NeuroPsych Correlates Flashcards
The Mesial Temporal Region houses the Hippocampal complex. What does this include and what is its role?
- includes hippocampus, adjacent entorhinal and perirhinal cortices
- principle function is anterograde memory
- acquisition of new factual knowledge (declarative mem)
- encoding memories in terms of relations among objects and events
- NOT involved with non-declarative
What is the nature of amnesia associated with hippocampal damage, specific to R and L sides?
L has verbal specialization - spoken word, written material
R has nonverbal specialization - complex visual and auditory patterns
Damage to temporal poles may cause anomia. Specifically for L and R sides, what happens?
L has anomia for objects
R has anomia for facial expression
bilateral temporal pole and inferotemporal area damage would cause..
full blown (pervasive) anomia
retrograde memory disturbance
How is the amygdala involved in memory?
tags emotional memory for acquisition and expression
don’t think it plays a role in neutral memory
If there is damage to the occipitotemporal junction, what might occur?
prosopagnosia - can’t recognize faces of familar people
What can occur if there is damage to the dorsal component of the occipital lobe above the calcarine fissure and the superior portion of visual association areas?
Balint’s Syndrome
- visual disorientation (simultanagnosia)
- ocular apraxia (psychic gaze paralysis)
- optic ataxia (reaching disorder)
can also have defective motion perception or astereopsis (can’t judge depth)
Damage to the ventral component of the occipital lobes (primary visual cortex below calcarine sulcus and inferior visual association areas) could cause
- L damage
- right hemiachromatopsia (Failed color perception)
- ‘pure’ alexia (can’t read)
- impaired mental imagery
- R damage
- left hemiachromatopsia
- apperceptive visual agnosia (failed perception)
- defective facial imagery
The tempoparietal junction of the parietal lobe, if damaged, would cause what?
- L damage
- Wernickes aphasia
- R damage
- amusia (inability to recognize or reproduce tones)
- receptive aprosody
- bilateral
- auditory agnosia
Damage to the inferior parietal lobule might cause..
- L damage
- conduction aphasia
- tactile object agnosia
- acalculia
- R damage
- neglect
- anosognosia (lack of insight - can’t tell they are sick)
- anosodiaphoria ( indifference to paralysis)
- tactile object agnosia
- bilateral
- body schema disturbances
What will happen with damage to the frontal operculum?
- L damage
- Broca’s aphasia
- defective retrieval of verbs
- R damage
- expressive aprosody
Akinetic mutism (can’t move or speak when planned or asked) is from damage to what area?
superior mesial region of frontal lobes
Anterograde and retrograde amnesia with confabulation is found when what area of the brain is damaged?
basal forebrain (inferior mesial region) of frontal lobe
Where would there be damage in the brain if a pt was to have ‘acquired sociopathy’?
prospective memory defects, unrealistically high view of self, defective social conduct
ventromedial region of inferior mesial region of frontal lobe
Dorsolateral prefrontal region of the frontal lobe if damaged, will cause…
working memory deficits
- L damage
- impaired verbal intellect
- defective recency and frequency judgments for verbal material
- defective verbal fluency
- impaired executive fx
- R damage
- for nonverbal and spatial material
- defective design fluency
Subcortical damage in the basal ganglia could cause what?
- L damage
- atypical aphasia
- R damage
- dysarthria and aprosody
word-finding impairment, defective confrontation naming and semantic paraphasias
anterograde amnesia with confabulation
executive dysfunction
These would all occur with damage where?
L sided thalamic region
R sided thalamic lesion is different from L sided thalamic lesion because..
R sided will not have thalamic aphasia associated with it