nov.12 pt5 Flashcards
In the dark, cGMP-gated channels
open, sodium influx, -40mV (balance of sodium, cGMP channels, potassium leak)
closure of cGMP channels leads to
outward current and hyperpolarization
one photon can lead to
depol 1 mV, affect bipol and ganglion cells
amp steps
rhodopsin activate many g proteins and PDE hydrolyze many cGMP
hyperpol of photoreceptors leads to decrease of
glutamate release
photoreceptor cells are depolarized enough for ____ to be open
voltage gated calcium channels to be open, triggering glutamate release
calcium causes photoreceptors to release
glutamate is released to
bipolar cells
how bipolar cells respond to glutamate
hyperpol or depol, depending on type of glutamate receptor