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OD3 (S1&2)
> NV - Double Vision II - Week 5 > Flashcards
NV - Double Vision II - Week 5 Flashcards
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OD3 (S1&2)
(114 decks)
CLM - Introduction to Advanced Contact Lenses - PAP Week 1
CLM - Extended Wear - PAP Week 1
CLM - Presbyopic CL Fitting - PAP Week 1
CLM - Efficacy of Contact Lens Solutions - PAP Week 1
CLM - Corneal Topography - PAP Week 1
AED - Cataracts I - PAP Week 1
AED - Cataracts II & III- PAP Week 1
BVP - Development of Visual Function and Review of Paediatric Examination - PAP Week 1
BVP - Clinical Management of Refractive Error in Children - PAP Week 1
AED - Anterior Eye Revision - PAP Week 2
CLM - RGP Fitting I & II - PAP Week 2
CLM - Contact Lens Complications - PAP Week 3
DIS - Ocular Ageing and Histopathology - Week 1
DIS - Visual Fields - Week 1
DIS - Dry Eye Tutorial - Week 1
BVP - Accommodation Convergence Dysfunction in Children - Week 1
CLM - RGP Fitting III & IV - Week 1
DIS - Clinical Perimetry - Week 2
DIS - Glaucoma Histopathology I - Week 2
DIS - Glaucoma Histopathology II - Week 2
CLM - Keratoconus I - Week 2
CLM - Keratoconus II - Week 2
DIS - Ocular Imaging I - Week 3
DIS - Open Angle Glaucoma I - Week 3
DIS - Open Angle Glaucoma II - Week 3
DIS - Glaucoma Detection Tutorial - Week 3
CLM - RGP Lens Maintenance - Week 3
BVP - Clinical Aspects of Amblyopia - Week 3
BVP - Treatment of Amblyopia - Week 3
DIS - Ocular Imaging II - Week 4
DIS - Secondary Glaucoma I - Week 4
DIS - Secondary Glaucoma II - Week 4
DIS - Glaucoma Assessment Tutorial I - Week 4
BVP - Special Needs and Syndromes in Children - Week 4
CLM - Orthokeratology I - Week 4
CLM - Orthokeratology II - Week 4
DIS - Angle Closure Glaucoma I - Week 5
DIS - Angle Closure Glaucoma II - Week 5
DIS - Glaucoma Medications I - Week 5
DIS - Glaucoma Medications II - Week 5
BVP - Optometric Management of Esotropic Strabismus - Week 5
DIS - Glaucoma Assessment Tutorial II - Week 5
Mid-Semester Break - Week 6
DIS - Glaucoma Management I - Week 7
DIS - Glaucoma Management II - Week 7
CLM - Irregular Cornea Fitting I - Week 7
CLM - Irregular Cornea Fitting II - Week 7
DIS - Glaucoma Treatment and Progression Tutorial - Week 7
DIS - Ocular Imaging III - Week 8
DIS - Diseases of the Vitreous Humour I - Week 8
DIS - Vitreous Retinal Traction - Week 8
DIS - Myopic Pathology - Week 8
DIS - Retinal Detachment - Week 8
DIS - Diseases of the Vasculature I: Systemic Cardiovascular Disease and Ocular Blood Flow - Week 9
DIS - Diseases of the Vasculature II: Ocular Vessel Disease - Week 9
DIS - Basic Pathology: Vascular I - Week 9
DIS - Basic Pathology: Vascular II - Week 9
BVP - Clinical Management of Oculomotility Dysfunction in Children - Week 9
DIS - Optic Nerve I - Week 10
DIS - Optic Nerve II - Week 10
DIS - Optic Nerve III - Week 10
DIS - Optic Nerve IV - Week 10
DIS - Optic Nerve V - Week 10
DIS - General Health Assessment - Week 10
CLM - Specialty Contact Lens Fitting - Week 10
BVP - VIP Skills and Early Academic Achievement - Week 10
DIS - Diseases of the Vasculature III: Hypertension - Week 11
DIS - Diseases of the Vasculature IV: Diabetes I - Week 11
CLM - Paediatric Contact Lens Fitting - Week 11
CLM - Solving Aftercare Problems - Week 11
DIS - Basic Endocrine - Week 12
DIS - Diseases of the Vasculature V: Diabetes II - Week 12
BVP - Strabismus Surgery and Ophthalmology Perspective - Week 12
CLM - Solving Aftercare Problems II - Week 12
LV - Low Vision Definition and Epidemiology - Week 1
NV - Neuromuscular Disorders I: Orbital Causes - Week 1
DIS - Macular Diseases I: AMD - Week 1
DIS - Macular Diseases II: AMD - Week 1
DIS - Macular Diseases III: Non-Age Related - Week 2
LV - Low Vision Exam I - Week 2
NV - Neuromuscular Disorders II: Myasthenia Gravis - Week 2
DIS - Inherited Retinal Disease - Week 2
DIS - Corneal Refractive Surgery Workup - Week 2
LV - Low Vision Exam II - Week 3
NV - Eyelid Disorders - Week 3
DIS - Anterior Uveitis I - Week 3
DIS - Anterior Uveitis II - Week 3
LV - Near Low Vision Aids I - Week 4
NV - Double Vision I - Week 4
DIS - Posterior Uveitis I - Week 4
DIS - Posterior Uveitis II - Week 4
LV - Near Low Vision Aids II - Week 5
NV - Double Vision II - Week 5
DIS - Uveitis Management I - Week 5
DIS - Uveitis Management II - Week 5
LV - Distance Aids: Telescopes - Week 6
NV - Eye Movement Review - Week 6
DIS - Scleritis and Episcleritis - Week 6
DIS - Overview of Ocular Inflammation - Week 6
LV - Electronic Aids - Week 7
VN - Eyes Move When They Shouldn’t I: Evaluation - Week 7
DIS - Eye Trauma I: Causes and Mechanical Injuries - Week 7
DIS - Eye Trauma II: Contusion Injuries - Week 7
LV - The Role of MDFA - Week 8
VN - Gaze Disorders - Week 8
DIS - Eye Trauma III: Chemical - Week 8
DIS - Eye Trauma IV: Radiation - Week 8
LV - Low Vision Conditions - Week 9
VN - Neurodegenerative Disorders - Week 9
DIS - Ocular Tumours - Week 9
LV - Field Expansion - Week 10
VN - Gaze Patterns - Week 10
VN - Nystagmus - Week 11
LV - Psychology of Low Vision - Week 11