EMBYRO Origins Flashcards
Embyological Origins: Rathke’s pouch?
surface ectoderm
lens and cornea - origin?
surface ectoderm
inner ear organs - origin?
surface ectoderm
olfactory epithelium - origin?
surface ectoderm
nasal and oral epithelial lining - origin?
surface ectoderm
epidermis - origin?
surface ectoderm
salivary, sweat and mammary glands?
surface ectoderm
pineal gland - origin?
neural tube
brain and SC - origin?
neural tube
brachial arches - origin?
neural crest
Posterior pit - origin?
neural tube
retina - origin
neural tube
ganglia - origin?
neural crest
parts from heart from neural crest?
aorticopulmonary septum and endocardial cushions
adrenal medulla - origin?
neural crest
muscles, connective tissue, bone, cartilage - origin?
kidney and ureters - origin?
serosa linings - origin?
lungs - origin?
parathyroids- origin?
middle ear - origin?
bladder and urethra - origin?
Aortic Arch Derivatives?
1 - maxillary artery 2 - stapedial artery 3 - carotids 4 - aortic arch and right subclavian 6 - pulmonary arteries and ductus arteriosis
Brancial Cleft derivatives?
1 - external auditory meatus
2 - 4 - temporary cervical sinuses (obliterated, or made into a cyst)
1st branchial arch - cartilage
CHEW (5th N innvervation)
Meckel’s cartilage - mandible, malleus/incus, sphenoMandibular junction
2nd branchial arch
SMILE Reichert's cartilage (5 'S's) CN 7 Stapes Styloid Stylohyoid Lesser horn ("smaller") hyoid Superior body of hyoid
3rd brachial arch
4th brachial arch
Superior Laryngeal branch of CNX
pharyngeal constrictors, cricothyroid, levator veli palatini
1st branchial arch - muscles
CHEW (5th N innvervation)
- muscles of mastication (masseter, teMporalis, Medial and lateral pterygoids)
- Mylohyoid,
- ANT digastric
- Tensors
3th brachial arch - cartilage
greater horn of hyoid
6th brachial arch
recurrent laryngeal branch of CN10 -muscles of larynx except cricothyroid
4-6th brachial arch - cartilage
thryod, cricoid, artenoids, corniculate, cuneiform
Mandibular hypoplasia and facial abnormalities - problem
1st brachial arch migration failure (treacher colins syndrome)
fistula between tonsillar area and cleft in neck - problem?
presistence of 3rd cleft and pouch
Tongue formed by?
3rd and 4th brachial arch
Middle ear, eustachian tube and mastoid air cells - origin?
1st brachial pouch
Develops into epithelial lining and palatine tonsil?
2nd brachial pouch
inferior parathyroids - origin also develops?
3rd pouch. thymus
4th brachial pouch derivative?
superior parathyroid.
Overview: Surface Ectoderm - Mneumonic?
BEADPEEL Breast glands Enamel Anti-Pit and Anal canal Distal urethra Parotid Epidermis Ear organs Lens of Eye
Overview: Neuroectoderm derivatives?
CNS and post pit, retina,
Overview: Neural crest derivatives?
SHAPES Skull bones Heart (aorticopulmonary septum) Arachnoid Pia Endo (C-cells, chromaffin) Skin (melanocyes)
Overview: Mesodermal defects?
VACTERL Vertebral defects Anal atresia Cardiac defects Tracheo-Esophageal fistula Renal defects Limb defects
Overview: Endoderm derivatives
GI tract (including liver/pancreas)
Respiratory tract
Neck (thymus, thyroid, parathyroid)