Neurology Flashcards
What % of dogs/cats with transtentorial herniation had no direct clinical signs of herniation?
JVIM 2016: 75%
What is a minimally invasive means of detecting high ICP?
JVIM 2018: Transcranial doppler ultrasound, Increased ratio of systolic to diastolic mean velocity was associated with MRI findings of increased ICP
What was the agreement in stereotactic brain biopsy versus traditional biopsy?
JVIM 2019: High agreement for diagnosis (K - 0.95) but grade agreement for gliomas was only k = 0.47
Is cognitive dysfunction progressive? what is a potential biomarker?
JVIM 2015: Progressive signs in 50% of affected dogs and some pre-clinical dogs developed signs. Potential marker is A-Beta (amyloid beta) 42, higher in affected dogs
Can CT be used to diagnose Chiari malformation?
JVIM 2015: Yes - can identify herniation. Though the length of the herniation seen is longer than in MRI but this doesn’t appear to be significant for management. MRI is still recommended as the test of choice for screening for syringomyelia.
Can indentation in the cerebellum be seen in normal dogs?
JVIM 2015: yes, in 44% of asymptomatic dogs in this study. Recommended against using it to diagnose chair malformation. herniation was not seen in asymptomatic dogs.
Apart from chiari malformation/syringomyelia, what other structural difference can this breed have in its spinal cord?
JVIM 2019: Spinal cord terminates more caudally, dural sac termination more caudally (later associated with thoracolumbar syringomyelia)
What are some signs seen more commonly in CCKS with large syrinxes, versus CM dogs that may not have synrinxes or have smaller ones?
JVIM 2019: phantom scratching, scoliosis, sensory and motor signs. Vocalisations and other signs of pain could be seen in even dogs without syrinxes.
What are the most common VP shunt complications in dogs and cats respectively?
JVIM 2019: Dogs - obstruction, 10%. Cats - coiling of the shunt - 15%. Most common in the 6 months post placement
Nova Scotia Duck Tolling retrievers can get what sort of brain disease associated with rapid eye movement sleep behaviour?
JVIM 2016: Degenerative encephalopathy, autosomal recessive, affected the caudate nuclei and brainstem/spinal cord axons.
What is the expected progression for Lagottos with juvenile epilepsy?
JVIM 2015: Most will go into remission for seizures. However, this study showed more excitability and inattention in these dogs compared to controls
What factor was associated with a better prognosis for Italian Spinone diagnosed with epilepsy?
JVIM 2015: Starting AEDs after the second seizure rather than 3+. Clusters associated with worse prognosis
What gene region was found to be associated with hereditary ataxia in Scottish terriers?
JVIM 2017: CFA X
What is Lafora’s disease? What breed can be affected? What are the CSx?
JVIM 2021; Lysosomal storage disease. Lafora protein absent, leading to branched precipitous glycogen. Seen in Beagles secondary to NHLRC1 gene. CSx: Myoclonus, seizures, behavioural abnormalities. Usually a normal life span, onset of CSx in middle age (8yo)
What are the features of Paroxysmal dyskinesia in Border terriers?
JVIM 2017: Dystonia, muscle fasciculations and falling over. Some responded to AED, some responded to gluten free diet
What is gangliosidoses a disease of? what is the pathogenesis and a breed affected?
JVIM 2018; storage disease of ganglioside lipids. Two forms; GM1 = deficiency of beta-galactosidase. GM2 = B-hexosaminidase deficiency. Shiba Inu get both types
What evidence is there to suggest MUO is an immune mediated disease?
JVIM: No link to infectious agent (in this time period, -ve Bartonella paper and broader search for infectious organisms).
Another paper found some dogs positive for Anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antibodies (neuronal surface protein)
What is the significance of increased lactate on CSF?
JVIM: Weak positive correlation with nucleated cell count
Are thoracolumbar and cisternal CSF samples equivalent?
JVIM 2019: No. Significant differences noted for TNCC for cervical and thoracolumbar lesions (not brain). Cisternal tap considered likely to have missed diagnosis for TL lesions.
What is the prevalence of post encephalopathic epilepsy in MUO? What are risk factors? Does it effect prognosis?
JVIM 2019: 23%. Acute symptomatic seizures and MRI lesions in the hippocampus were risk factors. If it develops it is associated with shorter survival
What breeds are at risk of SRMA and what was the reported relapse rate in JVIM 2019 study?
JVIM 2019: Golden retriever, Bernese, Wirehair Pointing Griffon, Boxer, Beagle. 48% relapse (in approx 75% post removal of prednisolone)
What is the effect of phenobarb on levetiracetam pharmacokinetics?
JVIM 2015: Compared to dogs just receiving bromide, dogs receiving pheno had higher clearance, lower AUC and lower peak concentrations
How does intranasal midazolam compare to rectal diazepam for status epileptics?
JVIM 2017: Superior. terminated status in 70% of dogs compared to 30% of diazepam treated dogs
How does IV midazolam compared to IN midazolam for status epilepticus?
JVIM 2019: Comparable (stopped in 76% - IN and 61% - V) but given the time to place an IV catheter, IN was considered superior
Can keppra be maintained at therapeutic levels in cats given once daily?
