JMESI Flashcards
objective performance review in key functional activities
*safety & quality of care
college of american pathologists
accreditation for labs
CAP = College of amerian pathologists
National Committee on Quality Assurance
what is an organization requestion when it seeks accreditation
by seeking accreditation, a healthcare organization is asked to be measured against national standards
benefits of a healthcare organization being accredited
- improved pt care
- strengthens community confidence
- objectrive performance evaluation
- publically reported
- stimulates pt safety and improved quality
- education on good practices to improve operations
- aid in professional staff increases
does a healthcare organization have to be accredited?
accreditation is voluntary
Joint Commission visits
first visit is by invitation
rest are uninvited
2 characteristics of Joint Comission
not for profit
2 organizaitons affiliated w/Joint COmission
Joint Comission for Transforming Healthcare (aims to solve healthcare’s most critical safety and quality problems)
JOnt Comission Resources (provides consulting services, educaiton, and publicaitons)
Joint Comission for Transforming Healthcare
an organization affiliated w/Joint COmmission
*aims to solve halthcare’s most critical safety and quality problems
Joint Commission Resources
an organizaiton affiliated w/JOint COmission
provides consulting, education, and publications
process for Joint Comission surveys
Focused Standards Assesment
On-site survey
INtracycle MOnitoring
Focused Standards Assessment
Joint Commision
*hospital annual self-evaluation tool.
for every noncompliant standard, the hospital needs a POA (Plan of Action)
Focused Standards Assessment
hospital annual self-evaluation tool to gauge adherence to JOint Commission standards
what do you do if Joint COmission identifies a problem
for every noncompliant standard, the hospital needs a POA (plan of action)
how often does the JOint Comission do on-site surveys
how does the JOint COmission decide if a standard is in compliance
JC’s performance expectations for determining if a standard is in compliance are included in its elements of performance (EP)
EP (Joint comission term)
Elements of PErformance
*details specific performance expectations/structures/porcesses that must ibe in place for an organization to be in compliance t
what happens if the Joint Comission identifies a EP (element of performance) is out of compliance
if an EP is out of compliance, it is cited as a RFI (requirement for improvement)
RFI (joint commission term)
Required for Improvement
*aka, Joint Commission has identified an Element of Performance (EP) is not within standards
what does the Joint Commission do with RFI
each Required for Improvement is placed into the SAFER matrix to determine how likely it is to hurt pt/staff/visitors (low/mod/high) and how its scope/prevalence (limited/pattern/widespread)
Survey Analysis for Evaluating Risk
- Joint Commission tool used to create a matrix of Required for Improvement (RFI) deficiencies identified as not being within standards per EP (element of Performance)
- matrix = how likely it will hurt pt/staff/visitors (low, mod, high) and how its scope/prevalence (limited/pattern/widespread)
5 joint commission decisions
limited tempoary accredition accredited accredited w/follow up survey preliminary denial of accreditation denial of accreditation
limited tempoary accreditation (final ruling by JOint Commission)
1/5 possible Joint Commission decisions
surevy piroir to opening (Early Service POlicy option) w follow up 6 months later
accreditation (final ruling by Joint Comission)
compliance with all standards or has successfullly addressed all RFI addressed in Evidence of STandars COmpliance (ESC) within 60 days post the FInal Acfcreditation REport
accreditaion w/follow up survey (final ruling by the JOint COmmission)
1/5 possible Joint Commission decisions
*incomplete w/standards as determined by an acceptable ESC submission. needs 6 month follow up to assess sustained cimpliance
preliminary denial of accreditation (final ruling by the JOint COmmission)
false/misrepresented, immediate threat to safety/failure to meet standards w/follow-up survey
denial of accredition (final joint comission ruling)
all avilable review and appeal opportunities have been denied
who can access the Joint Commission’s Accreditation Survey findings
only the hospital
NOT public
purpose of the Accreditation Survey Findings
identifies streangths and RFI
what happens if the Joint Commission identifies a RFI
organization ahs 60 days to submit an Evidence of Car (ESC) reprot to address comments of RFI
what is an ESC (joint comission term)
ESC = evidence of care
- if RFI’s are found, an organizaiton has 60 days to submit an eESC to address teh RFI
- ESC report must detail actions taken to bring itself into compliance or clarify why they beieve they are in compliance
ORYX measures
flu immunization perinatal care ED visits tobaccao substance absuse inpt psych **initiative integrates performance measurement data intot he accreditation process
sentinel event
pt safety event that reaches the pt and results in death/harms/ permanent/tempoarty hardm to pt, d/c of pt to wrong family, abduction of pt, unanticipated death of full term infant, suicide while in round the clock care or within 72hrs of discharge from ED
when is suicide considered a sentinel event
suicide while in round-the-clock care or within 72hrs of hospital discharge
sentinel events & reporting to Joint Commission
optional but encouraged to report to JOint COmission
benefits of self-report: they offer support/experts review /woffice of quality and pt safety
**BUT if they do find out on their own that a sentinel event happened in an accredited hospital, the hospital needs to submit a systems analysis and corrective action plan to TJC within 45 buiness days
who can self-report sentinel events to JOint COmission
how should a hospital respond to Joint Commission
all sentinel events are reviewed by hospital but not needed to report to Joint Comission
*if TJC does become aware, the hospital needs to do a thorough systems analysis and corrective action plan within 45 buisness days and submit to TJC
comprehensive systems analysis
root cause analysis.
- focuses on systems & processes, not individual performance
- *done in the aftermath of a sentinel event
corrective action plan
post sentinel event
- identifies strategies the hospital needs to implement to decrease repetition after a sentinel event
- *needs: identifies actions to eliminate/control, casual/contributing factors, timeline for completion, strategies to sustain change,
goal of TJC sentinal event database
increases general knowledge of pt safety events, their contributing factors, stragehies to decrease
what does accredition challenge a healthcare organization to do
review healthcare delivery practices
2 things a healthcare organization needs s/p sentinel event
root cause analysis aka comprehensive systems analysis
action plan
accreditation for labs
CAP = COllege of American Pathologists
accreditation for ambulatory surgery/primary care/clinics/occupational health
AAAHC = Accreditation Association for Ambuatory Health Care
Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care
*accreditation for ambulatory survery, primary care, clinics, occupational health
4 main organizations who provide accreditation for healthcare organizations
ER/Inpatient Hospitals = TJC
Ambulatory Care/Clinics = AAAHC
Lab = CAP
Health plans = NCQA
accreditation for health plans
what does accreditation require
accreditation rewquires continuous process improvements = pathways to change
*well run health orgs live not just meet standards
aka process improvement
critical pathway
what is ORYX
TJC database that compiles standardized performance indicators
TJC self-tool for annual audits for hopsitals
Focused Standards Assessmebt