Non Key Researchers Flashcards
What did Spencer and Perrin do in
Recreated ash’s experiment with students and found 1 conforming response out of 396 trials
What did Sogan find
Found conformity was higher when majority were friends
What did friske find
Aschs groups weren’t very groupy didn’t resemble everyday experiences
What did bond and smith find
They did a study with different cultures and found collectivists were more likely to conform then individualists
What did Neto find
Repeated aschs study with women and found women cared about relationships more than men
What did McGhee and teevan find
Nafiliators were more likely torn conform because there want to be liked
What did Lucas find
Made maths questions harder and found conformity,it’s increased
What did McDermott find
Prisoners behaved like prison was real
What did banzuaziz and movahidi find
Agreed PPs acted instead of conforming to these social roles
What did reicher and Haslam find
Repeated SPE and found Aguirre’s and prisoners a didn’t conform they needed to actively identify with it
Social identity theory
What did Sheridan and king find
Repeat Milgrams study and found that people obey even when it was real
What did Orne and Holland
PPs were play acting and didn’t believe the set up was real
What did Baumrind say
Criticised Milgrams study and believed deception in a study has serious consequences
What did Mandel argued
That it leavers an excuse or alibi for evil behaviour
What did rank and Jacobsons find
16/18 nurses disobeyed orders to give excessive drugs
A lot of them were disobedient despite working in a hierarchal structure the same as milgrams study
What did Kilian and Mann find
16% of Australian women gave the 450v shovel in a Milgram study
What did Mantell find
German participants 85% gave 450V shock
What did Kilmen and Kemlton find
Real world crime of obedience can be understand in terms of power hierarchy
What did Christine and jaheda argue
That the the f- scale is politically biased of authoritarian personalities
What did Greenstein say
F-scale had a comedy of methodological errors
What did Albrecht do
Evaluated a 8 week programme to help pregnant adolescent teens aged 14- 19 resist peer pressure to smoking
What did Allan and Levine find
Did an asch type study where dissenters was someone with perceived good eyesight 64 % of genuine PPs refused to conform
No dissenter 3% resisted
Resistance was only 365 when someone with perceived bad eyesight there was 35% resistance
What did twenge find
Americans became more resistant to obedience and more external
What did rotter say
Loc is not the most important factor weather someone resists social influence
What did Nemeth and brillmayer do and find
A mock jury study where a group had decided on compensation to pay
Being flexibility helped the minority
What’s did martin find
Presented a message supporting a particular view point ands measured participants agreement
One group of PPs heard a minority group agree with initial view and another groupy agree with initial view
What did Nolan find
Saw weather social influence processes led to a reduction in energy consumption by hanging messages on the front door of residents houses are trying to reduce energy usage
Decrease in energy usage compared to control group which was just asked to save energy
What did Nemeth claim
Social change is due to the type of thinking that minorities inspire
People consider it because they think divergently
What did foxcroft do
He reviewed social norms interventions
And found those whop were informed about alcohol consumption caused them to drink less but had no effect on frequency
What did mackie say
Majority influence can create deeper processing if we don’t share their views
Because we think people have similar views to us
If the majority think the opposite of us we think about there opinion
What did bashier say
People resist social change
What did Isabella find
Found the achievement of interactional synchrony
Predicted development of good quality attachments
What did abravanel + deyong find
Observed how babies reacted to inanimate objects + found that they didn’t do anything
What did Feldman point out
Pointed out ideas like synchrony simply gives names to patterns of observable behaviours
What did Ijzendoorn find
Multiple attachments from much earlier in collectivist cultures
What did mccallum + golombok find
Did studies that consistency show that these children do not develop differently from children in two parent heterosexual families
What did Regolin and vallortigara find
Chicks were exposed to simple shape combinations that moved such as triangle with a rectangle in front of a range of shape combinations were then moved in front of them
They followed the original most closely
What did rhesus do
A study about monkeys
What did Guiton do
Found chicks imprinting on a rubber glove even tried to mate with them
Found it can be reversed chicks engaged in normal sexual behaviour when exposed to other chickens
What did Hay + respond to do
Parents teach children to love them by modelling attachment behaviours
Parents also reinforce loving behaviours by showing approval when babies display own attachment behaviours
How has bowblys study been used
In parenting programmes + adoption practices where they use a key worker
What did Koluchova do
Reported a case study of the Czech twins who suffered abuse until the age of 7 but fully recovered
What did McCormick and Kokkinos find
If you have a secure(type B) attachment type you achieve better in school and less involvement in bullying
What did ward find
Securely (type B) attached babies tend to have a better mental health in adulthood
What did Bick do
Tested inter-rater reliability for the strange situation for a team of trained observers and found agreement on attachment type in 94% of cases
What did Kagan suggest
Genetically-influenced anxiety levels could account for variations in attachment behaviour in the strange situation and later development
What did Takahashi find
Babies displayed very high levels of separation anxiety and so a disproportionate amount were classified as insecure resistant
Why did Takahashi find this
Anxiety response was not due to high rates of attachment insecurity but to the unusual nature of the experience in japan where mother-baby separation is very rare
What did main and Solomon
Identified a fourth category of attachment a disorganised or type D attachment a mix of resistant and avoidant behaviour
What did Morelli and Troncik
We’re outsiders from America when they studied child rearing and patterns of attachment in the EFe of Zaire