Nurb test 3: stroke Flashcards
- hypertension: number one greatest risk factor=edu can encourage to take med to keep in control,
-other heart disease= a fib-throw clot from heart up in brain: keep up on meds to keep reg rhythm,
-diabetes 4-5 times greater risk of a stroke,
-Diet: cholesterol, low sodium, avoid tobacco, be more active, limit obesity,
-oral contraceptives= low dose as possible, no good idea to add if overweight or smoke
-sickle cell anemia=blood is clumping, onset of episodes which will have less viscosity of the blood and won’t move as well, do things to prevent exacerbation
cocaine use
excessive alcohol usage= men greater than 2 drinks per day/ women greater than 1 drink per day
Modifiable risk factors for a stroke
-protective mechanisms to help maintain blood flow even when things are happening in the body, does it by cerebral vasodilation=keep as much blood there as possible
Cerebral auto regulation
factors that affect blood flow
- highest percentage of the major types of stroke it is 80%, from inadequate blood flow to brain, obstruction of the brain, some are partial or complete of occlusion, blood is unable to pass through the artery, more gradual onset
ischemic stroke
- dev from rupture of artery, bleed into the brain tissue, 15 percent, sudden in onset, higher mortality rate
hemorrhagic stroke
narrowing of blood vessels over time Ex: atherosclerosis=plaque buildup in the artery over time build up enough to gradually occlude and block the artery partially or completely
-develop clot in that area of the artery
Often do occur during sleep, or right after awake
-bp decreases: already have impeded blood flow, now bp is not as forceful as during the day, more risk
- Affects depends on how large and much tissue is involved
Types of Ischemic Stroke
1a. Thrombotic-
Types of Ischemic Stroke
transient ischemic attacks
- dev of area of injury occurred in smaller artery not a main one, ruptures into the brain tissue, hole dev in the tissue, more rare than 2 other types
Lacunar stroke
- clot that originates from another part in the body,
Ways to have:
A. a fib= left chamber of heart thrown into the carotid artery
B. plaque formation from somewhere else
-occur more suddenly
1c. Embolic
-Episodes of neurological deficit
-Resolves in minutes to hours
-Considered a warning sign for a stroke= concerned for future stroke, will be put on preventative med
-Temporary loss of neuro function, mini stroke, onset with stroke like symptoms, last usually 3-24 hours, short onset, most often related to microemboli= temporary block flow of blood
1/3 will never have another one, 1/3 can progress into a stroke, 1/3 will keep having onsets of tias after initial episode
1d. Transient Ischemic Attacks
- area around the area of injury, the tissue that is at risk
– within the brain tissue, hypertension is the number one cause that can cause that aneurysm to ruptured, sudden onset, associated with activity
-high mortality, 50% of people die in 48 hours, high risk for rebleeding= which increases mortality rate as much as 80 percent
2a. Intracerebral
hemoragic stroke
- from a rupture or bleed Ex: aneurysm, artery ruptured, trauma
Both= at risk for cerebral vasospasm= in cerebral artery massive vasoconstriction of the blood flow to the brain, prevent that, more of the subarachnoid than the intracerebral, high risk could cause further damage
- Hemorrhagic Stroke
Sx: very severe headache, n/v, decreased level of consciousness, high bp
intracerebral hemorrhagic stroke
rupture into that space, mortality rate 40%, high risk to bleed after it has stopped,
2b. Subarachnoid-
hemorrhagic stroke
Sx: sudden severe headache, *heard a pop, can have same symptoms
subarachnoid hemorrhagic stroke
decreased cerebral blood flow= rupturing in brain tissue ->, increased cerebral edema-> increases pressure in the brain-> herniation-> can displace tissue/ will get less blood flow and more cell death
Pathophysiology: Hemorrhagic Stroke-
droopy face, paralysis of one side of the body, slurred speech, arm drop=weakness of one side or the other, vision problems, complain of headache, common onset symptoms of dizziness
Clinical Manifestations: Stroke
Warning signs of stroke:
weakness on one side of the body/ affected opposite side of the brain affected Ex: Rt sided stroke weakness on left side
A. Motor Deficits
- loss of all voluntary movement
Akinesia motor deficit stroke
- weakness on one side, partial
Hemiparesis motor deficit
- paralysis on one side of the body, permanent loss, almost flaccid, complete loss
Hemiplegia motor deficit
uncoordinated gate or movement
Ataxia- motor deficit
- complete loss of body part is unable to move it, no reflexes, might present with
Flaccidity motor deficit
-provide range of motion, keep joint moving, and proper
Leg- hip externally rotate, foot planter flex and rotate in
arm- hand flexed, shoulder internally rotated
contractures motor deficit
start to see first 48 hours to 6-8 weeks, spasms of muscles that were flaccid, good sign means they might be able to get function back
Spasticity- motor deeficit
chewing a problem
Lack of Gag reflex
motor deficit
- trouble swallowing, high risk, may not be able to swallow, testing done to see if and when they can eat
motor deficit
extensive rehab to get function back
Self-care abilities- motor deficit
- responses can be mixed based on where it happened in the brain
- some type of loss with expression, speaking, ability to understand, comprehension of language, could be writing
B. Clinical Manifestations: Stroke Communication
Aphasia/ Dysphasia-
- trouble speaking, from brain trouble getting words out of head
- Expressive aphasia
- trouble understanding what you are saying, jumbled words that make no sense
- Receptive aphasia