One Child Policy Flashcards
One Child Policy
What benefits are people given for only having one child?
Longer maternity leave Better housing Free education Financial rewards Welfare benefits
One Child Policy
How many births have been prevented?
400 million
One Child Policy
What has the fertility rate dropped to?
From 5.7 to 1.8
One Child Policy
Why was the policy introduced?
During the 50s and 60s China’s population grew rapidly and was unsustainable - didn’t have enough food, water and energy to provide.
One Child Policy
What will a typical Chinese family have because of the policy?
2 parents and 4 grandparents (double if they get married)
One Child Policy
What does Chinese society traditionally prefer and what has this lead to?
Boys. Lead to baby girls being abandoned and left in orphanages.
One Child Policy
What is expected by 2020 in terms of male and female population?
Men in China will outnumber women by 30 million, which might lead to social tension as more men unable to get married.
One Child Policy
What is the economic impact due to an ageing population?
22% of Shanghai’s residents over 60 and is expected to rise to 34% by 2020. Means more financial support needed and expensive healthcare.
One Child Policy
What is the percentage of over 65s compared to working age?
Increasing rapidly from 10% in 2009 to 40% by 2050
One Child Policy
What do many experts fear?
China’s growing economy won’t have enough workers to keep expanding and supporting elderly. Number of young people starting work aged 20-24 will drop by half (2010-2020).
One Child Policy
When was the policy introduced?
One Child Policy
What did the government introduce to ease the policy?
No longer find out gender (red envelope) Ethnic minorities and rural populations can have more to work on farms Can pay for second child 2015 - can have two kids
One Child Policy
What are Little Emperors?
Spoilt boys, given everything - youth obesity becomes issue
One Child Policy
What impact has the policy had on crime?
Sexual crimes have increased as well as prostitution
One Child Policy
At what age can people get married?
One Child Policy
What pressures are put on the only child?
Expectation of better grades and no brothers or sisters
One Child Policy
Longer maternity leave Better housing Free education Financial rewards Welfare benefits
What benefits are people given for only having one child?
One Child Policy
400 million
How many births have been prevented?
One Child Policy
From 5.7 to 1.8
What has the fertility rate dropped to?
One Child Policy
During the 50s and 60s China’s population grew rapidly and was unsustainable - didn’t have enough food, water and energy to provide.
Why was the policy introduced?
One Child Policy
2 parents and 4 grandparents (double if they get married)
What will a typical Chinese family have because of the policy?
One Child Policy
Boys. Lead to baby girls being abandoned and left in orphanages.
What does Chinese society traditionally prefer and what has this lead to?
One Child Policy
Men in China will outnumber women by 30 million, which might lead to social tension as more men unable to get married.
What is expected by 2020 in terms of male and female population?
One Child Policy
22% of Shanghai’s residents over 60 and is expected to rise to 34% by 2020. Means more financial support needed and expensive healthcare.
What is the economic impact due to an ageing population?
One Child Policy
Increasing rapidly from 10% in 2009 to 40% by 2050
What is the percentage of over 65s compared to working age?
One Child Policy
China’s growing economy won’t have enough workers to keep expanding and supporting elderly. Number of young people starting work aged 20-24 will drop by half (2010-2020).
What do many experts fear?
One Child Policy
When was the policy introduced?
One Child Policy
No longer find out gender (red envelope) Ethnic minorities and rural populations can have more to work on farms Can pay for second child 2015 - can have two kids
What did the government introduce to ease the policy?
One Child Policy
Spoilt boys, given everything - youth obesity becomes issue
What are Little Emperors?
One Child Policy
Sexual crimes have increased as well as prostitution
What impact has the policy had on crime?
One Child Policy
At what age can people get married?
One Child Policy
Expectation of better grades and no brothers or sisters
What pressures are put on the only child?