objective 10.1 (1) NO Flashcards
what is the function of skin?
Main function is protection
Acts as body’s first line of defense
against disease
Prevents passage of harmful physical
and chemical agents
Prevents loss of water and
Can regenerate and repair itself
Along with the central nervous
system, there are four basic skin
Pain, Temperature, Touch, Pressure
Secretes sebum
Surface of skin is acidic
Protects from pathological
may be congenital or a manifestation of systemic disease
skin condition
is an important diagnostic criterion in certain diseases
skin color
can be used to diagnose allergies
skin tests
elevated, fluid-filled blister
elevated area
elevated, pus filled
raised red, irregular
black and blue-purple marks
White pinpoint “pimples”
caused by the obstruction
of sebaceous glands
* Seen on nose & chin
* Disappear within a few
a rash caused by exces body heat and moisture. There is retention of sweat in the sweat glands, which have become blocked or inflamed. Appears suddenly as tiny, pinhead-sized, reddened papules with occasional clear vesicles. The eruption is most often induced by hot, humid weather, but it may also be caused by high fever
inflammation of the skin that involves the sebaceous glands (Fig. 30.5). Thick, yellow, oily, adherent, crustlike scales on the scalp and the forehead characterize this condition. The skin beneath the patches may be red (erythematous).
seborrheic dermatitis
a commonly seen condition that results from prolonged contact of the skin to a mixture of urine and feces. The urine increases the pH of the skin, resulting in increased sensitivity to fecal enzymes. If the skin remains moist inside the soiled diaper, the skin may become more likely to develop a Candida albicans infection. The rash of simple diaper dermatitis may appear as an erythema (redness); however, a beefy red rash in the diaper area may be indicative of a Candida (thrush) infection and necessitates prompt treatment
diaper dermatitis
a dermatitis that occurs in the folds of the skin (Fig. 30.4). The patches are red and moist and are usually located along the neck and in the inguinal and gluteal folds. Urine, feces, heat, and moisture aggravate this condition.
- Inflammation of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles
- Sebaceous follicles enlarge at puberty
- Secrete increased amounts of sebum (a fatty substance)
- Comedo is a plug of keratin, sebum, or bacteria
- Open—blackhead
- Closed—whitehead, responsible for the inflammatory process of acne
acne vulgaris
Viral infection
Cold sore, fever blister
Feeling of tingling, itching or burning initially.
Erupt with vesicles, then pustules & then Crust
Heals spontaneously 8-10 days
Spreads easily especially in initial stages by
direct contact
Virus lays dormant in body so reoccurrence
Topical Acyclovir
DO NOT pick at lesions
herpes simplex
is an inflammation of
genetically hypersensitive skin
* Exact cause unknown, could be
related to allergies and family Hx of
* Rarely seen in breastfed infants until
they begin to eat additional food
* It is a symptom rather than a disorder
* Worse in winter
atopic dermatitis
- Can be caused by staphylococci or group A
beta-hemolytic streptococci - Newborns susceptible because resistance
to skin bacteria is low - Very contagious
- Treatment is either oral or parenteral
head lice
pediculosis capitis
body lice
pediculosis corporis
pubic lice
pediculosis pubis
alopecia, caused by parasite
tinea capitis
oval scaly inflammed ring with clear center
tinea corporis
lesions are between toes, on instep and soles
tinea pedis
jock itch
tinea cruris
- Parasitic (female itch mite) that burrows under skin and lays
eggs, especially between fingers - Burrows contain eggs and feces (from the mite)
- Itching is intense, especially at night
- may occur anywhere on the body but is seldom
seen on the face and thrives in moist body folds - Spread by close personal contact; so contact isolation
precautions should be implemented - Treatment is the application of permethrin (Elimite)
- All family members, including the home and car, require