OBGYN Flashcards
duration until effective contraception
duration until effective contraception POP
Levonorgestrelm norethisterone, ethynodiol diacetate , desogetrel
duration until effective contraception IUS
7 days
duration until effective contraception COC
7 days
duration until effective contraception injection + implant
7 days
depo provera- medroxyprogesterone acetate 150mg im every 12-14 wks
What type of contraception Nexplanon + duration until effective contraception achieved
IUS + 7days
youngest age for consent- contraception
Choice of contraception in young pts
Progesterone only implant Neplanon
Increase risk/ SE of COCP
VTE, increased risk breast and cervical cancer
small risk MI + strokes
What risk decreased using COCP
ovarian cancer
which drug decreases efficacy of COCP
St John’s Wart
CYP450 inducers
which contraceptive method in pt with migraine
Copper IUD
> 35 yrs old + smoking >15 cig
migraine with Aura
Hx VTE/ thombogenic mutation
Hx stroke or IHD
breast feeding <6wks postpartum
uncontrolled HTN
current breast cancer
when to discontinue COCP before surgery
Before maj sugery 4wks
Progestogen only contraceptive may be offered
Emergency Contraception, when to take it
(POP) Levonorgestrel within 72hr
Ulipristal within 120hrs
IUD within 5day OR if after 5d-> after 5d likely ovulation date
CI depo provera + SE ass
Breast cancer
weight gain
When can you start postpartum contraception
after 21d
Which contraception CI postpartum
COCP-> if breast feeding <6 wks
Most common ovarian cyst
follicular cyst
which cyst aka chocolate cyst
endometriotic cyst
most common ovarian cancer
serous carcinoma
most common Benign ovarian tumour + what risk it increases
Dermoid cyst + increases risk of torsion
most common benign epithelial ovarian tumour
serous cystadenoma
The mucinous cystadenoma
HTN in pregnancy
HTN after 20GW
SBP >140 or dBP >90 or increase above booking reading of >30SBP, >15 DBP
Mx HTN in pregnancy- 1st and 2nd line
po labetalol FIRST line
2nd line: Nifedipine + hydralazine if asthmatic
Aspirin low dose 12-14GW till delivery reduce risk of pre-eclampsia
Definition of pre-clampsia
- new onset HTN 140/90 after 20GW AND one of
2a. proteinuria 0.3g/24hr= 300mg or protein: creatinine ratio 30mg/mmol
2b. renal insufficiciency Cr >90umol/L, liver, neuro, haematological, uteroplacental dysfunction
When to admit pt with pre-clampsia
BP >160/110
- BP >140/90 + 2. proteinuria or end stage organ dysfunction
- seizure
Mx elcampsia
- MgSO4
iv bolus 4g 5-10min follow by infusion 1g/hour - emergency C-section
MgSO4 induced resp depression mx
iv Ca-gluconate
most common cause of post-coital bleeding
cervical ectropion
which contraceptive method ass with weight gain?
