What ideology did the Tsars believe in?
Autocracy, orthodoxy, nationality
Which war prompted Alexander II to free the serfs?
The Crimean War.
What was the date of the Emancipation Act?
3rd March 1861.
How long did the serfs have to pay redemption payments for?
49 years
What was the name of the village commune that took over some control from the landowners after the Emancipation act?
The mir.
Which of the following was not part of Alexander II’s legal reforms: equality before the law, public hearings, abandonment of martial law, trial by jury?
Abandonment of martial law.
Which case in 1878 led Alexander II to stop open courts?
Vera Zasulich.
What kind of courts were peasant courts?
To the nearest thousand, how many miles of railway did Russia have by 1881?
How much was conscription in the army reduced?
From 25 years to 6 years (9 in reserves)
What year was a state bank set up?
What year was the Municipal Bank set up?
How far did the number of schools increase?
8000 in 1856 to 25,000 in 1878.
When were zemstva introduced?
When were dumas introduced?
Why did the Tsar intensify the backlash against reform after 1866?
Assassination attempt by Karakosov.
Who was appointed head of the Third Section in 1866?
Count Peter Shuvalov.
Who was appointed Minister of Education in 1866?
Count Dmitri Tolstoy.