nov17pt1 Flashcards
other type of channel responsible for outward current when cGMP gated channels close
type of glutamate receptors in BP cells
affect BP cells can have on ganglion
increase or decrease AP firing
depolarization of BP cells would cause
increase in AP firing in ganglion cells
photopigment in rod
peak of rhodopsin tuning curve
498 nm
links retinal to opsin
lysine in 7th TM segment
how many types of photopigments can be found in cones
3 (none of these are rhodopsin)
AA sequence very similar in
red and green opsin
opsin in cone + retinal is called
most photopsin
red or green
why we think lots of central processing involved in color perception
ration of green: red varies greatly from individual to individual
mutations in photoreceptor cells can
lead to degeneration of cell (full or partial blindness) or shift of tuning curve (partial blindness)
sound is
wave due to compression or rarefaction
tone/pitch determined by