Neuromuscular Flashcards
What is part of the brainstem?
Substanitia nigra
Basal ganglia
What is function of medulla oblongata?
Vital sign function of cardiac
Respiratory and vasomotor centers
What is part of diecephalon?
What is function of hypothalamus?
Homeostasis, metabolism
Heart rate
Primary drives ( food, sex, sleep)
What does lesions in organs of brain and lobes, spinal cord lead to?
Rigidity- organs of brain
Lobes and spinal cord- spasticity
What is cranial nerve 3, 4, 5,6,7 8, 10, 11
3- oculomotor
4- trochlear
5- trigeminal
6- abducens
7- facial
8- vestibulocohlear
11- spinal accessory
What is the function of vestibulocochlear? Motor or sensory?
Sensory- Vestibular ocular reflex (VOR)
Cochlear function
What is the function of spinal accessory nerve? Motor or sensory?
Double motor
Trapezius, SCM muscle function
What are 12 cranial nerves?
- Olfactory
- Optic
- Oculomotor
- Trochlear
- Trigeminal
- Abducens
- Facial
- Vestibulocohlear
- Glossopharyngeal nerve
- Vagus
- Accessory
- Hypoglossal
What artery and lobs is associated with NO homonymous hemianopsia, brocas aphasia, ataxia?
Frontal lobe
Anterior cerebral artery
What lobe and artery is associated with apraxia and anosognosia, wernickes aphasia?
Parietal lobe
Middle cerebral artery
What artery and lobe is associated with visual deficit?
Occipital lobe
Posterior cerebral artery
What lobe and artery is associated with lock of coordination, intention tremors, and 3Ds?
Vertebral arteries
What are the 3 Ds ?
What lobe and artery is associated with lead pipe, cogwheel and athetosis?
Basal ganglia
Anterior cerebral artery
What lobe and artery is associated with pushers syndrome and thalamic pain syndrome?
Posterior cerebral artery
What lobe and artery is associated with altered basic life functions, homeostasis?
Posterior cerebral artery
What lobe and nerve is associated with cranial nerve palsy and leads to death?
Vertebral arteries
Left sided hemisphere injury?
Difficulty understanding and producing language both written and spoken
Slow, cautious
Difficulty sequencing movements
Aware of deficits
Right sided hemisphere injury?
Unable to understand nonverbal communication
Difficulty sustaining movements
Quick and impulsive
Not aware of deficits
What position is scapula in with spasticity?
Downward rotation
What position is shoulder on with spasticity?
Which was does spasticity start?
Distal to proximal
What is the Glasgow coma scale ranges with mile, moderate, severe?
Mild- 13-15
Moderate 9-12
Severe- <9
Responds slowly and is confused, decreased interest in environment?
Only aroused from sleep w/ painful stimuli, minimal awareness of self and environment?
What is the mini mental status examination used for , max score, and severe impairment?
Cognitive dysfunction
Max score of 30
Severe mental impairment < 15
Loss of contralateral half of vision field in both eyes? Which side should you turn toward?
Homonymous hemianopsia
Turn head toward blind side
What is anosognosia?
Sever denial
Lack of awareness or dysfunction
What is agnosia?
Inability to recognize familiar objects with one sensory modality ( just looking at something wont work)
Inability to perform purposeful movements when there is no loss of sensation, strength, coordination or comprehension?
Cannot perform task on command can do when left alone?
Ideomotor apraxia
Cannot perform task w/ command or on own?
Ideational apraxia
Flexor UE
Extensor LE
Diencephalon lesion
Decorticate rigidity
Extensor posturing in LE and UE
Brainstem lesion
Decerebrate rigidity
What is Ramistes phenomenon?
Resisted hip abduction/add of uninvolved extremity causes same reaction in involved extremity.
Increase tone
What is non equilibrium coordination test vs equilibrium coordination test?
Nonequilibrium- perform tasks seated or lying down
Equilibrium- pt performs in standing
When is NDT used?
