Naturalistic observation
- Observation of behaviour in a natural setting
- Investigator does not interfere, just observes + records
Naturalistic observation EVA ADVANTAGE + DISADVANTAGE
+ High in ecological validity
+ Used to generate ideas for experimental research / validate experimental findings
- No manipulation of variables = cannot infer cause+effect
- Lack of control = no replication
- Ethical problems = invasion of privacy
Controlled observation
- Watching and recording behaviour within a structured environment
- i.e. one where some variables are managed
Controlled observation EVA ADVANTAGE + DISADVANTAGE
+ Replication is easy as less extraneous variables
- Cannot be applied to real life settings and low in ecological validity
Covert observation
- Participants behaviour is watched and recorded without their knowledge or consent
Overt observation
Participants behaviour is watched and recorded with their knowledge and consent
Participant observation
- The researcher becomes a member of the group whose behaviour he/she is watching and recording
Non-participant observation
- The research remains outside of the group whose behaviour he/she is watching and recording
Schedule of Observation is…?
- check list of exact behaviour researcher is looking for (usually based on pilot study) operationalise what we’re interested in + break it down into component parts it should be:
- objective – observer should not interfere – only record
- cover all possible behaviours
- categories of behaviour should be mutually exclusive – not overlap
continuous observation
every behaviour recorded in as much detail as possible.
continuous observation EVA ADVANTAGE + DISADVANTAGE
+ Possible if behaviour that researcher is interested in doesn’t happen often
- Practically not possible = too many behaviours happening too frequently
Systematic observation process + DISADVANTAGE
+ Event sampling= recording the number of times a certain behaviour occurs in a group
+ Time sampling = recording behaviours in a given time frame e.g. recording every 30 seconds
- Missing events if the time samples are not spread randomly throughout the day