depo provera (medroxyprogesterone acetate)
Which HPV strain-> cervical ca
HPV 16,18/, 33
Cervical cancer screening age + freq
25-49 every 3 yrs
50-64 every 5 yrs
NOT offered >64yrs
(-)hr HPV Cervical ca screening result
return to normal recall unless test of cure pathway (CIN)
25-49 3 yrly
50-64 5 yrly
(+) hr HPV Cervical ca screening result
- CYTOLOGY NORMAL: repeat test 12 months
- if HPV (-): normal recall 25-49 3 yrly; 50-64 5yrly
- if HPV (+) + cytology still normal: repeat after 12 months
- if hrHPV (-) at 24 months- return to normal recall
- if hrHPV (+)==> colposcopy
inadequate sample- cervical ca screening
repeat sample w/in 3month
2 inadequate sample==> COLPOSCOPY
CIN mx
LLETZ: large loop excision of transformation zone
alternative cryotx
Epidemio endometrial cancer + cervical cancer
endometrial: postmenopausal
cervical: 25-29 yrs
Risk factors for endometrial cancer
excess oestrogen: nulliparity, early menarche, late menopause, unopposed oestrogen
Metabolic sy: obesity, PCOS, DM
Hereditary Non-poliposis CRC
Protective factors for endometrial cancer
multiparity, COCP, smoking
Asx uterine fibroid Mx
1) asymptomatic NIL mx
Uterine fibroid Mx
1) menorrhagia: Levnogetrel IUS, NSAIDS- mefenamic acid, tranexamic acid/ COCP or po/ sc progestogen
2) pre-op: GbRH AG eg. leuprolide- dec size of fibroids
Breast feeding CI abx
ciprofloxacin: arthropathy
Tetracycline: bdins to Ca2+ in infants system-> dental staining, enamel hypoplasia, inhibits bone growth, photosensitivitiy
chloramphenicol: grey baby syndrome CV collapse, cyanosis
Mx vasomotor sx menopause
fluoxetine, cialopram, velafaxine
Mode of action: COCP
inhibit ovulation
Mode of action:: POP
thickens cervical mucous
Mode of action: desogestrel-only pill
Pri inhibit ovulation
also thickens cervical mucous
implantable contraceptive
pri: inhibits ovulation
also thickens cervical mucous
decreases sperm motility and survival
pri prevents endmetrial proliferation
also thickens cervical mucous
Mode of action: Levonorgestrel
inhibit ovulationu
Mode of action: Ulipristal
inhibits ovulation
IUD Mode of action:
pri toxic to pserm and ovum
inhibit implantation
Mx of primary & sec dysmenorrhoea
Primary: NSAIDS + ibuprofen, if not effective then COCP 2nd line
Secondary: ALL pt with secondary needs to be referred to OBGYN
When to check for 1st and 2nd rhesus status red cell autoAb
8-12 weeks & 28 weeks
When to check for BP, urine dipstick and urine culture for asx bacterium is in preg
8-12 weeks
When to check hep b and syphilis in pregnancy
8-12 weeks
Early scan to confirm dates, excl multiple preg
10-13 weeks
When to check down sy, nuchal scan
11-13 weeks
When is anomaly scan in pregnancy
18-20 weeks
When do you give anti-D prophylaxis for rhesus negative pregnancy
Week 28 and week 34
When do you check presentation & offer cephalon version week 36
Define obesity in pregnancy and mx
BMI >30kg/m2 at 1st antenatal visit
Folic acid 5mg and vit D 10mcg (400units) OD
Foetal alcohol syndrome FAS
Learning difficulties
Face: smooth philtrum, thin vermilion, small palpebral fissure, epicanthic folds, microcephaly
IUGR & postnatal restricted growth
Which scale do you use for depression postnatal
Edinburgh postnatal depression scale
Induction of labour- which score do you use and the score indication
Bishop score: assess whether incision of labour required
<5 unlikely to start without induction.
>-8 cervix ripe or favourable for induction.
<-6 vag PG/ po misoprostal, mech methods balloon catheter can be considered if high risk of hyperstimulation/ prev c-section.
> 6 amniotomy + iv oxytocin infusion
Causes of postpartum haemorrhage
Trauma, tone, tissues, thrombin
Mx of postpartum haemorrhage
- Mechanical: palpate uterine fungus + rub stimulate contraction, catheterisation prevent bladder distension
- Medical: failed mechanical mx. If oxytocin slow iv injection followed by infusion. Ergometrine slow iv.im unless he of HTN, carboprost unless he of asthma, misoprotol suvlingual
- Surgical: failed med mx- intra-uterine balloon tampon are 1st line where uterine stony main/ only cause
B-lynch suture, ligation of uterine arteries/ internal iliac arteries.
