How did the October Manifesto come about?
As a result of the 1905 revolution.
When was the October Manifesto released?
17th October 1905.
When did the first Duma open?
April 1906.
When did the first Duma close?
June 1906.
What was the first Duma known as?
‘Duma of National Hope’.
Why did the First Duma swiftly close?
Tsar felt the demands were too radical, so he passed a vote of no confidence.
What was the Vyborg Manifesto?
In 1906, some Kadets felt the need to take action against the Tsar and told peasants to refuse taxes/military service.
When was the second Duma?
February 1907.
When did the second Duma close?
June 1907.
Who were the two leading parties in the second Duma?
Trudoviks and Nationalists.
Why did the second Duma swiftly close?
Stolypin dissolved it after spreading rumours that the SDs tried to kill the Tsar.
What was the second Duma known as?
‘Duma of National Anger’.
When was the third Duma opened?
November 1907.
When was the third Duma dissolved?
June 1912.
What actions did the third Duma take that made it successful?
Far more submissive and it agreed 2,200 of 2,500 government proposals.
What was the third Duma known as?
‘Duma of Lords and Lackeys.’
Which were the two leading parties in the third Duma?
Octoberists and Rightists.
What was clear by 1912 when the third Duma had ran its course?
That the Duma system was not working and had no control over the Tsar or his government.
What was passed in April 1906? What did it demonstrate?
Fundamental Laws, demonstrated that the Tsar was taking back some of his autocratic powers.
When was the fourth Duma opened?
November 1912.
When was the fourth Duma closed? When did it really stop having power?
Closed officially: November 1917.
However, evident instability and loss of influence when entering WW1.
When was Stolypin assassinated?
When were Stolypin’s agrarian reforms first discussed?
In 1907, by the second Duma.
Passed by third Duma.
What was the issue with Stolypin’s agrarian reforms?
Needed twenty years to stabilise but he died in 1911.
Who was Stolypin?
Appointed as President of the Council of Ministers, July 1906, and was a strong supporter of autocracy.
What was Stolypin’s necktie?
Shows his repression, the noose was used to kill 60,000 involved in political opposition.
What did Stolypin resort to when the second Duma wouldn’t pass his agrarian reforms?
Article 87.
What happened in 1912?
Lena Goldfields Massacre, strike.
How many political strikes were there in 1914 compared to 1908? (Corin and Fiehn).
2401 in 1914.
464 in 1908.
How much per annum was industrial production until 1914?
How much did the total industrial output for consumer goods fall to?
From 52% to 45%.
How much of the workforce were involved in the July 1914 strike?
By November 1905, how many cities were out of control and outbreaks of munity continued?
10 out of 19 large cities in the Empire.
Where is an example of where outbreaks of munity continued after the October Manifesto?
Kronstadt: on Oct 26th and 27th, 26 men were killed and 107 injured when a sailors rebellion was crushed.
What did the fourth Duma declare in 1914?
‘mass dissatisfaction’.
How was the judicial system improved under the third Duma?
With the reinstatement of justices of the peace and the abolition of land captains.
How did Stolypin attempt to destabilise the Duma?
By manipulating Article 87 to create an even greater bias towards autocracy.