Neuron Anatomy Vocab Flashcards
Peripheral Sensory Cells
Specialized cells that receive certain types of stimuli (chemical, mechanical, light)
Cell Body/Soma
Houses the organelles
Neuronal Membrane
External boundary of the cell that houses organelles and cytosol.
Allows transport of proteins from outside in and inside out (semi-permeable)
Forms the shape and frame of the neuron
What are the 3 types of bones in the cytoskeleton?
1.) Microtubules
2.) Neurofilaments
3.) Microfilaments
Narrowest diameter of cytoskeleton bone.
Composed of actin
Influences cell shape
Location of DNA in the form of chromosomes
Segments of DNA that form blueprints from the production of proteins to effect changes in cellular phenotype
Endoplasmic Reticulum
Site of protein synthesis and folding. Translates RNA to synthesize proteins
Site of protein synthesis
Site of cellular respiration
Long neurite that allows the neuron to transmit a signal over some distance
Myelin sheath
A fatty, insulating sheet that covers the axon. It speeds up transmission of information down the axon
Nodes of Ranvier
Interruptions in the myelin sheath where action potential is propagated
Schwann Cell
Forms myelin sheath around neuron in PNS
Forms myelin sheath around neuron in CNS
Axon Collaterals
Large branches of the axon
Points of contact between cells
Axoplasmic Transport
Method by which materials are transported to/from the soma to/from the length of the axon
Anterograde Transport
From soma down the axon
Retrograde Transport
From axon back to soma
Thin neurites that are dense with synapses