NEURO 1 Flashcards
what are the 2 types of cells of nervous system?
neurons (cells that send & receive signals) & neuroglia (cells that support & protect neurons)- contains average 86 billion neurons- no cell division in neurons
what are the functions of the nervous syste?
monitor internal/external environment, integration (moniotr sensory input & initiate appropriate response, regulate & coordinate internal environment, control mental activity, control muscles & glands
what is the structure of a neuron?
cell body (presynaptic cell) containing organelles- has dendrites with one axon with telodendrites connecting to a postsynaptic cell with a neurotransmitter- neurons require large amounts of blood as energy
what makes up CNS?
brain & spinal cord- contains neural tissue, connective tissues, & blood vessels= PNS (sensory receptors, cranial & spinal nerves, ganglion, plexuses)
what is white matter?
regions of CNS with myelinated axons
what is gray matter?
unmyelinated areas of CNS (cell bodies)
what are functions of the CNS?
process & coordinate sensory data (from inside & outside body), motor commands (control activities of peripheral organs), higher function of brain (intelligence, emotion)
where does the spinal cord terminate?
between L1 & L2
what is the is the sulcus & fissue of dorsal & ventral surface?
dorsal= posterior median sulcus- ventral= anterior median fissure
what is the cervical enlargement?
nerves of shoulders & upper limbs
what is the lumbar enlargement?
nerves of pelvis & lower limbs
what is the conus medullaris?
thin, conical spinal cord below lumbar enlargement
what filum terminale?
fibrous tissue at end of conus medullaris- attaches spinal cord to coccygeal ligament
what is cauda equina?
nerve roots extending below conus medullaris
how many spinal segments are there & what are they associated with?
31- every segment if associated with pair of dorsal root ganglia
where do dorsal & ventral roots exit through?
intervertebral foramina between successive vertebrae
how the spinal nerves named?
spinal nerves inferior to 1st thoracic vertebrae takes its name from vertebrae immediately superior to it e.g. spinal nerve T1 emerges inferior to vertebrae T1
where does the 1st pair of spinal nerves, C1, pass between?
between skull & first cervical vertebrae
how many cervical nerves are there?
8 cervical nerves even though there are 7 cervical vertebrae- 8 passes through C7 & T1
what is the corticospinal tract?
starts in cerebral cortex & terminates on lower motor neurons - controls movement of limbs & trunk
what is the spinothalamic tract?
from spine to thalamus then relayed to somatosensory cortex- gross touch & temperature
what is the rubrospinal tract?
from red nucleus to spinal cord- large muscle movement regulation flexor & inhibiting extendor tone as well as fine motor control
what is the vestibulospinal tract?
from vestibular nuclei to spinal cord- alters motor tone, extend, & change position of limbs & head with goal of supporting posture & maintaining balance of head & body
what are the nerves of the PNS?
cranial nerves (originate from brain- 12 pairs) & spinal nerves (31 pairs)
what are the 2 branches of spinal nerves?
ventral root (axons of motor neuron) & dorsal root (contain axons of sensory neurons)
what does dorsal root ganglia contain?
cell bodies of sensory neurons-
where are motor neuron cells bodies contain?
anterior & lateral horns of spinal cord gray matter - somatic in anterior (motor) horn & autonomic neurons in lateral horn
what is the function of the PNS?
deliver sensory information to CNS- carry motor commands to peripheral tissue & systems
what ais the afferent division of PNS?
Carries sensory information- from PNS receptors to CNS
what is the efferent division of PNS?
carries motor commands- from CNS to muscles & glands
what are receptors?
detect change in environment, neurons & specialised cells, complex sensory organs e.g. eyes
what are effectors?
respond to efferent signals- cells & organs
what does the somatic nervous system control?
skeletel muscle contractions both voluntary & involuntary muscle contractions (reflexes)
what is the autonomic nervous system?
visceral motor neurons that carry info from CNS to all other peripheral effectors (e.g. smooth muscle, cardiac muscle)
what are the divisiosn of the ANS?
sympathetic, parasympathetic, enteric
what does the ANS control?
subconscious actions e.g. contractions of smooth muscle & cardiac muscle & glandular secretions
what is the function of the sympathetic division?
stimulating effect (fight or flight)- arises from thoracic & lumbar (thoracolumbar outflow)
what is the function of parasympathetic division?
relaxing effect- rest or digest- arises from brainstem (Cranial nerves) & sacral spinal cord (craniosacral outflow)
where do signals from CNS motor neurons to visceral effectors pass synapses?
autonomic ganglia- divides axons intro preganglionic fibres & postganglion fibers
what are dermatomes?
bilateral regions of skin monitored by specific pair of spinal nerves
what are neurotransmitters?
chemical messengers, released at presynaptic membrane, affect receptors of postsynaptic membrane, broken down by enzymes, reassembled at synaptic knob
what are 3 classifications of neurons?
sensory neurons (afferent neurons of PNS-take info into CNS), motor neurons (efferent neurons of PNS- take info out from CNS), interneurons
what do visceral & somatic sensory neurons monitor?
visceral= internal environment- somatic= external environment
what are the 3 types of sensory receptors?
interoceptors, exteroceptors, proprioceptors
what is the function of interoceptors?
monitor internal system (digestive, urinary) & internal senses (taste, pain)
what is the function of exteroceptors?
external senses (touch, pressure), distance senses (sight, smell)
what is the function of proprioceptors?
monitor position & movement (skeletal muscles & joints)
where do motor neurons carry instructions from?
