Observation Flashcards
Research aim
The concept that the researcher wants to investigate
Research question
The question version of the aim, that the researcher is looking to answer
Coding frame
Tables that are used to record data within a structured observation
Behavioural categories
Certain behaviours the observer is looking out for and recording
Structured observation
-Has set behaviours the observer is looking out for
-Produces quantitative data
Structured observation advantages
-Creates quantitative data which is objective and easy to analyse
-Easy to conduct/less effort for observers to record
Structured observation disadvantages
-The coding frame may not include all displayed behaviours
-Lacks detail
Unstructured observation
-Has no pre-planned behaviours to look for
-Produces qualitative data
-Eg-Stanford prison experiment
Unstructured observation advantages
-Gets more detail
-Behaviours that weren’t expected can still be recorded by the observer
Unstructured observation disadvantages
-The data collected is more subjective
-Takes more time and effort for data to be recorded
Naturalistic observation
-An observation that is carried out in a participants typical environment
Naturalistic observation advantages
-High ecological validity
-People may be more likely to act naturally in their typical environment
Naturalistic observation disadvantages
-Could be extraneous variables from the environment
-It could be hard to see and record all the data based on the surroundings
Controlled observation
-An observation that takes place in a lab setting, manipulated by the researcher
-Eg-Milgram, Bandura
Controlled observation advantages
-Higher levels of controls over extraneous variables
-Easy to set up environment for ease of viewing behaviours