objective 10.1 (2) NO Flashcards
greater fluid, electrolyte and heat loss
body surface area
increased- results in increased needs for protein and calories
basal metabolic rate
results in nutritional deficiencies occur when oral intake limited
muscle/fat content smaller
- Leading cause of accidental death between
1 and 4 years of age - Sometimes result of child abuse or neglect
- Most likely to occur in early morning house
before parents awaken and after school
what are the types of burns?
- Child should be assessed for entry and
exit lesions - Indicates path of electricity through
the body - Muscle damage can occur
electrical burn
what does the severity of burns depend on?
a.Area… what location affected
b.Extent… % total body surface area
c.Depth… partial vs full thickness (extent of destruction of
the skin)
only some of the skin layers damaged
partial thickness
burns are deeper more extensive and may need grafting
full thickness
superficial, epidermis layer only
skin is red but blanches on pressure
1st degree
what is the treatment for 1st degree burns?1
cold water
apply antimicrobial ointment
- Partial Thickness
- Epidermis and some dermis affected
- Sweat glands and hair follicles remain intact
- Skin looks blistered, moist, pink or red ++ painful
second degree burn
what is the treatment for second degree burns?
- Immerse in cold water
- Apply antimicrobial ointment (small areas), if large
proceed to deep dermal treatment
- Deep Partial Thickness
- Extends in the dermis- can become full
thickness with infection, trauma, or lack of
blood supply - Skin looks mottled, red, or dull white blisters
second degree (deep dermal)
what is the treatment of second degree deep dermal burns?
- Immerse in cold water
- Cover with sterile dressing or clean cloth to
prevent contamination and decrease pain. - Do not break blisters
- Full thickness (Some muscle)
- Sub-dermal involves entire skin and all its structures
- Nerve endings, sweat glands, hair follicles are destroyed
- Skin looks tough, leathery, black, dry, does not blanch or
refill - Painless to touch – death of tissue
3rd degree
- Bone and muscle
- All skin and nerve endings destroyed
- Appearance blood vessels and bone may be visible
- Necrosis occurs
4th degree
what is the treatment for 3rd and 4th degree burns?
- Immerse in cold water to halt the burning
process or roll in a blanket or sterile
dressing - Go straight to Emerg
- Skin graft may be warranted
what are the 6 C’s of burn care?
- Clothing
- Cooling
- Cleaning
- Chemoprophylaxis
- Covering
- Comforting(pain relief)
what is the emergency care of burns?
Stop the
Evaluate the
Cover the
Transport to
what is nursing care of the burned child?
- Hospitalization
- Protective Isolation
- All instruments that come into contact must be sterile
- Assess for infection
- Assess for pain analgesic prior to dressing changes
- Frequent feedings high in protein, calories and iron are
prescribed - Emotional support
what is emergency care for burns?
Establish an Airway
Cyanosis, singed nasal hair, charred
lips, and stridor are indications that
flames may have been inhaled
An endotracheal tube may be
inserted to protect the airway
Establish an intravenous line
Obtain blood and other body fluids for
laboratory testing
A nasogastric tube may be inserted to
empty stomach and prevent