new liberalism - most important reason for the introduction of liberal social welfare reforms 1906-1914 Flashcards
KU - why had the liberal party become devided prior to 1906? what did the new liberals believe in regards to poverty?
liberal party became devided prior to 1906 over how best to run the country and so they seperated into the new and old liberals.
the new had a more modern outlook, recognised the need for reform and believed government had a responsability to support people and intervine when they faced chrises outwith there controll
KU - what happened in 1908?
In 1908 PM Campbell-Bannerman (an old liberal) was replaced by Asquith who was much more supportive of new liberalism, its outlook and its aims. Many members of Asquiths government were new liberals such as Churchill and Lloyd George
A - Therefor new liberalism did lead to new liberal reform between 1906-1914 because..
many liberal MP’s had previously been local councillors who had understood and actually implimented a number of social welfare programs at local level. They therefor new of there posotive benefits and of the posotive public opinion on them.
A+ - However, new liberal reform between 1906 -1914cannot be due to new liberalism because..
despite much of the 1906 election campaign being carried out by new liberals the initial apointment of old liberal campbell-bannerman as pm meant that social reform was not within liberal party polocy until his replacement in 1908 and whilst asquith was supportive of new liberalism he did not class himself as such
E - upon evaluation, whilst the rise of new liberalism was reflective of the general change in attitude towards the poor and the desire of new liberal polotitions aswell as the public too
try a new aproach - this could not have occured had it not been for the work of booth and rowentree. In particular, rowentrees classification of poverty into ‘primary poverty’ whereby people couldnt aford to meet there basic needs and ‘secondary poverty’ whereby money was available but not spent wisely. This confirmed the wide scale level of poverty being endured