Bush I, Clinton, Bush II, Obama Flashcards
Bill Clinton was a Democrat; what are some things that Democrats usually support?
- Increased access to welfare programs. This requires more government spending.
- Increases in taxes, especially on the rich.
- Decrease in restrictions to immigration, thus allowing more immigrants to enter the country.
Republicans during the 1990s opposed many of Bill Clinton’s actions but also worked with him in passing other laws. What do most Republicans tend to support?
- Decreased access to welfare programs since welfare programs have the potential for corruption.
- Decreases in tax rates for people, but especially for the wealthy, since they are “job creators”
- Increases in restrictions to immigration, since people who come from other countries tend to take jobs away from other people
Who was president during the 1st Gulf War?
George H.W. Bush
Who started the 1st Gulf War?
Saddam Hussein did with his invasion of Kuwait
This war is sometimes referred to as the “Persian Gulf War”
Why did Saddam Hussein invade Kuwait?
Because he wanted to take their oil supplies, which would make Iraq powerful and wealthier
How long did the 1st Gulf War last?
6 months
What did the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) do?
It made it so that people with physical or mental disabilities had access to buildings and services, just like those who are not disabled.
In addition, it also meant that schools would have to make sure that teachers were aware of which students had any physical or mental disabilities, so that those students could get a good education too.
Who defeated George H. W. Bush in the election of 1992?
William Jefferson Clinton, aka Bill Clinton
Why did George H. W. Bush lose the election in 1992?
Because he had promised his supporters when he was campaigning for President (who were Republican) that he wouldn’t raise taxes. While he was President though, he had to raise taxes. This made many Republicans upset, and so many stayed home and didn’t vote.
Who did Bill Clinton ask to negotiate with Republicans about getting healthcare reform passed?
His wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton.
What does NAFTA stand for?
North American Free-Trade Agreement
What does NAFTA do?
It makes it so that there can be no tariffs between the countries of the USA, Mexico, or Canada.
What was a major negative consequence as a result of NAFTA?
Companies that were originally in the United States moved their business to Mexico because in Mexico, those companies didn’t have to pay their workers as much money, since Mexico doesn’t have a $7.25 minimum wage. As a result, many American workers lost their jobs.
What is CHIP?
CHIP stands for Children’s Health Insurance Program.
This health insurance program was government-run but was for children whose parents make too much money to qualify for Medicaid and make too little money to get their own health insurance.
Medicaid is health insurance that people can get if they are below the poverty line.
Which president signed CHIP into law?
Bill Clinton
Why was Bill Clinton impeached by the House of Representatives?
He was impeached because it was found that he had lied under oath.
The lie had to do with him being unfaithful to his wife in the White House. He tried to hide it, and went so far as to lie about it in court, which is called “perjury” and is against the law.
Why was the election night for the 2000 election different?
Because who would become President came down to whoever won the state of Flordia.
This is because the electoral college is what decides who becomes President. In the United States, whoever gets 270 electors becomes president. Whoever wins a state, wins all of that state’s electors.
Flordia is worth 25 electoral votes.
Before Flordia had been declared for Bush, the score was
Bush : 246
Gore: 266
Flordia’s 25 electoral votes, when awarded to George W. Bush, gave him 271.
Who officially told Flordia to stop counting the votes during the 2000 election?
The Supreme Court in the court case called Bush v Gore.
All of the court’s Republicans ruled in favor of Bush, and all of the courts Democrats ruled in favor of Gore.
Who was president when 9/11 happened?
George W. Bush
Before he became President he was Governor of Texas. He was also the son of former George H. W. Bush
What did the 2001 Bush Tax Cuts do?
They gave tax cuts to everyone, but especially the wealthy.
This is because Republicans usually believe in what’s called “trickle-down economics” or “supply-side economics”. This means that they believe by giving tax breaks to the wealthy, that the wealthy will create jobs.
What did the Patriot Act do?
It gave the government the ability to spy on peoples phones or spy on their conversations in order to find any potential terrorism
What did No Child Left Behind do?
It meant that students have to take standardized exams to prove they learned something throughout the year
What happened with Hurricane Katrina?
It made landfall in New Orleans, a city that is below sea level.
As a result of its landfall, it destroyed part of the levee system which kept the ocean out of the city.
1,833 people died because of Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath. The government took almost a week to start helping people in New Orleans.
What was significant about the 2008 election?
The first Black president, Barack Obama, was elected
What major law was passed in 2010?
The Affordable Care Act
Also referred to as Obamacare
Why was the Affordable Care Act unpopular at first?
The Individual Mandate
Because it forced everyone to get health insurance, even those who didn’t want health insurance because they were young or healthy.
What is DACA?
An executive order made by President Obama that protected people who are here without papers. (undocumented)
The only people who are eligible for DACA are people who were brought to the USA as children.
What is significant about the Supreme Court Case Obergefell v Hodges?
The ruling, issued in 2015, said that any laws which limited marriage to one man and one woman were unconstitutional.
As a result, marriage amongst LGBT people was made legal in all 50 states
What did the Paris Agreement do?
An agreement by 196 countries, including the United States, to limit greenhouse gas emissions so that they can reduce the warming of the planet.
The goal is to make sure the planet doesn’t increase by 2 degrees above “pre-industrial” levels.
Currently, we have already warmed the planet by 1 degree above pre-industrial levels.
Who ran for President in the 2016 General Election?
