Define Nucleus/Nuclei.
A cluster of neurons in the CNS
Define Ganglion/Ganglia.
A cluster of neurons in the PNS
Define a ‘Tract’?
Axon bundles that interconnect neurons in the CNS
What is a ‘Nerve’?
Axon bundles in the PNS
What do Peripheral Nerves connect?
Connects the spinal cord to the periphery
What do Cranial Nerves connect?
Connects the brain to periphery
Define Grey Matter?
Define White Matter.
Collection of MYELINATED AXONS in the CNS
The extension of the spinal cord run from?
The brain stem to L2
What is the Conus Medullaris?
A structure at L2 where the spinal cord tapers into
What is the Cauda Equina?
Roots of spinal nerves below the Conus Medullaris
What is the Anterior Median Fissure and Posterior Median Sulcus?
Grooves that divide white matter into left and right sides
What is a Central Canal?
A tube centre of the spinal cord that contains CSF
GREY MATTER is divided into regions called?
Which neurons pass through the Posterior/Dorsal Horns contain?
Incoming sensory neurons and interneurons
Which neurons pass through the Anterior/Ventral Horns contain?
Motor Nuclei
Where are Lateral Horns present, and what do they contain?
Present in thoracic, upper lumbar, and sacral portion. Contains Sympathetic Nuclei
WHITE MATTER is divided into 3 regions called?
Each white matter column contains ________ that have a common origin/destination.
Tract (axon bundles)
Sensory/Ascending Tracts conduct APs _______ the brain.
Motor/Descending Tracts conduct APs _______ the brain.
What are the 3 regions of the brain stem?
- Mid Brain
- Pons
- Medulla Oblongata
The Midbrain of the brain stem, is the centre for?
Tracking visual activities and hearing
The Pons centre of the brain stem controls?
The Medulla Oblongata of the brain stem, is the centre control for?
Heart rate
Blood pressure
What are Substantia Nigra?
A nuclei that make dopamine
What is Reticular Formation?
A net-like formation of neural tissue extending through brainstem, containing the Reticular Activating System (RAS)
What is the function of the Reticular Activating System (RAS)?
Consciousness and prevents sensory overload
The function of the Cerebellum is?
Coordinates skeletal muscle contraction, posture and balance
What are the 3 structures of the Diencephalon?
- Hypothalamus
- Thalamus
- Epithalamus
Hypothalamus has a major role in…?
Regulating hemostatsis
The Thalamus functions as?
The relay station for sensory input to the cerebral cortex
What does the Epithalamus contain and its function?
Contains the Pineal Gland and involved in smelling
The 4 structures of the brain are?
- Brain Stem
- Cerebellum
- Diencephalon
- Cerebrum
The Cerebrum are 2 hemispheres that consist of?
- The Cerebral Cortex
- White Matter
- Basal Ganglia
What are Sensory Areas of the Cerebral Cortex involved in?
What are Motor Areas of the Cerebral Cortex involved in?
Voluntary movements
What functions does the Association Areas (White Matter) of the Cerebrum control?
Personality Traits
The Basal Ganglia (Basal Nuclei) of the Cerebrum functions to?
Regulate movements/subconscious contractions
What are the 3 structures included in the Limbic System?
- Hypothalamus
- Hippocampus
- Amygdala
What is the function of the Hippocampus of the Limbic System?
Converts short term memory into long term memory
What is the function of Amygdala of the Limbic System?
Emotional function
What is Meninges?
3 layers of CT the encircle the brain and spinal cord
The tough outer layer of the Meninges is known as?
Dura Mater
The middle layer of the Meninges is the?
Arachnoid Membrane
The inner layer, under the Arachnoid Membrane of the Meninges is the?
Pia Mater
Define the Epidural Space.
A adipose and CT space between the vertebral canal and dura mater (not found in brain)
Define the Subdural Space.
Interstitial fluid space between Dura Mater and Arachnoid Membrane
Define the Subarachnoid Space.
CSF space between Arachnoid Membrane and Pia Mater