What were the three main causes of the Crimean War?
1) Warm water port in the south.
2) Attempt to increase territory in the Black Sea and Balkans.
3) Religion: Conflict over Holy Land.
What did the Russian’s demand before war was declared?
The Ottomans recognise Russia’s right to protect Eastern Orthodox believers.
When did the Ottoman’s declare war on Russia?
What was the first battle of the Crimean war? Who won?
Battle of Sinope.
Russia won.
Who also declared war on Russia in March 1854?
Great Britain and France.
Why did the British and French enter the Crimean war?
Because they feared that the weakness of the Ottoman Empire was inviting Russian adventurism.
Which battle took place in September 1854? What was the result for Russia?
Russian armies suffered devastating and humiliating defeats on their own land.
In some engagements, when both sides quickly ran out of ammunition, what did they resort to?
Throwing rocks at each other.
Which nurse became famous from the Crimean war?
Florence Nightingale.
When did the war come to an end? How?
When the Russian fortress at Sevastopol fell.
What was the consequence of the Peace of Paris for Russia? What year was the Peace?
Took away the Russian naval bases on the Black Sea.
What did the war show about Russian society?
Showed the backwardness of agrarian society in comparison to the industrialised states of Western Europe.
What was the lack of success due to?
Russia’s economic and social infrastructure being outdated. Particularly serfdom.
How many deaths were there overall?
What treaty was signed after the Russo-Turkish War? What did it do?
The Treaty of San Stefano in 1879 gave Russia land in Bessarabia
What did Russia retain rights over? During what?
1878 conquest of Berlin.
When was the Russo-Turkish war?
24 Apr 1877 – 3 Mar 1878