Nervous System 1 Flashcards
Name 3 main functions of the nervous system?
Collect information
Process information
Initiate response
Nerves and ganglia are part of which nervous system?
Peripheral Nervous System PNS
What are the two main anatomical components of the CNS?
Brain and spinal chord
Which nervous system transmits information to the CNS?
Sensory Nervous System
Which nervous system transmits information from the CNS?
Motor Nervous System
Name the two parts of the sensory nervous system and their function. (4)
Somatic sensory - conscious input (touch)
Motor sensory - not conscious input (heart)
What does the autonomic system consist of? (2)
Sympathetic - fight or flight and
parasympathetic - rest and digest
How do neurons Communicate?
Via neurotransmisson
Accumulated voltage triggers electric current down axon
Where are internuerons?
Which neuron cells activate in each process?
1 sense
2 process
3 react
1 sensory neurons
2 interneurons
3 motor neurons
4 properties of a neuron?
Sectrete (serotonin, dopamine)
Rarely divide
Which cells support the neurons?
Glial cells
5 properties of glial cells
In CNS and PNS smaller than neurons More of them 50:1 Do not conduct Not excitable
Protect and nourish neurons
Guide neurons in growth stage
What do microglial cells do?
Eat infections,
tidy up,
eat dead neurons
Trim dendrites
What do astrocyte cells do?
Filter blood
BBB Blood Brain Barrier
Structural support
What do Ependymal cells do?
Line ventricles of brain and spinal chord
Assist production of cerebral fluid
Assist circulation of cerebral fluid
What do Oligodendrocytes do?
Produce myelin sheath
Wrap their cytoplasmic extensions around nerve fibres
What does myelination mean?
Wrapped with myelin sheath
Which disorder effects the myelin sheath?
Multiple Sclerosis