Er Verbs: Irregular Present Tense Flashcards
Which is the irregular conjugation of commencer and what does it mean?
To begin
Nous commençons
To throw, launch
*Nous lançons
To announce
Nouse annonçons
To advance
Nous avançons
To denounce
Nous dénonçons
To divorce
Nous divorçons
To force
Forcer (à)
To threaten
Nous menaçons
To pierce
Nous perçons
To place
Nous plaçons
To pronounce
Nous prononçons
To replace
Nous remplaçons
To trace (out)
Nous traçons
Which is the irregular conjugation of manger and what does it mean?
Nous mangeons and it means “To eat”
To demand
Nous exigeons
To arrange
Nous arrangeons
To move
Nouse bougeons
To change
Nous changeons
To correct
Nous corrigeons
To free, release
Nous dégageons
To direct
Nous dirigeons
To exchange
Nous échangeons
To hire
Nous engageons
To question
Nous interrogeons
To judge
Nous jugeons
To live (somewhere)
Nous logeons
To mix
Nous mélangeons
To swim
Nous nageons
To snow
Nous neigeons
To oblige;to force
Obliger (à)
Nous obligeons à
To share
Nous partageons
To dream; to think of, about
songer (à)
Nous songeons
To travel
Nous voyageons
To buy
•Why is it special
J’achète Tu achètes Il/elle/on achète Nous achetons Vous achetez Ils/ellse achètent
*E in word before er gets accent grave è except in nous and vous form
To raise, lift
*E in word before er gets accent grave è except in nous and vous form
To finish
Achever (de)
*E in word before er gets accent grave è except in nous and vous form
To bring
*E in word before er gets accent grave è except in nous and vous form
To erect; to raise
*E in word before er gets accent grave è except in nous and vous form
To lead away
*E in word before er gets accent grave è except in nous and vous form
To remove
*E in word before er gets accent grave è except in nous and vous form
To freeze
*E in word before er gets accent grave è except in nous and vous form
To get up, stand up
Se lever
*E in word before er gets accent grave è except in nous and vous form
To lead, guide
*E in word before er gets accent grave è except in nous and vous form
To weigh
*E in word before er gets accent grave è except in nous and vous form
To walk (e.g. the dog)
*E in word before er gets accent grave è except in nous and vous form
Se promener
To take a walk, a drive
*E in word before er gets accent grave è except in nous and vous form
To lift (up)
*E in word before er gets accent grave è except in nous and vous form
To prefer
•explanation for irregularity
Je préfère Tu préfères Il préfère Nous préférons Vous préférez Ils préfèrent
Verbs with an -é- (acute accent) in the syllable before the -er infinitive end- ing (préférer, céder) change the -é- to -è- (with a grave accent) in forms where it occurs in the final sounded syllable.
The verb ending after -è- is unsounded. Therefore, this spelling change does not apply to nous or vous forms, or to the infinitive.
To yield, give in
•explanation for irregularity
Je cède Tu cèdes Il cède Nous cédons Vous cédez Ils cèdent
Verbs with an -é- (acute accent) in the syllable before the -er infinitive end- ing (préférer, céder) change the -é- to -è- (with a grave accent) in forms where it occurs in the final sounded syllable.
To celebrate
Verbs with an -é- (acute accent) in the syllable before the -er infinitive end- ing (préférer, céder) change the -é- to -è- (with a grave accent) in forms where it occurs in the final sounded syllable.
To complete
Verbs with an -é- (acute accent) in the syllable before the -er infinitive end- ing (préférer, céder) change the -é- to -è- (with a grave accent) in forms where it occurs in the final sounded syllable.
To consider
Verbs with an -é- (acute accent) in the syllable before the -er infinitive end- ing (préférer, céder) change the -é- to -è- (with a grave accent) in forms where it occurs in the final sounded syllable.
To hope to
Verbs with an -é- (acute accent) in the syllable before the -er infinitive end- ing (préférer, céder) change the -é- to -è- (with a grave accent) in forms where it occurs in the final sounded syllable.
To exaggerate
To worry
Verbs with an -é- (acute accent) in the syllable before the -er infinitive end- ing (préférer, céder) change the -é- to -è- (with a grave accent) in forms where it occurs in the final sounded syllable.
To penetrate
Verbs with an -é- (acute accent) in the syllable before the -er infinitive end- ing (préférer, céder) change the -é- to -è- (with a grave accent) in forms where it occurs in the final sounded syllable.
To own, possess
Verbs with an -é- (acute accent) in the syllable before the -er infinitive end- ing (préférer, céder) change the -é- to -è- (with a grave accent) in forms where it occurs in the final sounded syllable.
