olympic lifts- unit 4 Flashcards
why cant olympic lifts be done slowly?
because we need to do them powerfully! think with a deadlift how slowly we can go, but with a clean we have to do it quickly. we also cannot do alot of weight with olympic lifts. squats= 1000 lbs clean and jerk
what is the clean and jerk?
triple extension, can just do the clean or the jerk, bar must stay over ankle, have to move head out of the way. this movement should e taught in steps, not in one movement. slide up legs –> down in squat position with bar at chest–>stand up with bar at chest moving upward over head. the legs typically do a split position.
what is the difference between a push press and a jerk?
with a push press you hop at the top to get the bar up.
what is the snatch?
floor–> pull up to chest–> recieve the bar by tucking under it and going into a squat–> (bar should now be overhead and you are in the squat position) –> then stand up with the bar overhead
which exercise is the fastest mover? which pull is the fastest?
the snatch is the fastest, the second pull from the knees up is the fastest pull. the snatch also has a wider grip compared to the C & J.
describe strength and power
cannot have alot of power without producing force. cannot produce force without being strong. but we can be strong without being powerful. cannot be powerful without being strong.
what type of grip do we use with olympic lifts?
usually hook grip, straps sometimes so the grip not limiting.
what should the bars be like in olympic lifts?
the sleeves should rotate really freely. we do not want friction
what should the plates be like with olympic lifts?
we use thicker, wider, bumper plates because we slam them on the ground. it would be unsafe not to throw the bar at the end of the lift.
what type of surface should olympic lifts be done on?
want a lifting platform. wood usually. dont want rubber because it wil deform under you.
what type of volume do we want to do with olympic lifts?
low volume (reps/sets) we do not want to do it until exhaustion.
how do we spot olympic lifts?
WE DONT. we need to bail, and teach people how to bail
why is coaching so important in olympic lifts?
cues make a big difference. a good coach can see it with the naked eye.
do we use belts with olympic lifting?
not usually because their cores are so strong.
why do olympic lifts?
almost all athletes do these if they have any power component in their sport. we need direct force through the lower body, this is why even a golfer would need olympic lifts.