunnage, ladder, stanchions, and shape of the cargo
peace zone w/o hostilies
buvver zone
source of subsidence/supplies packaged to protect from exposure and hidden to support isolated personnel
to restric tops to a narrow zone use of existing or reinforcing obstacles
carrier air wing
carrier strike group
carrier control zone
extends 5 miles horizontal from carier extending up unless otherwise designated for ops
craft similar in design ot a barage but longer and narrower designed in the discharge an transport of cargo
unnamed day on which a deployed op commences or is to commence
unnamed day upon which an operation will commence
subordinate org formed around a specific process, capability, or activity within a larger org
source of power that provides moral/physical strength, freedom of action
centralized control
high up coordinates, plans, directs
radar confusion, reflections consists of the narrow metallic strips of varius lengths and frequency which are usd to reflect echos for conusions
can enter contracts on behalf of the USG
contracting officer
contracting officer
can enter contracts on behalf of the US mil under provisions of the Federal Acquisitions regulations
controlled passing
2 lanes of traffic traveling in opposite directions can transverse alternatively in a lane that only accommodates one at a time
optimization of contain ship space
open top, refirg, tanks, open rack, gondala, flattrack, other design
contingency operations
JOPES planining activities
contingency response program
additional # added to zip code
to assit w/routing and sorting
continuity of operations
how to stop continuous fire temporarily
“check fire”
“cease loading”
contour interval
difference in elevation between 2 adjacent
lines connect areas of similar elevation
10 classes of supplies
- equip
- petroleum/oil/lube
- construction material
- amunitoin
- personal items
- major end items (radar…)
- medical
- repair parts for equip managemnt
- nonstandard items like agriculture….
intent to assure seucirty an concelament
definition of close range ballistic misses
land based. up to 300nm
close air support
air action against hostile that are in close proximity to friendly forcuses
establishes CCDR
combatant commander
colored beach
portion of usuable coastline sufficient for assault landing
collective posture
current state of collection assets and reosurces to satisfy identified info requests