Neuro Rehab Flashcards
Motor Learning: Cognitive Stage
- large amounts of errors
- inconsistent attempts
- repetition of effort allows for improvement strategies
- inconsistent performance
- learning, observing, processing feedback
Motor Learning: Associative Stage
- decreased errors
- decreased need for concentration and cognition
- skill refinement
- increased coordination of movement
Motor Learning: Autonomous Stage
- automatic response
- error-free regardless of environment
- automatic patterns of movement
- distraction does no impact the activity
- can perform more than one task simultaneously
- extrinsic feedback should be limited or not provided
- internal feedback or self-assessment should be dominant
Intrinsic (inherent) feedback
all feedback that comes to the person through sensory systems as a result of movement including visual, vestibular, proprioceptive, and somatosensory inputs
Extrinsic (augmented) feedback
represents the information that can be provided while a task of movement is in progress or subsequent to the movement. (Verbal or manual)
Knowledge of results
terminal feedback regarding the outcome of a movement that has been performed in relation to the movement’s goals
Knowledge of performance
relates to the actual movement pattern that someone used to achieve their goal movement
Massed practice
time in trial is greater than the amount of rest between trials
Distributed practice
the amount of rest time between trials is equal to or greater than the amount of practice time for each trial
Constant practice
practice of a given task under a uniform condition
Variable practice
practice of a given task under differing conditions
Random practice
varying practice amongst different tasks
Blocked practice
consistent practice of a single task
Whole practice
practice of an entire task
Part practice
practice of an individual component or selected components of a task
Closed system model
transfer of information that incorporates multiple feedback loops and larger distribution of control.
- nervous system enables initiation of movement as opposed to “reacting” to stimuli
the ability to utilize alternate motor and sensory strategies due to an impairment that limits the normal completion of a task
the decrease in response that will occur as a result of consistent exposure to non-painful stimuli
the process of acquiring knowledge about the world that leads to a relatively permanent change in a person’s capability to perform a skilled action
Motor learning
the acquisition of, or modification of movement
Motor program
a concept of a central motor pattern that can be activated by sensory stimuli or central processes.
Open systems model
a single transfer of information without any feedback loop (reflexive hierarchical theory). The nervous system is seen as awaiting stimuli in order to react