1898 to 1920 Flashcards
What is imperialism?
Imperialism is when big countries pick on little countries to steal their raw materials from their lands
What happened in Hawaii during the 1890s?
A group of American sugar planters led by Sanford Dole overthrew the Queen of Hawaii. Later, the US annexed Hawaii as a state.
Where is the Panama Canal located?
In central America, in between North America and South America
Why was the Panama Canal needed?
To decrease the travel time for American ships between the East Coast and the West Coast
What benefits did American businesses get from the Panama Canal?
It increased trade between the Western Coast of the USA and Europe.
What do factories have to do with the reasons why the US wanted to be imperialist?
Because the USA wanted access to more raw materials available in other lands
What benefit did the Americans have (other than more access to raw materials) for being imperialist?
All of the world’s most powerful countries were being imperialist, so if the USA also wanted to be considered a “world power”, they would also need to be imperialist
What were the 3 reasons why the USA went to war against Spain during the Spanish-American War in 1898?
- Because a Spanish government official had called the US President “weak”
- Because a ship called the U.S.S. Maine exploded, and the US government thought it was Spain
- Because of yellow journalism
What is yellow journalism?
Yellow journalism is the clickbait of the late 1800s and early 1900s.
They had headlines that were intended to get people’s attention so that people would buy more newspapers and read them
What territories did the United States take from Spain after Spanish-American War?
- Philliphines
- Guam
- Puerto Rico
What does it mean to be a “World Power”?
It means to be one of the most powerful countries in the entire world.
World Powers during the early 1900s would conquer smaller and weaker countries to show how powerful they were.
What does the Spanish-American War have to do with the Panama Canal?
During the Spanish-American War, it took months to move ships from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. This caused people to want to build the Panama Canal.
What are three important things to know about Alfred T. Mahan
- He wrote a book about the importance of Naval Power
- He said that strong countries are going to need a strong navy so they can protect their trade
- He influenced the American government to build a stronger navy
What is the Progressive Era?
Its the time in US History when a lot of the problems of the Gilded Age were starting to be fixed.
What happened to the power of the federal government during the Progressive Era?
The federal government’s power expanded, as the government began to regulate the economy more. The period of laissez-faire ended during the Progressive Era.
Who were the 3 Presidents during the Progressive Era?
In order, they were:
- Theodore Roosevelt (1900-1908)
- William Taft (1909-1912)
- Woodrow Wilson (1913-1920)
How did President Theodore Roosevelt become President?
He was the Vice President to a different President named President McKinley.
President McKinley got shot and died, so that’s how Teddy Roosevelt became President
What is the “Bully Pulpit”?
It’s a term that was popularized by Teddy Roosevelt. He said that the Presidency was a bully pulpit since anyone who was President could use the office to talk and convince people to follow their ideas. If a president is using their bully pulpit, it means he is doing a lot of talking.
What does the term “Speak softly but carry a big stick” mean?
It was a term created by Teddy Roosevelt. He didn’t want to talk trash about other countries, but if another country wanted to fight, it was important to have a big stick.
The big stick is the US military, especially the navy.
Who is a progressive?
A progressive, during the early 1900s in the USA, was someone who wanted the government to regulate the economy more.
Who founded the Settlement House Movement and what was it?
Jane Addams founded the Settlement House movement. It provided housing and help to immigrants who came into the USA. It taught them how to read and write as well so that they could find jobs.
What was “The Jungle”?
It was a book written by Upton Sinclair. It talked about the dangers of meatpacking factories. Some of those dangers included when factory owners would still sell the meat from cows who died from diseases.
What was the effect of the book called “The Jungle”?
It caused the government to regulate the meatpacking industry. The law was called the Food and Drug Act
What were the two major effects of the Food and Drug Act?
- It caused foods and prescription drugs to get regulated by the government to make sure they were safe
- It forced businesses to properly label foods and prescription drugs, so that people know what they are putting in their bodies.
Why did Progressives oppose ideas like Social Darwinism?
Progressives rejected the ideas of Social Darwinism because Social Darwinists said that poor people could never become rich and wealthy since poor people were poor because they were stupid or lazy.
What is NAWSA?
It stands for the National American Women’s Suffrage Association. They wanted to give women the right to vote since women weren’t allowed to vote during the early 1900s and for all of American history before then.
What does the word “suffrage” mean?
It means having the right to vote. If you are fighting for Black suffrage, then it means you’re fighting for Black people’s right to vote. If you are fighting for women’s suffrage, then it means you’re fighting for women’s right to vote.
What were tactics used by the National Women’s Party, in order to get the right to vote?
They would do acts of civil disobedience. This means that they would intentionally break the law, usually by voting, so that they could bring attention to women’s suffrage.
Who is Henry Ford?
Henry Ford is someone who created the first car that was widely available for people to drive called “Model T”. He did this by using assembly line production.
What is assembly line production?
Assembly line production is a way to make it so that your factory is very efficient and productive. Every person has a specific job to do, and the job is very simple so if the person who is supposed to do the job quits or gets fired, that person can be easily replaced since their job is very simple.
What was happening in the South?
White people were terrorizing Black people. Black people who did not respect the laws of White Supremacy were tortured and lynched.
What is White Supremacy?
It’s the idea that white people are better than any other people, based on the color of their skin, and that all non-white peoples need to show respect to the dominant white race.
