Grant et al (1998) Flashcards
Background to the study
-Context-dependent memory, where we recall information best in the context where it was learnt
-Godden and Baddeley diver experiment
-Smith-context-dependent memory for both recall and recognition
Aims of the study
Whether the kind of context dependency effect for recall of lists of words would also be seen in relation to meaningful academic prose
-8 researchers each recruited 5 people
-Age 17-56 (17F and 23M)
-One removed due to atypically low scores
Stage one procedure
-All wore headphones, either in silence or playing university cafeteria background noise
-Read a short two sided article on psychoimmunology
-Had a two minute break
Stage two procedure
-Test taken in either silence or noise, still wearing headphones
-Recall test-10 short answer questions
-Recognition test-16 multiple choice questions
Recall test findings
Recognition test findings
What was the key conclusion?
-Participants performed best in the matching conditions
-Supporting context dependent memory