Neuroanatomy Flashcards
Spinal Cord and Brain anatomy
What cranial fossa does the brainstem lie in?
Posterior Cranial Fossa
What CN’s emerge from the pontomedullary junction?
What is the function of the pyramids of the medulla?
Carry motor fibres to spinal cord and brain stem
What are the functions of the olives of the medulla ?
Aid sound perception and motor learning
Where does the “open” part of the medulla open onto?
The fourth ventricle
Where does the medulla become the spinal cord?
Foramen Magnum
What is the middle cerebellar penduncle made up of?
Centripetal fibres
What lies immediately superior to the midbrain?
The thalamus
What lies immediately inferior to the midbrain?
The pons
What do cerebral peduncles connect?
The midbrain to the cerebrum
What makes up the diencephalon?
The thalamus and the hypothalamus
What does the diencephalon lie between?
Telencephalon and the midbrain
What is the name of the midline structure connecting the two cerebellar hemispheres?
The Vermis
What is the name of the ventricular space which lies anterior to the cerebellum?
The 4th ventricle
What is the name of the large fissure which separates the cerebral hemispheres?
Longitudinal Fissure
What lines the longitudinal fissure?
The Falx Cerebri
What type of nerve fibres are carried in the corpus callosum?
Where is the primary motor cortex found?
Frontal Lobe
Where is the primary visual cortex found?
Occiptal Lobe
Where is the primary sensory cortex found?
Parietal Lobe
Where is the primary auditory cortex found?
Temporal Lobe
Where does the spinal cord terminate in an adult?
Where does the spinal cord terminate in a new born?
Where does the dura mater terminate?
At which spinal level does arachnoid mater terminate?
At which vertebral level would you perform a lumbar puncture?
How many pairs of spinal nerves are there?
From which arteries do the left and right vertebral arteries arise?
What artery links the ICA to the post. cerebral arteries?
Post. Communication Artery
What does the vertebro-basilar system supply?
Brain stem, occipital lobes and cerebellum
What artery runs immediately superior to the superior cerebellar arteries?
Posterior Cerebral Artery
Which cranial nerve lies just above the sup. cerebellar artery?
The carotid sinus is located at the terminal part of which artery?
Where are dural venous sinuses found?
Between the periosteum and the cranial dura
Where do dural venous drain?
Into the IJV
Which foramen does the IJV pass through?
The jugular foramen
What is the fold of dura which surrounds the pituitary stalk called?
Diaphragm sellae
Where does the superior ophthalmic vein drain?
The cavernous sinus
The vertebral and the posterior spinal artery fuse to form which artery?
The anterior spinal artery
Where does the falx cerebri attach posteriorly?
Upper Surface of the Cerebellar Tentorium
Where does the falx cerebri attach anteriorly?
The crista gali, frontal and ethmoid sinuses
The posterior spinal arteries are branches of which arteries?
The vertebral and inferior cerebellar arteries
Which dural venous sinus runs within the upper border of the falx cerebri?
The superior saggital sinus
Which dural venous sinus runs along the lower border of the falx cerebri?
Inferior sagittal sinus
What embryological structures form the ventricles?
The forebrain and the hindbrain
What fluid circulates the subarachnoid space?
What structures lie on either side of the tentorium cerebelli?
Occipital lobes of cerebrum and the cerebellum
What bony process does the tentorium cerebelli attach to anteriorly?
Clinoid process of the sphenoid
Which dural venous sinus runs along the attachment of the falx cerebri to the tentorium?
The straight sinus
The medial portion of the cerebrum contains which system?
The limbic system
What generates CSF within ventricles?
Choroid Plexus’
What branch of the maxillary artery supplies the dura mater?
The Middle Meningeal Artery
Where is CSF reabsorbed back into general circulation?
Arachnoid Granulations
What structure connects the two cerebral hemispheres?
The Corpus Callosum
What sulcus separates the brain into the anterior and posterior sections?
The Central Sulcus
What lobe lies anterior to the precentral gyrus?
The frontal lobe
The parietal, occipital and temporal lobe lie posterior to which strucure?
The post-central gyrus
What connects the inferior petrosal sinuses?
The basilar plexus
What drains into the cavernous sinus?
The superior and anterior ophthalmic veins, superficial middle cerebral vein, and sphenoparietal sinus
What structures in the skull base is the cavernous sinus closely related to?
The temporal and sphenoid bone, bilateral to the sella turcica
The middle meningeal artery supplies what ?
The dura mater
The middle meningeal artery enters the skull through which foramen?
The foramen spinosum
The maxillary artery is a branch of which artery?
The ventricular system is formed by which embryological structure?
The neural tube
Where does the foramen of monro lie ?
The Hypothalamus
Where does the lateral ventricle lie within the brain? Give detail
Ant. Horn - Frontal Lobe
Body - Frontal and Parietal Lobe
Post. Horn - Occipital and Parietal lobe
Inferior Horn- Temporal lobe
Where does the third ventricle lie within the brain ?
Where does the cerebral aqueduct lie within the brain?
Where does the fourth ventricle lie within the brain?
The Pons
Name the four parts of the corpus callosum?
Rostrum, Genu, Body and Splenium
What separates the two anterior horns of the lateral ventricle?
Septum Pellucidum
The thalamus is made up of which type of fibres?
Grey matter fibres
Name some functions of the thalamus?
Regulate body temperature, hormones, thirst, hunger, circadian rhythm, processing fear
What lies on top of the pituitary gland?
The diaphragma sellae
What fibres make up the internal nucleus?
white mater (myelinated axons)
What kind of fibres connect cerebral hemispheres with other bits of the brain?
Projection fibres
What artery supplies the internal capsule?
The middle cerebral artery
Which aspect of the spinal cord receives sensory nerve fibres?
Dorsal Root
Which aspect of the spinal cord receives motor nerve fibres?
Ventral Horn
Where does the middle cerebral artery lie?
The central sulcus
Where does the anterior cerebral artery lie ?
The longitudinal fissure
Where does the posterior cerebral artery lie?
The junction between the midbrain and pons
Where does the basilar artery lie close to?
The pontomedullary junction
What does the medial genticulate nucleus conduct?
What does the lateral genticulate nucleus conduct?
Visual Information
What drains the fourth ventricle?
The foramen of magendie
What artery causes a extradural haematoma?
Middle meningeal artery = branch of maxillary artery
What nerves are connected to the cavernous sinus?
Facial and abducens nerve
What arteries does the occulomotor nerve pass through?
The posterior and superior cerebral arteries
What would occur during a hemisection of the spine?
Ipsilateral loss of vibration and touch below lesion (as DCML has already decussated at medulla)
Ipsilateral spasticity below lesion(Corticospinal tract has also decussated at medulla)
Where does the middle menigeal artery enter the cranium?
Foramen spinosum
What occurs with a hypoglossal nerve palsy?
Tongue deviates TOWARD side of lesion
What blood vessels cause a subdural haemorrhage?
Bridging veins
How is the SCM innervated?