JVIM 2019: Therapeutic levels in cats unknown. However, this study showed SID extended release tablets kept concentrations at >5ug/ml which is the minimum recommended in humans. A couple of cats had sedation and 1 had vomiting
Has zonisamide been shown to affect keppra pharmacokinetics?
JVIM 2018: No
Has keppra been shown to be absorbed transdermal in cats?
JVIM 2019: Yes, serum concentrations >5ug/ml. Given TID
What is a diagnostic modality for unusual behavioural events and identifying seizures?
JVIM 2017: Electroencephalopgraphy. Wireless method validated in this paper and was able to diagnose 72% of dogs of seizures/no seizures. Less frequent events was associated with a lack of diagnosis
What % of dogs over 5 have idiopathic epilepsy?
JAVMA: did not find a difference amongst age groups. 23% of dogs 5-7yo had epilepsy, 45% of dogs 8-10 had primary epilepsy
What are common triggers for reflex epilepsy in dogs?
JAVMA 2017: visits to vets and grooming facilities. 19% of these dogs had seizures at other times and sedatives were not effective
What structural brain change may be seen on MRI in dogs with epilepsy? What sort of epilepsy may they be associated with?
JVIM 2018: Reduced hippocampal volume unilaterally, in 35% of these dogs they had EEG changes in the temporal leads, which could reflect features of temporal lobe epilepsy
Is there a relationship between epileptic seizures and the oestrus cycle?
JVIM 2015: Oestrogen is pro-convulsive. This paper found a pattern of seizure onset with during heat and at the end of dioestus
What population variables (sex/weight/breed) were associated with risk of seizures in a UK prevalence study?
JVIM 2018: Males, being 40kg+ and Labradors
What factors can predict in-hospital seizures for dogs presented for seizure evaluation?
JVIM 2018: 50% of dogs seized in this paper, mean time 7 hours. For all dogs, clusters/status in the 72 hours before presentation and an abnormal neurological exam predicted seizures. For Idiopathic epileptics, prosencephalic signs post ictal also was predictive
What was the clinical characteristic of focal epilepsy in a Boerboel litter?
JVIM 2019: Fear behaviours
What was the impact on seizures in a placebo controlled trial of CBD oil in dogs?
JVIM 2019: Reduction in seizure frequency by 33%. However. response defined as reduction by 50% and this was no different to the control group
What structural brain change is associated with recurrent seizures in cats (cause or affect - unknown)
JFMS review; hypocampal necrosis. Associated with severe progressive cluster seizures, which often have orofacial involvement. Behavioural changes can develop between episodes. Prognosis open, some recover but often poor
What is commonly diagnosed as an association in cats with MG? What is the prognosis with remission for cats with MG? What breeds are commonly affected?
JVIM 2015: Cranial mediastinal mass in 52%; clinical outcome no different between surgery and medical management. Spontaneous remission is uncommon
JVIM 2019; prognosis evaluated in cats without mediastinal mass and remission was common, even in cats that received no treatment
Breed: somali and abyssinian
What novel mutation was found in Golden Retrievers with congenital myasthenia gravis?
JVIM 2019: COLQ mutation; associated with the collagen tail of acetylcholinesterase
What was the link found between Campylobacter and polyradiculoneuritis?
JVIM 2018: Polyradic cases were 9,4 times more likely to be campylobacter positive on faecal testing. Increased risk of being fed raw chicken (96%) and most common species was C. upsaliensis
What was the disease specific survival for PNST treated with stereotactic radiation?
JVIM 2016; 745 days, no acute adverse effects recorded
What mutation is associated with neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis in Border Collies and Australian Cattle dogs?
JVIM 2016: CLN5. Clinical features; accumulate autofluorescent material. Degenerative disorder; seizures, blindness
Name a breed to have a described juvenile neuropathy associated with laryngeal paralysis
JVIM 2018: American staffies. Surgery for larpar improved QOL and lifespan could then be similar to normal dogs
What % of cats with myoclonic seizures responded to keppra vs phenobarb?
JFMS 2017: 100% vs 3%
What are the typical MRI features in cats with FIP?
JVIM 2017: Three syndromes: T3-L3, Vestibular and multifocal. Meningeal contrast enhancement, ventriculomegaly, syringomyelia, foramen magnum herniation
What is gapiprant (MOA) and side effects? What is the reported efficacy?
JVIM 2016; Prostaglandin E2 EP4 receptor antagonist. Side effects are GI upset, increased ALT and ALP. Cannot give with steroids or NSAIDs. In this study reported improved clinical scores (DJD) compared to placebo by Day 28
What is an antibody target for a pain relief injection in cats? What is the half life and recommended dose?
JVIM 2016: Nerve growth factor. Basis of frunevetmab product. This pilot study showed increased activity 2-6 weeks after treatment. T1/2 7-15 days, dose 2mg/kg
What are two congenital myopathies of labradors?
JVIM 2015: Xlinked myotubular myopathy (rapidly progressive) and centronuclear myopathy (milder)
What is the most common cause of unilateral MM atrophy?
JVIM 2019: Trigeminal NST in 47.6%, other mass lesions accounted for 20.6%. Idiopathic 28%