During stages 4 + 5 brunnstroms stages of recovery
Limited ROM
What technique is used?
Contract relax
Limited ROM
What technique is used?
Hold relax
What is rhythmic rotation and initiation used for?
What is the D2 flexion and extension?
Extension- Adduction-IR
What is D1 flexion and extension?
Flexion- ADDuction-ER
Extension- ABDuction-IR
What are the stages of motor control?
Controlled mobility
What is a motor program?
Set of pre structured muscle commands that initiated result in production of coordinated movement sequence
What is a motor plan?
Overall strategy for movement
Practice of a single motor skill repeatedly one step at a time?
Blocked practice
Variety of circumstances to increase generalizability and long term retention?
Variable practice
Continuous practice w/ small amount of rest time?
Massed practice
Rest time is greater than practice time?
Distributed practice
What is another name for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis?
Lou Gehrigs
How much recovery is expected with relapsing remitting?
Some recovery
How much recovery is expected with primary progressive?
What is relapse MS?
New onset
S/s getting worse
What should temp of pool be for MS?
What are frenkel exercises?
What stage is when spasticity presents and synergy pattern begins?
Stage 2
Spasticity at peak synergies are only movement?
Stage 3
Shaken baby syndrome?
Diffuse axonal injury
Shaken baby syndrome?
Diffuse axonal injury
What are levels of ranchos Los amigos?
1- no response
2- generalized response
3- localized response
4- confused agitated
5-confused inappropriate
6- confused appropriate
7- automatic appropriate
What is management for autonomic dysreflexia?
Elevate head
Check for irritating stimuli
Call for medical emergency
Where does guillian barre start?
What is s/s with myasthenia gravis ?
Start w/ eyelid then to facial muscle the to throat/pharynx and respiratory
What is the nerve affected with Bell’s palsy?
CN 7
Painful condition that can develop following trauma to the nerve or in the space of nerves?
Complex regional pain syndrome
What is complex regional pain syndrome 1 and 2?
CRPS 1 - s/s w/out nerve injury
CRPS 2- S/s w/ nerve injury
Painful sensation/ touch that is not typically painful?
What are the stages of complex regional pain syndrome?
Increasing pain and dysfunction
Pains worsens, skin and hair changes, joint dysfunction begins
Pain continues, may plateau and other symptoms begin to recess
What are s/s of complex regional pain syndrome?
Pain, redness, swelling/ edema, hypersensitivity, dysfunction
“ tic douloureux”
Trigeminal neuralgia
What to not do w/ post polio syndrome?
Do not push to fatigue or pain
What motor neuron is post polio, myasthenia gravis, guillian barre?
Which way does myasthenia gravis progress?
Proximal to distal
Cranial- caudal
How does guillian barre syndrome progress?
What muscles involved with C5?
What muscles are involved with C6 and what transfer is used?
Pec major
Teres major
Sliding board Mod 1
What muscles involved with C7?
Lat dorsi
Finger ext
What level is lumbricals ( make a fist) ?
What level is interossei (finger ABD+ ADD)?
Bilateral loss of pain and temp
Hyper flexion cervical
What syndrome?
Anterior cord
Bilateral loss of proprioception
What syndrome?
Posterior cord
Flaccid paralysis of bladder and bowel
What spinal cord injury syndrome?
Cauda equina
Ipsilateral loss of motor function
Contralateral loss of pain and temp
What SCI syndrome?
Brown sequard
Bilateral loss of pain and temp
Hyper extension cervical
What SCI syndrome?
Central cord
Complete bilateral loosen of all sensory modalities
What SCI syndrome?
Complete cord
What is the goal, interventions for SCI?
Improve respiratory capacity
What is wernickes aphasia?
Auditory comprehension and or reading is severely impaired
What is brocas aphasia?
Speech or writing
What type of motor neuron is Parkinson’s disease?
What motor neuron is ALS?
What motor neuron is MS?