The Democrats put up Hillary Clinton. She promised to continue Obama’s policies and position.
The Republicans put up Donald Trump. He promised to get rid of many of Obama’s policies, including DACA, Obamacare, and the Paris Climate Agreement.
On November 6, 2016, Donald Trump became the 45th President of the United States, winning the electoral college 304 - 227. However, he lost the popular vote by 2.8 million votes.
What is the Family Medical Leave Act and who signed it into law?
Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) protects only some people from being fired from their job if they have to leave work for a long time to take care of family-related issues.
Those issues could be
- Caring for a sick family member
- Caring for a newborn child
- Having a serious illness yourself
Bill Clinton signed it into law in 1993
What does the word Petroleum mean?
Not cooking oil that you use for tacos, but oil you use in your car.
The oil you use in your car can also be used to create gasoline
What is Bill Gates known for?
He started a software company called Microsoft that made him one of the richest people alive. His software is used in the majority of computers around the world.
Software is the program that allows you to do anything on a computer. Without software, computers would be useless pieces of plastic and metals.
What is cultural diffusion?
When culture spreads from one area to another.
Culture can be food, music, art, books, movies, and games.
A good example of cultural diffusion would be how people like to listen to K-POP. Even though K-POP started in Korea, the music, through cultural diffusion, traveled to the USA, where it has become popular.
Why do governments give “tax breaks” to certain industries or companies?
To stop them from moving their company to other countries.
When companies move their industries to other countries, the USA loses out on tax money since they can’t tax them once they leave the USA.
Today, the USA still gives billions of dollars in tax breaks to Oil and Gasoline companies.
If someone says they are an “environmentalist”, what do they usually believe?
That you should take care of the planet by stopping the usage and production of oil and gas since scientists have proved that oil and gas are destroying the environment.
What is a major demographic change that is occurring in Texas and in the United States?
Every 10 years, when the US government does a census, they are finding fewer white people and more people from mixed races. This is because the number of people who are having interracial marriages is increasing, as well as immigration from the southern border.
For the entire US population, in 2000, the white population was 69% of the population, now its 60%.
Among people under age 16, in 2000, the white population was 60%, now its 49%.
Who is Vernon Baker?
He was the first living Black American to receive the Medal of Honor.
He served our country during World War II, a conflict that occurred from 1941-1945.
He didn’t get his recognition until 1997, and historians believe it was because he was Black.
How has the internet affected the quality of life?
- Increases the amount of information that people have access to.
- Allows more people to work from home
What’s something that you have to consider if you want to go into politics?
Politicians face greater scrutiny over their personal lives.
In other words, people look closer at how you grew up, who your friends were, and the words you said on social media. Once you have been elected, your everyday life is checked by the news media as well. If you mess up, it can turn into a scandal that could force you to lose re-election.
Who started the 2nd Gulf War?
George W. Bush.
He started the invasion because he believed that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction (WMD), and that Saddam Hussein would use them against the USA.
After the invasion, American weapons inspectors found no weapons at all.
What is a wildlife corridor?
It’s areas that humans set aside specifically so that wildlife (like animals and birds) can safely migrate every year without getting run over by cars.
What is an age-related demographic change that’s occurring in the USA?
The population is becoming older.
Because of this, Social Security and Medicare might run out of money since there are so many old people getting welfare from the government.
What does the word “conservation” mean?
It means to conserve. If you “conserve” you are saving something for future use.
Environmentalists support conservation efforts to protect the environment for future use by other people.
Why is Space Travel good for everyone?
Because the technology used in space travel can be applied to everyday human use.
For example,
- High-strength textiles for re-entry parachutes are used on Earth in bulletproof vests for police officers.
- Sensors that can detect life on other planets can also be used on earth to detect contaminants in the water
What war started as a direct result of the attacks on September 11 2001?
The War in Afghanistan.
Lasting almost 20 years, it ended on August 30, 2021. This war began the “War on Terrorism”, where the United States would invade countries that were willing to help “terrorists”.
What is the purpose of the United Nations today?
To confront the major problems that the world faces.
These problems include (but are not limited to)
- Climate Change
- Mass Killings in other parts of the world
- Starvation
- International Crime
How do hybrid cars save people money?
A hybrid car is a car that uses gasoline but has an electric battery that recharges every time you break. This electric battery means the car uses less gasoline, which saves people money.
What are telecommunications?
Telecommunications include anything that has to do with cell phones or computers.
Think of Tele like Television, and Communications is talking with people.
So anytime you are making your own TikToks, you are using a telecommunications device to do it!
What is happening to cities and rural areas in the USA today?
A rural area is the opposite of a city.
More people are moving into the cities.
Areas that don’t have a lot of people are losing population, as people move to the cities where there are more jobs and fun stuff.
What is the “Tea Party”?
Started in 2010, they were a movement by Republicans who opposed many of Obama’s policies, some of which increased people’s taxes
They call themselves the Tea Party after the Tea Party you learned about back in 8th grade. Just like the people from the Tea Party in the 1700s were against taxes, the people from the tea party in the 2010s were also against taxes.
Who was the first Hispanic Supreme Court Justice?
Sonia Sotomayor.
She was appointed by Obama
Which terrorist organization attacked the USA on 9/11?
Al Queda
Pronounced AL KAY-DUH
As a result of the Global War on Terrorism, the USA got into a lot of debt due to military spending.