Nutrition: Non-energy Yielding nutrients Flashcards
Water soluble vitamins
B complex
B-vitamins and c, stored in the body for a brief period of time before being excreted
Water soluble vitamins
Vitamins A, D, E, K… Stored in fat cells
Fat soluble vitamins
Non-protein, organic substance that usually contains a vitamin or mineral and combines with a specific protein, the apoenzyme, to form and active enzyme system
Amino acid normally used by the body in cellular metabolism and in the manufacturing of proteins. Elevated concentrations in the blood are thought to increase the risks for heart disease
Amount of each nutrient that meets the requirements of half healthy people in a particular life stage and gender group
Estimated Average Requirements (ear)
The amount of each nutrient that meets the needs of 97% of healthy people in a particular life-stage and gender group. Determined using EARS,
Recommended daily allowance
Average intake of each nutrient needed to sustain health, based on studies of people in a particular life-stage and gender groups. Used when RDA doesn’t exist
Adequate intake
Upper limit of safe, daily intake for nutrient.
Tolerable upper intake level
Unstable molecule that causes oxidative damage by stealing electrons surrounding molecules, thereby disrupting activity in the body’s cell
Free radicals
Comprehensive set of nutrient reference values for healthy populations hat can be used for assessing and planning diets
Dietary reference intake
Serves as the key mineral in the formation of oxygen carrying materials, including Hemoglobin and myoglobin
Group of inorganic elements that are essential to humans and animals for normal body function
Mineral essential in building and maintaining bone, blood clotting and muscle contraction
Type of bone cell that removes bone issue by removing the bones mineralised matrix
Cell from which bone develops
Salts and minerals that produce electrically charged particles in the body fluids and are important components in maintaining proper hydration status
Combination of disordered eating, amenorrhea, and osteoporosis.
Female triad
Establishment of a proper electrical gradient across cell membranes which help to regulate fluid balance in tissues this maintaining homeostasis
Sodium potassium relationship
Condition in which the body is in constant deprivation of fluids necessary for homeostasis and can result in debilitating conditions such as gastritis, heartburn, arthritis, kidney stones, and accelerated aging
Chronic dehydration
Decrease in blood plasma
Steroid hormone secreted by the adrenal cortex that regulates the salt and water balance in the body
Osmotic concentration of a solution, expressed as osmoles of solute per litre of solutions
Label on consumer products that identifies servings per container, amount of food by weight or volume that constitutes a single serving and relevant nutritional info
Nutritional facts panel
Amount of nutrient that is provided by a single serving of a food item
Daily value
Terminology in describing food as light, low-fat, non-fat, and reduced calorie
Food description
Description used to market food based on improved consumer standards
Nutrient content
Fat soluble vitamins (4)