Operant Conditioning Flashcards
Operant Conditioning
Learning whereby the consequences of a voluntary action determines likelihood of future repetition
Three Phase Model
Stimulus that occurs before a response (environmental stimulus)
Voluntary response resulting from antecedent (response / action)
Result that indicates likelihood of that behaviour occuring again (outcome)
Any event that strengthens behaviour / response it follows
Role of Reinforcers
Positive: Adds desirable stimulus (e.g. getting A on test increases chances of studying)
Negative: Removes undesirable stimulus (e.g. avoiding sunburn increases behaviour of applying sunscreen)
Role of Punishers
Schedules of Reinforcement
Continuous Reinforcement: Reinforces behaviour each time it happens, establishing strong connection between behaviour and response
Partial Reinforcement: Reinforces once behaviour is established to strengthen the behaviour. Can be fixed or variable, and can be interval or ratio
Fixed and Variable Interval
Fixed-interval (predictable): Exact amount of time passes between each reinforcement (e.g. studying for weekly quiz)
Variable-interval (unpredictable): Varying amount of time passes between each reinforcement (e.g. checking emails)
Fixed and Variable Ratio
Fixed-ratio (predictable): Reinforcement occurs after an exact number of responses (e.g. free meal after 10 purchases)
Variable-ratio (unpredictable): Reinforcement occurs after a varying amount of responses (e.g. lottery)
Law of Effect
Key findings from Law of Effect
Law of Effect Procedure
Key findings from Skinner Box
Skinner Box Procedure