Nixon + Ford Flashcards
Who is the guy talking into the mic?
Richard Millhouse Nixon
The guy who became President after LBJ
What was Domino Theory?

The idea is that if one country became communist, other countries would also become communist.
Why do we care about Domino theory?
Because it’s the sort of thinking that the USA had during this time, which is why we got involved in the Vietnam War. We thought that if Vietnam became communist, other countries in Asia would also become communist.
What did Nixon say he was going to do in Vietnam?
He was going to end the war in Vietnam through a process of Vietnamization.
Nixon claimed a “silent majority” would support his actions in Vietnam
What is Vietnamization?
It has to do with training and getting South Vietnam soldiers ready to fight against North Vietnam on their own.
How did Nixon end the war in Vietnam?
He continued bombing the Vietnam people, while also trying to send negotiators (people) over to Vietnam in order to bring an end to the war.
Did young people support the war in Vietnam?
Absolutely not. Hundreds of thousands of students, both high school and college students, protested the war in Vietnam at their schools or colleges.
What was the most famous Vietnam War protest?
Kent State University protest
What happened at Kent State?
The Ohio National Guard was called in to control the protests and the soldiers ended up firing their guns on unarmed college students who were protested the war in Vietnam

Did anyone die at Kent State protests?
Four students died, nine were injured.
They were attacked by soldiers from our own government!
What was the Chicano Mural Movement?
They are paintings, usually done outside on buildings, that show the need for justice in Latino communities in the USA.
Why do people feel the need to do this yo?

Doesn’t matter, as long as the Raza shows up to clean up <3
What started the credibility gap?
It started when LBJ lied to the American people about Vietnam on TV, saying the war was going good.
This is because the American people would also watch the news, and the news was saying the war was not going well, showing pictures and videos of the violence.
Which country, aside from Russia, was Communist during the Cold War?

What is Ping Pong Diplomacy?
It’s when the American ping pong team went to play against the Chinese ping pong team in order to make things more chill between the USA and China
While Nixon was President, what was his approach to Communism called?
pronounced DAY-taunt
What was Detente?
pronounced DAY taunt
The more chill and relaxed relations between the USA and Russia/China during the Cold War
What was the most awesome accomplishment of Nixon’s Detente?
SALT 1(one) Treaty
What was SALT 1(one) Treaty?
It reduced the number of nukes that the Soviet Union and the USA had.
It stands for:
Did Nixon win re-election in 1972?
Yeah, he actually won in a landslide victory. Lots of Americans supported his actions in Vietnam
What other accomplishments is Nixon noted for creating while he was President?
While he was President he worked with conservationists to create the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which was in charge of making sure the USA’s water and air were clean
Who was Malcolm X?
He was someone who advocated for Black people to arm themselves with guns to protect themselves and their families.
How is Malcolm X different from Martin Luther King Jr?
Martin Luther King Jr advocated for nonviolence, whereas Malcolm X thought violence was okay if people were trying to make you feel unsafe because of your race.
Malcolm X also preached this thing called “Black Nationalism”, which said that racial segregation was good because Black people were better than other races.
What did the Supreme Court Case Roe v. Wade decide?
It made abortion legal in the USA
Why do people who are “pro-choice” and support a woman’s right to choose, support abortion as a constitutional right of a woman?
Because having an abortion is such an emotional and private decision, the government should not get to decide.
What do you call people who oppose abortion?
People who are pro-life want the government to make abortion illegal under any circumstances, including in cases of rape or incest, since it’s “not the baby’s fault that she got raped by her dad”.
Anything else I should know about abortion and its history?
People who are very pro-life vote for the Republican Party.
People who are very pro-choice vote for the Democratic Party.
Yes, there are people who are very passionate about the abortion issue, and they vote with the party that follows their beliefs on abortion. And the movement of these people affects who becomes President! You may even be one of these people, who knows!
Why did Nixon resign as President?
Because of the Watergate Scandal
What was the Watergate Scandal?
It was when Nixon secretly recorded conversations that Democrats were having about election strategy, as well as breaking into a psychiatrist’s office in order to steal private information.
Did Nixon do all of the illegal activities of Watergate himself?
No, he hired people called the plumbers to go and plant recording devices in certain buildings and rooms, as well as go and steal the private info from the psychiatrist’s office.
What’s the background story to the psychiatrist break-in that had to do with the Watergate Scandal?
A dude named Daniel Ellsburg was seeing a psychiatrist about some private stuff. Nixon ordered the plumbers to break into the psychiatrist’s office and steal Daniel’s info.
Why would they want to steal Daniel Ellsberg’s private mental health info?
Because Daniel Ellsberg worked for the RAND Corporation (company). That company did a study to figure out what went wrong in Vietnam War for the USA.
The study would make up most of what would be called the “Pentagon Papers”.
Daniel released the Pentagon Papers to all the newspapers, exposing the US government
How did the Watergate Scandal end?
One of the plumbers started talking, and then when word got out that Nixon had ordered the break-in and the secret recording, Republicans and Democrats told Nixon he was going to be forced out of office unless he resigned.
What happened after Nixon resigned?
Nixon’s Vice-President, Gerald Ford, became the new US President.
And then Ford pardoned Nixon.
What does it mean when you say that “Ford pardoned Nixon”?
It means that Nixon, even if he did commit a crime, would automatically be innocent because Ford just pardoned him.
When a president pardons you, it means that you are innocent of whatever crime you committed or are accused of committing.
What should we know about Ford?
He struggled as president with the economy, mainly because he faced two problems
- Inflation (stuff getting more expensive)
- Unemployment(too many people without jobs)
This problem was also called stagflation
What is Stagflation?
It’s when the economy has high inflation and high unemployment.
High inflation means things are more expensive.
High unemployment means that many people don’t have jobs
What happened at Stonewall?
There were these riots that happened called the Stonewall Riots. They gave rise to the LGBT movement that exists to this day.
Why did the 26th amendment get added to the Constitution?
This amendment lowered the voting age from 21 to 18. This was because 18,19,20-year-olds had been going off to fight in Vietnam but were not able to vote on the war itself.
How can you be old enough to fight in a war but not be old enough to vote?
That’s why they lowered the voting age to 18, thus the 26th amendment