OCD + PTSD Flashcards
Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders include…
- Hoarding
- Excoriation Disorder
- Body Dysmorphic Disorder
- Trichotillomania
Unwanted, repetitive, intrusive thoughts
- not excessive real-life concerns
- Causes distress and anxiety
Repetitive behaviours or mental acts that the person feels compelled to perform
- Meant to reduce anxiety or prevent dreaded event
- Disproportionate to obsessions they are trying to relive
- Can become ritualistic, and over time lose connection
- Some people are aware it is unreasonable
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Involving obsessions, compulsions, or both
- Must be highly time consuming and interfere with everyday living
- Rituals can become rigid: develop obsessions and compulsions about not performing them properly
Magical Thinking
Believe that partaking in behaviour wards off danger in a way that would make sense to most people
Behaviour loop of OCD
Obsessive thought - Anxiety - Compulsive Behaviour - Temporary Relief
Compare and contrast Tic disorder and OCD
- Sudden, short
- Fragmented movements
- Sensorimotor urges
- not related to anxiety
- involuntary
- waxing and waning
- also during sleep
- Ritualized
- Goal-directed
- Thoughts and imagninations
- Mostly related to anxitey
- Voluntary
- Waxing and waning
- Not during sleep
What is the heritability of OCD
What is the lifetime prevalence of OCD
0.93% in CAN
- similar across cultures and countries
- more prominent in white ethnic groups
- No gender bias
- More common to start in childhood
Therapies for OCD
- SSRIs - 50-80% of patients experience reductions in obsessions and compulsions
- CBT: Exposure and Response Prevention
Exposure and Response Prevention
- exposure to objects or situations that produce anxiety, obsessive fears, compulsive behaviours
- patients must resist compulsions
- Learn that: compulsions do not cause obsessions to do away, anxiety surrounding obsessions is unfounded
- Emotional attachment to random things - must keep
- Causes comfort not distress
- Dysfunctional - can be unsafe or interfere with basic activities
- 5% prevalence in the US
- more common as you get older
- may give belongings human characteristics
- Causes stress to get rid of stuff
- Compelled to pull hair from body
- most likely scalp or eyebrows
- Automatic, hard-time inhibiting (similar to compulsions)
- May be because its not sitting right way rather than automatic
- Embarrassment or shame when people see aftermath or after engaging in behaviour
Excoriation Disorder
- Picking at skin
- Can include healthy skin or imperfections
- multiple sites
- damages skin
- Embarrassment after engaging in behavior or when others notice
Body Dysmorphic Disoder
- Preoccupation with the belief that one has a particular defect or flaw in their appearance
- Perceived imperfection is imagined or greatly exaggerated
- Can severely limit contact with others, or eye contact
- Can cause people to go through great lengths to conceal the flaw - homebound, plastic surgery
- Will check appearance, pick flaws, compare to others, seek reassurance form others