JFK + LBJ Flashcards
Who was JFK?
John Fitzgerald Kennedy, President after Eisenhower. He was a Democrat
What was JFK’s attitude about how people should treat government?
“Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.”
What was the Bay of Pigs?
It was an operation to assassinate Fidel Castro since he was a communist
Who planned Bay of Pigs?
The plan was developed during Eisenhower’s Presidency, and JFK inherited the plan. So when JFK became President, he could have thrown away the Bay of Pigs plan and not do it.
What did JFK do about Eisenhower’s Bay of Pigs Plan?
He reduced the number of military people that were participating, and went along with the plan.
Was JFK’s Bay of Pigs plan successful?
No, it failed miserably and it embarrassed the United States and JFK.
What did a U2 spy plane of the USA find after the Bay of Pigs?
Cuban plans to bring in nuclear weapons from Russia so they could point them at the USA.
What is a naval blockade?
When a country gets their ships and surrounds an area or an island to block them from getting shipments
How did JFK respond to Russias plan for nukes on Cuba?
He issued a naval blockade of Cuba, so that Cuba couldnt get any Russian nukes.
What is the Cuban Missle Crisis?
Its when Russia was going to send nukes to Cuba, but JFK blocked Cuba from getting them.
How did the Cuba Missle Crisis end?
JFK promised Russia he wasnt going to invade Cuba, and so Russia didnt send the nukes into Cuba.
What is that a picture of?
The Berlin Wall
What was the purpose of the Berlin Wall and other walls that seperated Communist countries from Democratic Countries?
To stop the people that were living in Communist countries from running away to countries that had Democracy and Capitalism.
Who was Cesar Chavez?
A Mexican-American civil rights leader who fought for farm workers rights and better pay.
Why does Cesar Chavez matter to American History?
Because he was the first major Latino to get involved in politics on a national level.
What did Cesar Chavez do?
He organized hunger strikes and boycotts to protest farm workers bad working conditions and very low pay.
What happened in the summer of 1963?
Martin Luther King Jr. and about 250,000 other people attended the March on Washington.
This is where Martin Luther King Jr. gave his “I have a dream speech”.
What happened to Martin Luther King Jr. after he made his I have a dream speech?
He and a bunch of other Civil Rights leaders met with JFK and JFK’s Vice President, LBJ, to talk about new laws for Civil Rights.
What situation did JFK inherit from Eisenhower?
The Vietnam situation
What was the Vietnam situation about?
Ok, so 1000 years ago, the country known as Vietnam today, broke away from Chinese rule and got its freedom.
Then 200 years ago the French conqured Vietnam, so that they could be an imperialist and steal Vietnam’s raw materials
Did Vietnam ever get their freedom back after the French took it from them?
Well, after World War 1, this young dude in his late 20’s from Vietnam named Ho Chi Minh went and asked the USA and Europe for their freedom and the USA said nah bro we chillin, France is still going to steal your raw materials.
So did France ever give Vietnam their freedom?
Well during World war 2, France had Vietnam taken from them by the Japanese.
But the Vietnamese hated Japan more, so they fought Japan during World War 2, just like the USA.
Did Vietnam get its freedom after World War 2, since it was attacking Japan and technically helping the USA?
After France told Vietnam they werent having their freedom, Ho Chi Minh led a rebellion that gave him control over North Vietnam.
The South Vietnamese would continue to be controlled by the French, who put a fascist dictator in charge. The Fascist dictator would be friendly to France and the USA.
Which country was willing to help North Vietnam in its moment of need against the French?
Russia. Russia helped Ho Chi Minh and the North Vietnamese army by giving them lots of guns and other weapons to fight the French.
Who did France ask for help when Ho Chi Minh started destroying the French army with his Viet Cong soldiers?
France asked the USA 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 for help.
France said that Ho Chi Minh was communist and needed to be taken out.
Who was President when France asked the USA to help them kill Ho Chi Minh?
What did Eisenhower do?
He sent 500 military “advisors” to Vietnam to help South Vietnam maintain its power so it wouldn’t be under Communist influence.
What did JFK do during his 1st year as President about Vietnam?
He increased troop levels and sent more military equipment to help South Vietnam maintain its freedom from communism
What was JFK planning to do in 1963?
Withdraw all USA🇺🇸 military from Vietnam, basically, end the war.
Why didn’t JFK get to withdraw the military out of Vietnam?
He got shot in Dallas by an assassin
Who took over after JFK?
Lyndon Banes Johnson (LBJ) Senator from Texas
What happened with the USS Maddox?
The military said they the Vietnamese had attacked a US ship, the USS Maddox.
Although there were no marks on the ship and nothing was destroyed, the military claimed that Vietnam had fired and missed.
Why is the USS Maddox important?
Because its the reason that LBJ uses to send tens of thousands of troops to Vietnam.
He starts off slow but after 4 years, he had about 500,000 US soldiers in Vietnam, to keep South Vietnam alive.
Was there a draft during the Vietnam War?
Yes. People who were sent to Vietnam didn’t volunteer to go, they were drafted.
Why were people protesting the Vietnam War?
1) Because they were forcing people to go fight by using the draft
2) Because rich people seemed to be able to avoid getting drafted
What was the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution?
It was not an official declaration of war, but it did give LBJ freedom to do whatever he wanted to do in Vietnam.
The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution is why hundreds of thousands of soldiers were sent into Vietnam.
What did LBJ do about Civil Rights?
He got Congress to pass
The Civil Rights Act of 1964
The Voting Rights Act of 1965
The Fair Housing Act of 1967
And yes, you will need to know them!
What did the Civil Rights Act of 1964 do?
It made it illegal for someone to not hire you because if your race, national origin, or religion
It also made it illegal to segregate based on race in all “public” places.
What did the Voting Rights Act of 1965 do?
Make it illegal for people to have poll taxes, grandfather clauses, and literacy tests as requirements for voting.
This had been done since the 1800s to keep Black people from voting. This law made those things illegal.
What is redlining?
Its when the government color coded areas where people lived. White people were coded in green, which meant the government would help them loans to buy a house.
Non-White people were coded in red, and the government would not give them any help, and discouraged banks from giving them home loans unless those non-white people were rich. What was done to non-white people is called “red-lining”, and it started since the time of FDR and the Great Depression.
What did the Fair Housing Act of 1967 do?
It made it so that red lining was illegal.
What was the name of all these Civil Rights Laws and good stuff that LBJ did?
“The Great Society” programs.
So just like FDR had the New Deal, LBJ had the Great Society.
Civil Rights wasn’t the only thing he did either.
What were other parts of LBJ’s Great Society?
1) Medicare
2) Medicaid
3) Child Nutrition Act
4) Higher Education Act
5) Project Head Start
There are more, but thats all I will require you to remember. You will have to know each one.
What is Medicaid?
A government program that provides health insurance for poor people. Its especially helpful for children of parents who are poor, because without this law, they would have no medical care.
What is Medicare?
This is government health insurance for elderly people. This is helpful for old people because without this law, they would have no medical care.
What is the Project Head Start law about?
It provided pre-school for children whose parents didn’t have money to pay for pre-school.
What was the Child Nutrition Act?
It provided breakfast to low income students (who would only sometimes eat at school since there is no food at home) as well as expanded the lunch program to offer it to more schools that had low income students.
This law is why students dont have to pay for breakfast or lunch at La Joya.
What is the Higher Education Act about?
It provides grants and loans, as well as work study, to students who are low income but want to go to college.
If you work hard in school and get good grades, this Higher Education Act will be the reason you get offered free money to attend college.