Neuro Vyvanse trial Flashcards
Name the 12 Cranial nerves
- Olfactory (smell)
2 Optic (eye) - Oculomotor (eye)
- Trochlea
- Trigeminal
- Abducens
- Facial
- Vestibulocochlear
- Glossopharngeal
- Vagus
- Accessory
- Hypoglossal
Describe the Olfactory Nerve.
-Primary sensory bodies/location of ganglia,
Olfactory Nerve (CNI)
-Function: smell
-Primary sensory bodies are located in the olfactory epithelium of the nasal cavity.
-Pathway: Primary cell bodies in the olfactory epithelia of the nasal cavity. small bundles of unmyelinated nerve bundle fibers pass through the cribiform plate of the ethmoid bone, to reach the olfactory bulb. (fiber bundles are enclosed in meninges as they enter the skull through the cribiform plate).
Dysfunction- anosmia (lack of sense of smell)
Test - check response to powerful smell e.g aniseed
cribiform plate - part of the ethmoid bone at the base of the skull. (has holes in it)
Describe the Optic Nerve.
-Primary sensory bodies/location of ganglia,
*What mediates the unconscious visual reflexes?
Optic nerve (CNII)
-Function: vision
-Primary sensory bodies are located in the retina of the eye .
location of ganglia:
-Pathway: primary sensory bodies in retina of eye. The axons of the neuron form the optic nerve and leave the eye and runs within the periorbita, surrounded by extensions of cranial meninges. The nerve enters the cranial cavity at the optic canal, and shortly afterwards the 2 (bilateral nerves) cross over/meet at the optic chiasma, where fibers of the medial portions of both nerves cross to the optic tract of the opposite side.
The optic tract runs to the lateral geniculate bodies, synapse and relays to the visual (occipital) cortex.
Unconscious visual reflexes are mediated by the rostral colliculi of the midbrain.
through the optic canal
-Dysfunction: visual deficit
-Test (4)
1.menace response (pretend to hit/move object quickly towards the eye of a patient to stimulate blinking) - Tests CN2 and CN3
- pupillary light reflex (shine light into pupil to ensure dilation) CN2 AND CN3
- visual placing
- fixation/obstacle course (cover one eye and lead animal through an obstacle course to see if movement is hindered due to vision deficit)
Describe the Oculomotor Nerve.
-Primary sensory bodies/location of ganglia,
Oculomotor Nerve CN3
Motor to extrinsic eye muscles:
(Medial rectus,
Dorsal rectus,
Vental rectus,
Vental Oblique
Levator palpabrae - eyelid)
Parasympathetic to intrinsic eye m.s
- Ciliary and Pupillary (fibers carry with CN 5 -1?)
-Primary sensory bodies/location of ganglia:
Nuclei lie within the midbrain,
-Pathway: The nerve exits the cranium at the orbital fissure (middle hole in skull around eye), before dividing into dorsal and ventral rami.
-dysfunction in the extrinsic or instrinsic m mentioned above
-ptosis - drooping eyelid due to dysfunction in levator palpebrae
-stabismus (squint) dysfunction in extrinsic eye m.s mentioned above
-mydriasis - dilated pupil (can be bilateral)
-Test: pupillary light reflex (tests CN2 and CN3)
Questions: which optic nerve is affected for total blindness?
fiX UP q 3. oculomotor Q,
create table of which ones have senspry, motor, para, sympathetic NS
Which foramen do the following go through:
- optic nerve
- Oculomotor nerve
- vertebral a in face
- Trochlear nerve
- optic canal
- orbital fissure
- rostral alar foramen
- orbital fissure.
Describe the Trochlear Nerve.
-Primary sensory bodies/location of ganglia,
Trochlear Nerve (CN IV)
-Function: Motor to dorsal (superior oblique m)
-Primary sensory bodies/location of ganglia:
-nucleus lies in midbrain
-Pathway: nucleus lies in the midbrain. The nerve fibers cross over within the brain, anmd emerge dorsally 9only cranial nerve to do so). the nerves pass laterally towards the ventral surface of the brain and exit the skull via the orbital fissure. the nerve runs within the periorbita to the dorsal oblique m.
-Dysfunction (rare) - strabismus (up and in)
-Test: no test, obvious if patient has it
Describe the Trigeminal Nerve.
-Primary sensory bodies/location of ganglia,
Trigeminal Nerve (CN5)
3 functions (Sensory, Motor, and parasympathetic)
- Sensory to superficial and deep face:
-sensation from the nasal mucosa, oral cavity, face, eyes
-proprioception from the head muscles - Motor to masticatory m.s :
rostral belly digastric
-tensor veli palatini
-tensor tympani
-Primary sensory bodies/location of ganglia,