Classical Conditioning Flashcards
Classical Conditioning
Learning through acquisition between NS and UCS
Unconditioned Stimulus
Stimulus that automatically produces reflexive response
Unconditioned Response
Response resulting from UCS without prior learning
Neutral Stimulus
Any stimulus that produces non-conditioned response prior to learning
Conditioned Stimulus
Former NS that gains power to produce a response
Conditioned Response
Response elicited by previous NS that has become associated with UCS
Stimulus Generalisation
Tendency to respond to stimuli that are similar to an originally conditioned stimulus
e.g. Pavlov’s dog responding to whistle, not bell
Stimulus Discrimination
Tendency to only respond to original stimulus used to condition them
Diminishing (not complete elimination) of learnt response when UCS doesn’t follow a CS.
To reverse acquisition of CR through NS and UCS pairing, strength of connection must be weakened
Spontaneous Recovery
Response after a rest period of an extinguished CR
Weaker than original CR
Pavlov’s Dogs Procedure
Pavlov’s Dogs Variables
Pavlov’s Dogs Key Findings
Pavlov’s Dogs Limitations
Watson and Rayner’s Little Albert Aim
Watson and Rayner’s Little Albert Procedure
Watson and Rayner’s Little Albert Key Findings
Watson and Rayner’s Little Albert Limitations