Ocular trauma Flashcards
What are some causes of ocular trauma
work related, assault, home environment, sports injury
what is the difference between perforating trauma and penetrating trauma
penetrating- doesn’t go all the way through
perforating- goes all the way though the eye
what parts of the eye should you definitely examine
lids, conjunctiva, cornea, iris, pupils, funds and anterior segment
\what are fluorescein drops used for
identify areas of epithelial loss
what is visual acuity
clarity of vision
what is th most common type of blowout fracture
what is uveitiis
inflammation of the uvea
what symptoms would you get with uveitis
itchy, red photophobic eyes
what is hyphaema
red blood cell accumulation in anterior chamber
what would retinal detachment look like?
retinal tear is detached from retina
what would a white line near the optic disk in a fundoscopy suggest?
choroid tear
what does commotio retinae mean
bruised retina
does commotio retinae require surgery?
nah- usually self resolving
what are common causes of lid lacerations
dog bites, machinery, DIY tools
what shape is a corneal alteration
tear shaped
what does seidels test distinguish
anterior chamber leakage in the cornea
what is sympathetic ophthalmia
penetrating injury to one eye causes auto immune reaction in both eyes= inflammation and potentially bilateral blindness
where would you find a sub tarsal body
underneath the eye lid
would you treat a sub tarsal foreign body with cloramphenicol
what imaging technique would you use for a penetrating foreign body
what are common materials to get stuck in cornea
if you suspected intra ocular foreign body, how would you test this
X ray
which is the most dangerous type of chemical burn- acids or alkali
can alkali burns penetrate into intra ocular structures
is acids easily penetrable in the eye?
why does gimbal ischaemia occur
no blood supply to sclera
what would be present in cornea vascualirsation
blood vessel formation into iris
what should you do in managing a chemical injury
quick history, check Toxbase, Check pH, irrigate***** then use slit lamp
what is the normal pressure that is in the yees