Cranial Nerves Flashcards
CN 1 - Olfactory
sniffing a familiar odor
CN 2 - Optic
reading a chart from a distance
CN 3 - Oculomotor
following an object with eyes as it moves vertically, horizontally, and diagonally.
Light reflex
CN 4 - Trochlear
following an object moved in an inferior direction
CN 5 - Trigeminal
Sensory component - sharp/dull identification
Motor component - protrusion, retrusion, and lateral deviation of mandible
CN 6 - Abducens
abduct eyes without rotation head.
CN 7 - Facial
Sensory component - distinguish between sweet and salty substances placed on anterior portion of tongue.
Motor component - manual muscle test on facial expression (cheeks puffed, forehead wrinkled, etc)
CN 8 - Vestibulocochlear
hearing ticking watch or fingers rubbing together
Rinne test or Weber test
CN 9 - Glossopharyngeal
Motor component - gag reflex
Sensory component - ability to distinguish taste on posterior portion of tongue
CN 10 - Vagus
gag reflex
CN 11 - Accessory
MMT of shoulder shrug (traps)
CN 12 - Hypoglossal
Protrude tongue straight out