To repeat
Verbs with an -é- (acute accent) in the syllable before the -er infinitive end- ing (préférer, céder) change the -é- to -è- (with a grave accent) in forms where it occurs in the final sounded syllable.
To show, reveal
Verbs with an -é- (acute accent) in the syllable before the -er infinitive end- ing (préférer, céder) change the -é- to -è- (with a grave accent) in forms where it occurs in the final sounded syllable.
To suggest
To call; to name
J’appelle Tu appelles Il appelle Nous appelons Vous appelez Ils appellent
- Present tense forms of verbs with infinitives ending with -eler or -eter dou- ble the consonant (l or t) when the conjugated verb ending contains a mute e. This change does not occur in the present tense nous and vous forms of appeler and jeter.
To throw (away)
Je jette Tu jettes Il jette Nous jetons Vous jetez Ils jettent
- Present tense forms of verbs with infinitives ending with -eler or -eter dou- ble the consonant (l or t) when the conjugated verb ending contains a mute e. This change does not occur in the present tense nous and vous forms of appeler and jeter.
To spell
- Present tense forms of verbs with infinitives ending with -eler or -eter dou- ble the consonant (l or t) when the conjugated verb ending contains a mute e. This change does not occur in the present tense nous and vous forms of appeler and jeter.
To plan, to project
- Present tense forms of verbs with infinitives ending with -eler or -eter dou- ble the consonant (l or t) when the conjugated verb ending contains a mute e. This change does not occur in the present tense nous and vous forms of appeler and jeter.
To recall; to call again; to remind
- Present tense forms of verbs with infinitives ending with -eler or -eter dou- ble the consonant (l or t) when the conjugated verb ending contains a mute e. This change does not occur in the present tense nous and vous forms of appeler and jeter.
To be named, be called
- Present tense forms of verbs with infinitives ending with -eler or -eter dou- ble the consonant (l or t) when the conjugated verb ending contains a mute e. This change does not occur in the present tense nous and vous forms of appeler and jeter.
Se rappeler
To remember
- Present tense forms of verbs with infinitives ending with -eler or -eter dou- ble the consonant (l or t) when the conjugated verb ending contains a mute e. This change does not occur in the present tense nous and vous forms of appeler and jeter.
To reject; to throw back
- Present tense forms of verbs with infinitives ending with -eler or -eter dou- ble the consonant (l or t) when the conjugated verb ending contains a mute e. This change does not occur in the present tense nous and vous forms of appeler and jeter.
To renew; to renovate
- Present tense forms of verbs with infinitives ending with -eler or -eter dou- ble the consonant (l or t) when the conjugated verb ending contains a mute e. This change does not occur in the present tense nous and vous forms of appeler and jeter.
To send
J’envoie Tu envoies Il envoie Nous envoyons Vous envoyez Ils envoient
*Verbs with infinitives ending in -yer change -y- into -i- before a mute e in a conjugated verb ending. This spelling change does not occur in the nous and vous forms.
To try
J’essaie Tu essaies Il essaie Nous essayons Vous essayez Ils essaient
*Verbs with infinitives ending in -yer change -y- into -i- before a mute e in a conjugated verb ending. This spelling change does not occur in the nous and vous forms.
To bark (dog)
*Verbs with infinitives ending in -yer change -y- into -i- before a mute e in a conjugated verb ending. This spelling change does not occur in the nous and vous forms.
To lean on; to support; to press on
Appuyer (sur)
*Verbs with infinitives ending in -yer change -y- into -i- before a mute e in a conjugated verb ending. This spelling change does not occur in the nous and vous forms.
To use
*Verbs with infinitives ending in -yer change -y- into -i- before a mute e in a conjugated verb ending. This spelling change does not occur in the nous and vous forms.
To bore; to annoy
*Verbs with infinitives ending in -yer change -y- into -i- before a mute e in a conjugated verb ending. This spelling change does not occur in the nous and vous forms.
To wipe; to undergo; to suffer
*Verbs with infinitives ending in -yer change -y- into -i- before a mute e in a conjugated verb ending. This spelling change does not occur in the nous and vous forms.
To clean
*Verbs with infinitives ending in -yer change -y- into -i- before a mute e in a conjugated verb ending. This spelling change does not occur in the nous and vous forms.
To be/get bored
*Verbs with infinitives ending in -yer change -y- into -i- before a mute e in a conjugated verb ending. This spelling change does not occur in the nous and vous forms.
To pay, to pay for
*Verbs with infinitives ending in -yer change -y- into -i- before a mute e in a conjugated verb ending. This spelling change does not occur in the nous and vous forms.
The French verb payer (to pay for) is followed immediately by a direct object; there is no equivalent of the English for: Je paie mon repas en es- pèces. (I pay for my meal in cash.)