Nephrology Flashcards
Benign Familial Hematuria
Thin Basement Membrane Nephropathy
Management of Edema in Minimal Change Disease
salt restriction
Most Common Cause of Hydronephrosis in infancy
Ureteropelvic junction obstruction
Coca Colored Urine + Viral Illness
IgA Nephropathy
Calcium Oxalate crystals, think
ethylene glycol ingestion (antifreeze)
What is deposited in anti-GBM disease
IgG and C3
What age to repair a hydrocele
1 year of age
ARPKD Features
Potter facies
palpable kidneys
hepatic fibrosis
Treatment of urethral prolapse
estrogen cream
PIGN Complement Levels
Low C3
normal C4
Inguinal Hernias should be repaired…
at diagnosis
hematuria at the ending of urinating in boys
When to being screening of proteinuria in DM
T1DM 3-5 years
T2DM at time of diagnosis
Hypoplasia or abscence of patella
Dystrophic Nails
Renal Disease
Nail-Patella Syndrome
Most Common Thrombosis Sites in Nephrotic Syndrome
Sagittal Sinus
Renal Vein