Object Pronouns Part 2 Flashcards
What does l’imparfait describe?
The imperfect (l’imparfait) is a past tense used to describe continuous or habitual past actions or states. It is also used for descriptions in the past.
What are the imparfait endings?
To form the imparfait, drop the -ons ending from the nous form of the present tense (regular and irregular verbs), and add the endings -ais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient.
Present tense
Imparfait and meaning
Nous dansons Nous dansions (we were dancing)
Present tense
Imparfait and meaning (Ils/elles)
Nous faisons Ils faisaient (they used to do, make)
Present tense
Imparfait and meaning (tu)
Nous choisissons Tu choisissais (You were choosing)
Present tense
Imparfait and meaning (je)
Nous répondons
Je répondais (I answered)
Present tense
Imparfait and meaning (vous)
Nous pouvons Vous pouviez (you were answering)
For verbs ending in -ger what do you need to do?
For verbs ending in -ger, insert an -e- before the ending when the ending starts with the letter -a or -o
Present: Nous mangeons
Imparfait: Nous mangions
-Ils maneaient
For verbs ending in -cer what do you need to do?
For verbs ending in -cer, change -c- to -ç- before -a or -o. Four imparfait endings start with -a.
Present: Nous commençons
Imparfait: Nous commencions
Ils commençaient (we were starting)
How are imparfait formed for all the verbs? How do they respond to reflexive and object pronouns? Negatives and interrogatives?
All conjugations, except for the verb être, are formed in the same way. Reflexive and object pronouns are placed as they are in the present tense; negatives and interrogatives also follow pres- ent tense patterns.
The irregular imperfect stem of être is…
Je Tu Il Nous Vous Ils
Je parlais Tu parlais Il parlait Nous parlions Vous parliez Ils parlaient
Je Tu Il Nous Vous Ils
Je finissais Tu finissais Il finissait Nous finissions Vous finissiez Ils finissaient
Je Tu Il Nous Vous Ils
J’attendais Tu attendais Il attendait Nous attendions Vous attendiez Ils attendaient
Je Tu Il Nous Vous Ils
J’étais Tu étais Il était Nous étions Vous étiez Ils étaient
Imparfait meanings je parlais and nous étions?
The imparfait has several equivalents in English. Je parlais can mean I talked, I was talking, I used to talk, or I would ( used to) talk. Nous étions can mean we were or we used to be.
À dix heures, je t’attendais au coin.
At ten o’clock, I was waiting for you at the corner
Autrefois, nous ne nous écrivions pas.
In the past, we didn’t write to each other
Où habitiez-vous en 1995? —En 1995, j’avais un petit appartement à Paris.
Where were you living in 1995? —In 1995, I had a small flat in Paris.
Il était rue du Terrage.
It was on rue du Terrage
J’allais chez ma tante le dimanche.
I used to go to my aunt’s on Sunday
Nous faisions la cuisine ensemble.
We’d cook together.
How is imparfait used?
- ) In description, to set a scene
- ) Fo habitual or customary past actions
- ) To describe feelings and mental or emotional states in the past
- ) To tell time of day or to express age in the past
- ) To describe an action or situation that was happening when another event (usually in the passé composé) interrupted it
In descriptions, to set a scene
C’était une soirée tranquille. Dehors, il neigeait et il faisait froid. Mme Dupont lisait un roman; M. Dupont regardait un DVD. Fido se reposait devant le feu.
It was a peaceful evening. Outside, it was snowing and it was cold. Mme Dupont was reading a novel; M. Dupont was watching a DVD. Fido was resting in front of the fire.
For habitual or customary past actions
Quand j’étais jeune j’allais chez mes grands-parents en été. Nous nous amusions toujours très bien. Tous les soirs on faisait de belles promenades sur la plage.
When I was young I used to (would) go to my grandparents’ place in the summer. We always had a very good time. Every evening we used to (would) take lovely walks on the beach.
To describe feelings and mental or emotional states in the past
Jean-Charles était mécontent; il avait envie de laisser tomber ses études
Jean-Charles was unhappy; he wanted to drop his studies
To tell time of day or to express age in the past
Il était sept heures et demie. C’était l’anniversaire d’Iris; elle avait dix-huit ans
It was seven-thirty A.M. It was Iris’s birthday; she was eighteen years old.
To describe an action or situation that was happening when another event (usually in the passé composé) interrupted it
Il prenait sa douche quand j’ai sonné
He was showing when I rang the bell