Secondary postpartum haemorrhage definition and causes
24 hours - 6weeks
Causes: due to retained placenta/ endometritis
Perineal tears classification
1st degree: superficial
2nd: perineal muscle but not involving anal sphincter
3rd: injury to perineum involving anal sphincter complex
4th: injury to EAS+ IAS and rectal mucosa
Puerperal pyrexia definition, causes, mx
Fever .38 first 14day postpartum
Causes: endometritis, uti, wound infection
Mx: iv abx- clindamycin + gentamicin until a febrile >24hrs
Postpartum haemorrhage definition
Blood loss .500ml after vaginal delivery
Mx of breech position and classification of breech position
Frank: flexed hip, extended knee most common
Mx: <36GW may turn spontaneously
>36GW- attempt external cephalon version
If still breech- c-section/ vag delivery
Folate deficiency in preg mx and when to give folic acid
ALL preg F should take folic acid 400mcg unto 12 GW
High risk patient should take 5mg folic acid before conception up to 12 Gw
High risk: either partner NTD or prev affected by NTD. fmhx of NTD. Anti-epileptic, DM, coeliac disease, Thalassaemia. Obese BMI 30kg.m2
Vit D replacement in preg
ALL preg + breastfeeding patients 10mg Od which is 400units of colecalciferol
Exposure of VZV in pregnancy
1st step check Antibody for VZ whether vaccinated or not.
- If <-20GW with NO immunisation: start VZIg up to 10days after exposure
>20GW with no immunity: NO VZIg
If rash >-20GW give po aciclovir if <20Gw consider with precaution
Meig’s syndrome
Benign ovarian tumour ass with pleural effusion and ascites
Mx of ovarian cyst
Premenopausal: conservative esp if <35years. If small <5cm + simple cyst- repeat US in 8-12 weeks.
It postmenopausal: any cyst regardless of nature and size- referral
Risks of ovarian cancer
early menarche, late menopause, nulliparity
Protective factors of endometrial cancer
COCP- needs progesterone if on HrT
Mx of endometrial cancer especially frail pt
Surgery: total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral saplings-oophrectomy
Frail pt: progrstogen tx
Medications used for emergency contraception, timing and mechanism of action
- Levonogestrel (progesterone): inhibits ovulation and prevention of implantation. Take within 72 hours.
- Ulipristal: selective progesterone receptor modulator. Inhibits ovulation. Can take up to 120 hours.cI asthma severe
- iUD: most effective. Within 5 days. Inhibits fertilisation or implantation.
Side effects of POP and how long does it take to be effective
2 days
SE: irregular vag. Bleeding
Injectable contraception mech of action, SE and Contraindication
Inhibits ovulation, secondary mech inhibit cervical mucous thickening and endometrial thinning.
SE: weight gain, irregular bleeding, increased risk of osteoporosis, not quickly reversed
CI: breast cancer
Which contraception can be used in patient with migraine
Implantable contraception
Mech of action of implantable contraception, advantages, SE, CI
Contains etonogestrel inhibits ovulation
High effective, long lasting 3 years, can be used in migraine
No oestrogen therefore can be used in patient with VTE he, migraine
SE: irregular bleeding
CI: IHD, unexpected or suspicious vag bleeding post breast cancer
Current breast cancer
Can you used COCP post partum
No absolute contraindication if breast feeding <6weeks post partum
Which contraceptive methods can be used postpartum
Progestogen only pill: can start POP at any time
ISD/IUD: 48 hours or after 4 weeks
Definition of premature ovarian insufficiency, lab findings
Onset of menopause sx and increased gonadotropins level before age 40 years
Labs: low estradio <100pmol/L with raised FSH and LH.
FSH>40 is/L, high FSH demonstrated x2 samples taken 4-6 weeks apart
Contraindications of HRt
Current. Post breast cancer
Any oestrogen sensitive cancer
Undo caginal bleeding
Unix endometrial hyperplasia
Atrophic vaginitis mx
1st line: vaginal lubricants + moisturiser
2nd line if x work then try topical oestrogen cream
Congenital rubella syndrome sx esp cardiac abonormalities
Sensorineural hearing loss, congenital cataracts, congenital heart disease PDA/ pulmonstenosis, hepatosplenimegaly, cerebral palsy.
