Ocular emergencies Flashcards
Corneal abrasion- Eti
Scratch of cornea
- Fingernail, paper, contacts
Corneal abrasion- Sx
- Severe pain
- Photophobia
Corneal abrasion- Dx
- Fluorescein
- RO foregin body
Corneal abrasion- Tx
- Bacitracin ointment
Temporal arteritis- Eti
- Systemic inflammation of medium & large vessels
- Pts > 50-65
- Assoc with polymyalgia
Temporal arteritis- Sx
- Jaw claudication
- HA, scalp tenderness
- Diplopia & monocular loss of vision
Temporal arteritis- Dx
- ESR increased
Temporal arteritis-Tx
Thermal burns- Eti
Thermal- Burn to lids, cornea & conjuntiva
Chemical- Acid or alkali, work related
Thermal burns- Sx
Thermal- Hyperemia- engorgement and increase in flow to vessels.
- Necrosis, edema & corneal haze
Chemical- Alkali more serious. Diffuse edema, ulcerations
Thermal burns- Tx
Thermal- Anesthetic, mydriatic agent. Good prog.
Chemical- Copious irrigation, buffering
Amaurosis fugax- Eti
- Transient monocular blindness
- Retinal emboli, occlsion, optic disc swelling
Amaurosis fugax- Sx
- Monocular loss of vision with complete recovery within mins
- Curtain effect- curtain passing across visual filed
Amaurosis fugax- Dx
- Tx underlying cause
Corneal/ conjunctival foreign body- Eti
- Foreign body in eye
Corneal/ conjunctival foreign body- Sx
- Have something in eye
- Consistant hx
- present on cornea or upper lid
- Rust ring if steel
Corneal/ conjunctival foreign body- Dx
- Test visual acuity
- Sterile flourescein
Corneal/ conjunctival foreign body- Tx
- Remove with sterile, wet application
- Bacitracin
- No eye-patch
- Steel- Excise affected tissue
Ocular trauma/ globe rupture- Eti
- Leading cause of monocular blindness
- Any type of trauma to orbit
- Forceful blow or corneal laceration
Ocular trauma/ globe rupture- Sx
- Irregular, displaced pupol
- Hyphema
- Contents spilling from globe
- Flattened anterior chamber
Ocular trauma/ globe rupture- Tx
- Light bandage & rigid shield
- Analgesics & abx
- Antiemetics
Intraocular foreign body- Eti
- Grinding or hammering
- Into eye through cornea
- Increased risk of intraocular infection
Intraocular foreign body- Sx
- Something hit eye
- marked loss in vision, opacity
Intraocular foreign body- Tx
- Abx, mydriatic, analgesics
Traumatic iritis/ Anterior Uveitis- Eti
- Autoimmune associated
- Trauma
- Intraocular inflammation of iris
Traumatic iritis/ Anterior Uveitis-Sx
- Photophobia
- Pain
- Distorded, miotic pupil
- Inflammatory cells and redness
Traumatic iritis/ Anterior Uveitis-Tx
- Mydriatic agents
- Steroids
Orbital fracture- Eti
Fracture of orbital floor
Orbital fracture- Sx
- Enopthalmos
- Hypotropia ( eye displaced downward)
- Diplopia
- Limited upward EOM
- Decreased sensation over maxilla
Orbital fracture- Tx
Analgesics, abx, eye patch
Orbital Cellulitis- Eti
- S. pneumo or H flu infection of paranasal sinus
Orbital Cellulitis- Sx
- Proptosis
- Restricted EOMs
- Swelling and lid redness
- Fever
Orbital Cellulitis- Tx
IV abx- prevent optic neuritis
- Penicillin
Orbital palsy- Eti
- Intracranial or intraoribal lesion
- Myasthnia gravis
- Graves
- CN 6- Intracranial pressure
Orbital palsy- CN 3- Sx
- Ptosis
- Depressed eye
- Dosent contract to light
- Lateral EOM intact, all others off
Orbital palsy- CN 4- Sx
Upward deviation of eye
Orbital palsy- CN 6- Sx
- Convergent squint
- Failure of ABduction
- Diplopia
Orbital palsy-Dx/Tx
- Refer
Periorbital contusion- Eti
- Contusion injury to eye and surrounding structures
Periorbital contusion- Sx
- Ecchymosis
- Lots of complications
Periorbital contusion- Tx
- Refer
- Danger of secondary hemorrhage- no aspirin