CNS to peripheral effectors/organs via efferent fibres (axons)
what is the function of interneurons?
located in brain, spinal cord & autonomic ganglia- responsible for distribution of sensory information & coordinate motor activity- involved in higher functions (memory, planning, learning)
what is the neuroglia of CNS?
astrocytes, ependymal cells, microglia & oligodendrocytes
what is the function of astrocytes?
regulate substances that reach the CNS from the blood, produce chemical that promote tight junctions to form BBB, regulate brain fluid composition, provide protection
what is the function of ependymal cells?
line brain ventricles & central canal of spinal cord- form choroid plexus- secretes CSF
what is the function of microglia?
migrate through neural tissue, clean up cellular debris + waste products & pathogens
what is the function of oligodendrocytes?
myelinated axons of CNS neurons
what are internodes?
myelinated segments of axons
what are nodes/nodes of ranvier?
gaps between internodes- important for conducting action potential, contain high concentration of ion channels, critical for conducting of message between neurons
what is the ventricular system?
interconnecting series of chambers & channels- contain CSF
what does the ventricular system consist of?
lateral ventricles, 3rd ventricles, cerebral aqueduct, 4th ventricle
where is the lateral ventricle?
located within each cerebral hemisphere- communicates via interventricular foramen to 3rd ventricle
what makes up the walls of 3rd ventricle?
lateral walls made of thalamus & hypothalamus- 3rd ventricle becomes continuous with cerebral aquaduct
where is the 4th ventricle located?
between the brain stem (pons & medulla) & cerebellum- median aperture & 2 lateral apertures communicate with subarachnoid space surrounding the brain
what does the prosencephalon (forebrain) turn in to?
telecephalon & diencephalon= cerebral hemisphere
what does the mesencephalon (midbrain) turn in to?
mesencephalon= midbrain
what does the rhombencephalon (hindbrain) turn in to?
metencephalon (pons, cerebellum) & myelencephalo (medulla oblongata)
what is the function of the diencephalon and what do it contain?
integrates sensory information & motor commands- contains thalamus, epithalamus, subthalamus & hypothalamus- acts as a filter to control amount of sensory information that reaches the cortex & decides if sensory information can deal with it as subcortical level
what is the function of the thalamus?
filters ascending sensory information to primary sensory cortex- relays motor information from basal nuclei & cerebellum to cerebral cortex
what does the 3rd ventricle seperate?
left & right thalamus
what is the intermediate mass of 3rd ventricle?
projection of gray matter- extends into ventricle from each side
what are thalamic nuclei?
masses of grey matter that form the thalamus
what are the 5 groups of thalamic nuclei?
anterior group, medial group, ventral group, posterior group, lateral group
what is the function of anterior group?
part of limbic system (emotions)- conected with hippocampal formation, cingulate gyrus & mammillary bodies
what is the function of medial group?
provides awareness of emotional states
what is the function of ventral group?
relays sensoring information
what are the neuclei of posterior group?
pulvinar nucleus (sensory), lateral geniculate nucleus (visual), medial geniculate nucleus (auditory)
what is the function of lateral group?
affects emotional states, integrates sensory info
what are the role of mamillary bodies of the hypothalamus?
process olfactory & other sensory information- controls reflex eating movements
what is the role of the infundibulum of hypothalamus?
narrow stalk- connects hypothalamus to pituitary gland
what is the role of the tuberal area of hypothalamus?
located between the infundibulum & mamillary bodies- helps control pituitary gland function
what are the functions of the hypothalamus?
subconscious control of skeletal muscle, controls autonomic function, coordinates activities of nervous & endocrine systems, secrete hormones (ADH from supraoptic nucleus, oxytocin from paraventricular), produces emotion & behavioural drives (feeding & thirst centres), coordinates voluntary & autonomic functions, regulates body temp (preoptic area), controls circadian rhythms (suprachiasmatic nucleus)
where and what is the pineal gland?
founding in posterior epithalamus & secretes melatonin
what are the basal nuclei?
4 subcortical nuclei- role in voluntary movement- no direct or indirect output connections to spinal cord- primary input from cortex
what is the input & output of basal nuclei?
input from cortex & output from thalamus to prefrontal, premotor & motor cortex
what is the function of dorsomedial nucleus?
associated with mediation of affective processes & emotional behaviour
what is the function of ventral anterior & lateral nucleus?
ventral +lateral (control of motor function)
what is the function of lateral dorsal nucleus?
projects info to parietal, occipitoparietal & temporal cortex- may play a role in memory
what is the ventral basal complex?
made of ventral posterior lateral & ventral posterior medial nuclei- serve as relay nuclei for transmission of somatosensory info from body & head to regions of postcentral gyrus
what is the function of lateral posterior nucleus?
associated with integration of different modalities of sensory input & cognitive functions associated with them
what is the function of pulvinar nucleus?
cognitive functions involving auditory & visual stimuli