Direct Objects and Indirect Objects Flashcards
What are direct objects are
Direct objects are nouns that receive the action of a verb. They usually answer the question quoi? (what?) or qui? (whom?).
In the English sentence Jennifer buys a car, a car is the direct object of the verb buys. Direct object pronouns replace direct object nouns: Jennifer buys it. In French, the direct object pronoun is placed before the conju- gated verb form.
- ) Je le lis (I read it)
1a. ) Je lis le mail (I read the e-mail)
1b. ) Je lis l’article (m) (I read the article)
1c. ) Je lis le journal (I read the paper) - ) Je la regarde (I watch [look at] it)
2a. ) Je regarde la télé (I watch television)
2b. ) Je regarde l’étoile (f) (I look at the star)
2c. ) Je regarde la lune (I look at the moon)
Direct objects Singular •Me •you •him, it •her, it
Plural •us •you •them •them
Direct objects Singular •Me (me/m’) •you (te/t’) •him, it (le/l’) •her, it (la/l’)
Plural •us (nous) •you (vous) •them (them) •them (them)
What third person singular and plural direct objects replace the nouns
Third-person direct object pronouns agree in gender and number with the nouns they replace.
•le (l’) replaces a masculine singular noun
•la (l’) replaces a feminine singular noun
•les replaces any plural noun
*Vous retrouvez Luc et Sophie? (Are you meeting Luc and Sophie?)
Oui, nous les retrouvons à midi. (Yes, we’re meeting them at noon)
*Roger commande la crème brûlée? (Is Roger ordering the crème brûlée?)
Oui, il la commande. (We, he’s ordering it)
Direct object for me, you, him, and her
Me, te, le, and la become m’, t’, and l’ before a vowel or a mute h. In the case of l’, context reveals the antecedent (the noun it replaces).
- Je l’achète (I’m buying it)
- Paul t’aime bien (Paul likes you)
- La science m’intéresse beaucoup (Science interests me a lot)
What happens if the direct onject pronoun is the object of an infinitive
If the direct object pronoun is the object of an infinitive, it precedes the infinitive.
- Elles vont prendre le métro (They are going to take the metro)
- Elle vont le prendre (They’re going to take it)
Where does the direct object go in the negative
In the negative, the direct object pronoun precedes the verb form of which it is the object.
1a. ) Tu ne regardes pas la télé (You don’t watch TV)
1b. ) Tu ne la regardes pas (You don’t watch it)
2a. ) Je ne vais pas acheter le gâteau (I’m not going to buy the cake)
2b. ) Je ne vais pas l’acheter (I’m not going to buy it)
Direct objects pronouns also
Direct object pronouns also precede voici (here is/are) and voilà (there is/ are). Voici and voilà are used to present or point out people or objects.
There he (it) is!
Le voilà!
Here I am!
Me voici!
What are indirect object nouns
Indirect object nouns and pronouns usually answer the questions to whom? or for whom? Indirect objects refer to persons, sometimes to pets. In English, the word to is often omitted: I give the gift to Josette. I give Josette the gift.
What is used before an indirect object noun
In French, the preposition à (occasionally pour) is used before an indi- rect object noun. If a sentence has an indirect object noun, it usually also has a direct object.
- Tu montres les photos aux voisins? (You’re showing the photos to the neighbors?)
- On achète un foluard pour Tante Simone? (Are we buying a scarf for Aunt Simone?)
Verbs that only use indirect object
- parler à (to talk to)
- téléphoner à (to call, phone)
- répondre à (to answer)
Indirect object pronouns replace
Indirect object nouns. Like the equivalent nouns, they refer only to persons.
Indirect objects Singular •(To/for) me •(To/for) you •(To/for) him/her (m,f)
•(To/for) us
•(To/for) you
•(To/for) them (m,f)
Indirect objects Singular •(To/for) me= me/m’ •(To/for) you= te/t’ •(To/for) him/her (m,f)= lui
•(To/for) us= nous
•(To/for) you= vous
•(To/for) them (m,f)= leur
What happens to -e when combined with (m’,t’)
As usual, the letter -e is dropped (m’, t’) before a vowel or a mute h.
- Dorothée m’envoie deux mails par jour.(Dorothée sends me two e-mails a day.)
- Je t’offre une semaine de vacances.(I’m offering you a week of vacation.)
Where is the indirect object pronoun in the sentence
The indirect object pronoun is placed before the conjugated verb. If the verb is followed by an infinitive, the indirect object pronoun precedes the infinitive.
- Je lui prépare deux gâteaux délicieux. (I’m preparing two delicious cakes for him/her.)
- Tes parents? Marc veut bien leur répondre. (Your parents? Marc is willing to answer them.)
What happens to the indirect object pronoun in a negative sentence
In the negative, the pronoun precedes the verb of which it is the object. The negative construction surrounds the verb being negated.
- Elle ne lui téléphone pas (She does not phone him)
- Elle ne va pas lui écrire (She’s not going to write him)