Nurb Test 1: Rehab Flashcards
- Maximal independence
- Acceptable quality of life
- Physical, emotional, psychological, social and vocational function.
- Wellness perspective
- Focuses on abilities not disabilities
- Not directed at cure
- Functional ability through training retraining and use of adaptive devices
Aim of Rehabilitation
Any type of impairment of body function or structure.
Trauma, acute or chronic diseases.
Programs: musculoskeletal, cardiac, respiratory, oncologic.
Rehabilitation Hospital or dedicated unit in a general hospital
Rehab settings
A. Inpatient:
1. Acute:
: Dedicated hospital unit or extended care facility
rehab setting
2. Sub- acute
A. Day treatment centers,
B. Home
. Outpatient
Physician specializing in rehabilitation medicine
: coordinating the work of the team
Rehabilitation nurse
Promotes mobility and performance of selected activities of daily living (ADLs)
Physical Therapist:
Promotes development of coordination and fine motor skills used in ADLs
Occupational therapist:
: provides retraining for the management of speech, language and swallowing problem.
Speech Language pathologist
Facilitates participation in hobbies and development of interests
Recreational therapist:
: Works with brain – injured patient with cognitive impairments
Cognitive therapist
: Identifies available support services and resources, including financial assistance
Social worker
: Provides counseling and assistance with coping
: Assists with job placement, job training or education.
Vocational counselor
Assessment of patient’s ability to benefit from rehabilitation • Selection of an appropriate facility Medical needs -Type of rehab therapy needed -Financial resources -Facility location • Rehab nurse assessment using standardized tools assessing function goal setting care planning
Rehab Process
in activities of Daily Living - Rates independence in six functional areas
Katz Index of Independence
- Scores dependency in limb function, sensory status, and excretory function, social and financial support.
Pulses Profile
- General assessment: mobility ADLs cognition, home and outside activities and communication and social interaction
Level of Rehabilitation Scale (LORS)
- Measures independence in ADLs
Barthel Index
– comprehensive evaluation of 1`5 categories including Medications, nutrition, recreation, and vocation.
Patient Evaluation Conference System