Mx: if female patient has no immunity stay away from contact, offer MMR post natally, not offered during pregnancy or attempting to become pregnant
Which rheumatoid arthritis drugs are safe to be used during pregnancy
Silfasalazine, hydroxychloroquine
Low dose steroid
NSAIDS can be used til 32GW but stopped due to increased risk of early closure of PDA
Intrahepatic cholestasis in pregnancy mx
Induction of labour 37-38GW
Ursodeoxycholic acid, weekly LFT checkup
Vit K supplementation
When to consider surgical mx for ectopic pregnancy
Size >35mm
Foetal heart present
Significant pain
HCG >5000U/L
Salpingectomy vs salpingotomy im ectopic pregnancy
1st line salpingectomy for F with no other risk factors for infertility
Slapingotomy- considered for F with risk factors for infertility eg PID or contrast damage
When to consider medical mx for ectopic pregnancy and what do you use
Size <35mm, no foetal heart
HCG <100-1500U/L
Dx gestational diabetes and when do you test
1st line OGTT.
offered 24-28GW, if prev GDM offer within first trimester if normal repeat test 24-28GW.
Fasting glucose >5.6mmol/l
After 2 hours >7.8mmol/l
Mx of gestational DM
If fasting glucose doesn’t;t decrease <7mmol/l with life style in 1-2 weeks= add metformin.
If glucose target not met with metformin=> insulin!!!
Plus add aspirin and folic acid 5mg from preconception - 12GW
What can you give preg pt can’t tolerate metformin
Mx of hyperemesis in pregnancy 1st and 2nd line
1st line: po cyclising, promethazine. Po prochloperazine
2nd line: po odansetron, metoclopramide/ deomperidone
Medical mx of miscarriage
Vag misoprostol
Prostaglandin- binds to myometrial cells causes strong contraction
Definition of menorrhagia
Heavy menstrual blood >80ml/ menses
Menorrhagia mx
If needs no contraception: mefenamic aide 500mg TDS / tranexamic acid 1g TDS
If needs contraception
1st line: IUS
then COCP, depo provers
Infertility Ix
Semen analysis
Serum progesterone taken 7day prior to next period
If >30nmo/l indicates ovulation
If <16nmol/l repeat if consistently low specialist
16-30nmol/l repeat
PCOS infertility mx
Weight reduction
Clomifene most effective- hypothalamic oestrogen Receptor mimic w/o activating them interferes with negative FB of oestrogen and inhibits FSH secretion
Metformin esp obese
What can you see in combined test for Down syndrome and when do you do it?
Offered 11-13
Unchallenged translucency thickened
High hCG
Low pref ass plasma ass protein A PAPP-A
Quadruple test what is it
Findings of Edward, down, NTD
Offered 15-20
Checks AFP, undone oestriol, hCG, inhibit A
Down: low AFP, UNCON OESTRIOL, high inhibit A & hCG
Edward’s: low AFP, UNCONJ OESTRIOL, HCG, normal inhibit A
HIV antiretroviral tx for preg pt and for baby
ALL preg pt offer antiretroviral regardless whether prev on it or not
If mom’s viral load <50 copies/ml then only zidocudine offered otherwise triple ART used for 4-6 weeks
Mode of delivery in HIV + pt
If viral load <50 copies/mL vagina, recommended
Otherwise C-section. Start zidovudine 4 hours before C-section
Breastfeeding in HIV + pt
Not recommended!!!
Mx of Group B streptococcus in preg
Intrapartum ivermectin benzylpenicillin if CI ckindamycin
Vaginal candida mx
For F and preg
1st line: po fluconazole 150mg single dose
If unable to take oral clotrimazole 500mg intravag pessary
If preg only use local
Recurrent vag candidiasis mx and definition
> 4 episodes/ year
Induction of po fluconazole for 3 days then maintenance for 6 months
Check BM
PID mx
Po ofloxacin + metronidazole
Im ceftriaxone + po doxycycline + po metronidazole