People who believe in White Supremacy are racist.
What are “Jim Crow Laws”?
Laws in the South that were preventing Black people from voting.
Provide three different examples of Jim Crow laws from US History
- Grandfather Clause: Where you couldn’t vote unless you could prove your grandpa lived in the USA
- Poll Taxes: Where you couldn’t vote unless you paid money
- Literacy Tests: Where you couldn’t vote unless you knew how to read complex things, like the Constitution of the USA
What happens to someone who gets lynched?
It means that they get taken away by a group of people and killed. This occurred to mostly Black people, although some Brown people were also lynched, and the most common form of lynching was hanging someone from a rope tied to their neck.
How common were lynchings in the South?
Any person of color was in danger of getting lynched in the South if they did not respect the laws of white supremacy. Tens of thousands of people were lynched violently throughout the Gilded Age and Progressive Era.
What was “The Great Migration”?
It was the movement of Black people out of southern states and into the northern states.
Why did the Great Migration occur?
- Economic opportunities in the form of factories attracted Black people to the North
- Escaping Jim Crow laws and White Supremacist violence.
Who is Booker T. Washington?
Booker T. Washington was a Black Civil Rights leader during the late 1800s and early 1900s who believed that Black people would gain equality by increasing their education and life skills. He believed more effort should focus on having Black people educated, rather than fighting for equality.
Who is W.E.B Du Bois?
W.E.B Du Bois was a Black Civil Rights leader during the late 1800s and early 1900s who believed that Black people had a right to equality and demanded that they have those basic rights. He founded a movement called the Niagara movement whose sole purpose was to get full political and economic equality for Black people.
How are W.E.B Du Bois and Booker T. Washington similar?
They were both co-founders of the organization called the NAACP. They were both Civil Rights leaders
How are Booker T. Washington and W.E.B Du Bois different?
Washington didn’t care about equality as much, he just wanted Black people to be left alone so that they could show their potential to the country. However, Du Bois wanted full equality and didn’t care about vocational training, he wanted the rights that Black people were supposed to have under U.S. Law.
What is a conservationist?
Someone who wants to protect the environment for future generations to enjoy
What does the National Park Service do?
It organizes all of the United States National Parks. This includes parks like the Grand Canyon National Park and Yellowstone National Park.
Do Conservationists like National Parks?
Yes, because National Parks help to conserve land for future generations to enjoy.
Do Conservationists like National Parks?
Yes, because National Parks help to conserve land for future generations to enjoy.
Which Presidents are known for being Conservationists?
- Theodore Roosevelt - is known as a conservationist because he set aside 230 million acres of US land for conservation.
- Woodrow Wilson - He created the National Park Service
What is direct democracy?
Direct democracy is when the people directly vote, rather than the people’s representatives.
If the teacher asks all of the students in the class to vote, this is a type of Democracy called Direct Democracy.
How is Direct Democracy related to progressivism?
It’s related to progressivism because a lot of progressives tried getting voting reforms that made representatives more accountable to the people.
What are the three major examples of progressive era voting reform?
- Recall: allows the general public to remove elected officials through majority vote before their term is over
- Referendum: allows the general public to challenge laws that are passed by putting them up for a majority vote after they passed
- Initiative: allows the general public to make their own laws by creating them and putting them up for a majority vote
What did the 1916 Child Labor Act do?
It made it illegal to sell products across state lines if those products were made with child labor.
The law was ruled unconstitutional in 1918.
What does the Federal Reserve do?
The Federal Reserve prints money and regulates interest rates in the USA. It’s the national bank of the USA.
What is the Monroe Doctrine?
WAAAAAAY back in the early 1800s (almost 100 years before this time period we are currently studying) the United States issued this thing called the “Monroe Doctrine”, which said that European countries couldn’t mess with countries in North or South America.
What does the Monroe Doctrine have to do with Teddy Roosevelt?
Teddy Roosevelt said that because the Monroe Doctrine said European countries couldn’t mess with countries in North/South America, he could extend the Monroe Doctrine by also saying that if European countries wanted to collect debt money from countries in North/South America they would have to ask the USA to collect it for them.
This is called the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine
Who is Ida B Wells?
She was a Civil Rights leader who brought attention to the problem of lynchings in the South. She uncovered evidence of tens of thousands of Black people being lynched in the South and published it in newspapers to bring attention to the problem.
What was a mass transit vehicle used during the progressive era?
Streetcars. They were big bulky vehicles that ran on wires that could carry lots of people
Why did the United States government start spending more money on its Navy?
Because it had to maintain a good amount of ships to support their overseas expansion
What is a muckraker?
A group of American writers who exposed all the bad stuff happening in America.
Some people might call them snitches, but they brought to light some serious problems that were happening in America, like lynching, and the meatpacking factories.
What is dollar diplomacy?
When William Howard Taft was President, he encouraged American companies to build railroads and other infrastructure in countries like China. This was to also improve diplomatic relations with countries around the world.
What did the 18th amendment do?
It banned Alcohol.
This is because a lot of men would drink alcohol and then come home drunk and beat their kids and wife. As a result, even though women couldn’t vote at the time, they convinced a lot of people to pass the amendment to the constitution.
What did the 19th amendment do?
Passed after the 18th amendment, it gave women the right to vote.