New River Course Rules Flashcards
MCAS New River Field Elevation
26 ft MSL
MCAS New River Normal Operating Hours
Monday - Thursday: 0800 to 0100Friday: 0800 to 1900Saturday/Sunday/Holidays: Closed
MCAS New River Runways and dimensions
RWY 05-23 (5,115 ft. x 150 ft.)RWY 01-19 (4,790 ft. x 150 ft.)
Tiltrotor departures from MCAS New River
Climb to clear the Class D Surface Area (CDSA) vertically or by climbing to 2,500 feet MSL or higher. To clear the CDSA laterally, aircraft may request departure on a cardinal heading.Tiltrotor aircraft may depart the CDSA in conversion mode at 1,000 feet MSL using the VFR entry/exit points at helicopter compatible airspeed (130 KIAS maximum).
Touch and go pattern for APLN Mode
1000 ft MSL
Touch and go pattern for CONV mode
500 ft MSL
SVFR Minimums
500/1; on in CONV and VTOL Modes
Conditions for SVFR within MCAS New River Class D surface area
Ceiling: 500 to 1000 ftVisibility: 1 to 3 statute miles
Altitudes for routes to and from MCAS New River
1000 ft MSL
Squawk codes on routes to and from MCAS New River
Airspeed for routes to and from MCAS New River
CONV mode at airspeeds not to exceed 130 KIAS
4 SVFR Routes
NE Creek RouteHospital Point RouteVerona RouteGeiger Route
NE Creek Route
R-073Monford Point (Tip of land at 1.5 nm)NE Creek Bridge (NC Hwy 24 bridge over NE Creek at 4.6 nm)
Hospital Point Route
R-126Ragged Point (tip of land at 1.5 NM)Hospital Point (western tip of land wher II MEF HQ is located at 4.5 nm)
Verona Route
R-213Verona (Intersection of NC Hwy 17 and North Verona Loop Rd. at 2.5 nm)South Verona Loop Road (Intersecition of NC Hwy 17 and South Verona Loop Rd at 4.5 nm)Fire Tower Rd. (Overpass at intersectino of NC Hwy 17 and Fire Tower Rd. at 6 nm)