Ocean Zones Flashcards
The ocean can be categorized into different zones by depth. These zones in descending order are:
Epipelagic, Mesopelagic, Bathypelagic, Abyssopelagic, Hadalpelagic
The epipelagic zone distributes the heat from the sun vertically because:
Interaction with the wind keeps this layer mixed.
The thermocline is:
The decrease in temperature with depth.
The thermocline begins at the bottom of the _____ zone
The epipelagic zone extends from the surface to ___ meters.
The mesopelagic zone extends between 200 meters and ____ meters.
The mesolpelagic zone is also known as the twilight zone because:
Sunlight at this depth is very faint
The bathypelagic zone extends from 1000 meters to ___ meters.
The bathypelagic zone is also known as the midnight zone because:
The only light here (and deeper) comes from bioluminescence.
The abyssopelagic zone extends from 4000 meters to ___ meters.
The hadalpelagic zone extends from 6000 meters to ___ meters (the bottom of the Marianas Trench.)
The mesopelagic zone contains approximately __% of the world’s fish biomass.
Halocline is the change in ______ with depth.
The carbonate compensation depth is defined as:
The water depth at which the rate of supply of calcium carbonate from the surface is equal to the rate of dissolution.
Nautical charts denote depths in units of fathoms.About how many meters are equal to 100 fathoms?
183 meters
Most primary production occurs within the _______ zone.
The _____ zone is formally defined as the depths beyond which less than 1% of sunlight penetrates.
Which ocean zone contains over 75% of the totalvolume of the world’s oceans?
Pressure under water increases 1 atm every __ meters.
The demersal zone is located:
near the coast and at the seafloor
Open ocean is the _____ zone
The pelagic zone can be separated into different subzones by _____
The subzones, listed from shallowest to deepest, of the pelagic zone are:
The Epipelagic, Mesopelagic, Bathypelagic, Abyssalpelagic, and Hadalpelagic