Neuro Kaplan, Robbins, and First Aid Q&A Flashcards
Anterior Half of external ear canal - Nerve? Posterior half?
Auricular Temporal (V3 branch); Auricular branch of vegus;
Ear innervation: lower auricle? upper?
Greater auricular; Lesser occipital
Artery in Middle cranial fossa?
Middle Menigial Artery
Innervated by external laryngeal N?
Cranial Ns that are used to hear?
7 and 8
Sensory organ for auditory?
Organ of Corti. Inside cochlea.
Pt with a positive Babinski sign. Decussation happens where?
Corticospinal tract. Decussates in caudal medulla.
Detect length of muscle? (used in reflexes)
Spindle afferents
Location of area postrema?
Floor of 4th ventricle
Meningitis - Increased lyphocytes, plasma cells, macrophages. Increased protein and decreased glucose? Type of organism?
Chronic organism (plasma cells) like TB
Granulovacular inclusions and Hirano bodies located where?
ALZ. Hippocampal pyrimidal neurons/
Negri Bodies found where?
Rabies. Purkinje neurons
AD disease with retinal angiomas?
Arnold Chiari 1 vs 2?
Small posterior fossa, downward displacement of cerebellar vermis and medulla through the foramen magnum leading to an obstructive hydrocephalus
2 = 1+ sryingomyelia, myelomeningocele
Microbes that causes abcesses in brain?
S. aureus, Strep, Bacteriodes
3 month course of dementia, memory loss and personality changes?
Bilateral loss of temp and pain but not touch?
Arnold Chirari
Hyperintense signals in cortical ribbon, BG, and thalamus. Bursts of high-voltage slow waves?
72 old pathologically forgetful pt who dies suddenly of intracranial hemorrhage. Cause?
Amyloid Angiopathy
Meningitis in a new born. Bugs?
Group B strep, E coli, Listeria
Treat central diabeties insipidus with? Nephrogenic?
Desmopressin; HCT
Involuntary Limb and facial movements, mood swing and trouble with memory. Mother had same disease. Histo findings? In what brain area?
Huntingtons. Gliosis of the caudate nucleus
An inability to:
1) distinguish left from right
2) identify fingers
3) cannot write
4) bad math
Damage to angular gyrus (visual associated cortex)
What lies in the Left posterior inferior frontal lobe?
What lies in the Left posterior superior temporal gyrus?
lesion to brain area that results in poor comprehension, good repitition and non-fluent speech
Temporoparieto-occipital junction
Demylination of DCML and spinocerebella tracts. Associated with? and Symptoms?
Pernicious anemia (B12 deficiency); loss of position and vibration sense
Demylination of posterior limb of internal capsule? Symptoms?
Contrateral spastic paralysis due to disruption of the decending fibers of the corticospinal tract
Loss of neuron in anterior horn and posterior columns. Associated with? and Symptoms?
Charcot-Marie-Tooth. Loss of conscious proprioception and lower motor neuron signs.
Loss of the anterior horn cells?
Polio; flaccid paralysis
Neuronal loss in the region of the anterior horn cells and corticospinal tracts in the SC. Associated with? and Symptoms?
ALS; SIgns of both upper and lower motor neuron lesions
Area Postrema located where?
Infant post-meningitis with enlarged head. Mech?
Decreased absoption of cerebrospinal fluid by arachnoid villi from scarring.
25 year old healthy woman has acute confusion and disorientation. Left temporal lobe hemorrhage. LP shows monos, normal glucose and normal protein. Cause?
Herpes simplex.
arboviral (horse encephalitis) CSF signs?
up CSF protein, neutrophils
Hemorrhagic lesions in the brain can be caused by this fungi in immunocompromised pts?
subacute meningitis with exudate on base of brain?
Acute meningitis with purulent exudate o the cerebral convexities?
N. meningitidis
Alcoholic pt with asterixis. Blood will show?
pt with midbrain hemorrhage, in ventral-to-dorsal direction, and bilateral uncal and cerebral herniation. Mech?
kinking of branches of the basilar arter leading to hemorrhgic infarcts in ventral to dorsal direction
Anencephaly - materal serum sign?
increased AFP
recent vs remote brain infarct grossly?
necrosis vvs cystic space
Fetus that is hydropic with extensive necrosis in periventricular pattern with focal calcifications - dx?
congenital CMV
12 year old with diminishing neurologic function over 3 years. difficulty with movement, decreased mental ability and loss of control over her bladder. Atrophic brain, with shrunken white matter. What is spared?
metachromic leukodystrophy. subcortical U fibers spared.
lysosomal storage disease that affects infants?
Sub-dural bleed. What is disrupted?
bridging veins
Tumors that arise in the ventricles of children?
PT with MS. Likely to deveop?
optic neuritis
Thromboembolic dz that leads to cerebral infarcts typically affects what organ?
heart (endocarditis, mural thrombosis etc)
Hypertension linked with brain hemorrhages where?
BG, pontine, cerebellar (cerebral from cardiac illnesses)
Pt with severe headache for two days. papilledema. Day later, right pupillary dilation and impaired ocular movement. dx?
transtentorial medial temporal herniation
Lesion in brain with gliosis and evidence of remote hemorrhage. Mass shows toruous vessels surrounded by gliosis. DX?
AV malformation
Tumor that can result in a non-communicating hydrocephalus in a child?
25 year old healthy woman has acute confusion and disorientation. Left temporal lobe hemorrhage. LP shows monos, normal glucose and normal protein. Cause?
Herpes simplex.
arboviral (horse encephalitis) CSF signs?
up CSF protein, neutrophils
Hemorrhage lesions in the brain can be cause in immunocompromised pts by this?
subacute meningitis with exudate on base of brain?
Acute meningitis with purulent exudate o the cerebral convexities?
N. meningitidis
Alcoholic pt with asterixis. Blood will show?
pt with midbrain hemorrhage, in ventral-to-dorsal direction, and bilateral uncal and cerebral herniation. Mech?
kinking of branches of the basilar arter leading to hemorrhgic infarcts in ventral to dorsal direction
Anencephaly - materal serum sign?
increased AFP
recent vs remote brain infarct grossly?
necrosis vvs cystic space
Fetus that is hydropic with extensive necrosis in periventricular pattern with focal calcifications - dx?
congenital CMV
12 year old with diminishing neurologic function over 3 years. difficulty with movement, decreased mental ability and loss of control over her bladder. Atrophic brain, with shrunken white matter. What is spared?
metachromic leukodystrophy. subcortical U fibers spared.
lysosomal storage disease that affects infants?
Sub-dural bleed. What is disrupted?
bridging veins
Tumors that arise in the ventricles of children?
PT with MS. Likely to deveop?
optic neuritis
Thromboembolic dz that leads to cerebral infarcts typically affects what organ?
heart (endocarditis, mural thrombosis etc)
Hypertension linked with brain hemorrhages where?
BG, pontine, cerebellar (cerebral from cardiac illnesses)
Pt with severe headache for two days. papilledema. Day later, right pupillary dilation and impaired ocular movement. dx?
transtentorial medial temporal herniation
Lesion in brain with gliosis and evidence of remote hemorrhage. Mass shows toruous vessels surrounded by gliosis. DX?
AV malformation
Tumor that can result in a non-communicating hydrocephalus in a child?